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Translation help..Christmas card in Polish

10 Dec 2015 /  #1
Im wanting to write out a message in a christmas card for my boyfriend...we have been dating a few months. im slowly understanding how to listen & speak in polish...I cant write in polish! Would someone be will to help me write him a message in polish for our first christmas together?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Dec 2015 /  #2
Here's one suggestion:

Życzę Ci Kochanie miłych i radosnych Świąt, tym radośniejszych, że spędzamy je razem i po raz pierwszy przełamiemy się opłatkiem.

Całuję Cię mocno mocno!
Twoja.......... (add your first name or the nickname he calls you)
OP LittleOne2201  
10 Dec 2015 /  #3
hey sorry..had a friend in need!

Could you translate that to english for me, please?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Dec 2015 /  #4

Życzę Ci Kochanie miłych i radosnych Świąt, tym radośniejszych, że spędzamy je razem i po raz pierwszy przełamiemy się opłatkiem.

Całuję Cię mocno mocno!
Darling, I wish you pleasant and joyful Holidays, all the more joyful since we will be spending them together and for the first time breaking and sharing the Christmas wafer*.

Loads of kisses!
Your...... (little partidge or whatever)

The sharing of the opłatek (a plain white wafer imprinted with nativity scenes) on Christmas Eve is the most intimate and tender moment of Polish Yuletide celebrations.
OP LittleOne2201  
10 Dec 2015 /  #5
dziękuję :)

I am determined to learn!! ....eventually I will!
14 Dec 2015 /  #6

I wanted to thank you again. I made the card and was extremely careful on my spelling, he loved it and was so happy I had thought enough to write it in polish for him.

I couldn't have written such beautiful words without you help. Dzięnkuję xx
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Dec 2015 /  #7

Polish Christmas in a nutshell:

Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Dec 2015 /  #8
Thanks Polly. That's lovely. Let's keep the Christmas spirit going though I have a feeling some people would probably like to organise a Christmas lynching and have us strung up among the fairy lights!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Dec 2015 /  #9

Nie ma za co (Don't mention it!) BTW there's no "n" in dziękuję. The little nasalising squiggle (˛) under the letter "ę" does the job.

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