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How many tenses can be used for "pojechac"

Ahmet  1 | 5  
3 May 2010 /  #1
Hey people.I'm a Polish student from Turkey.I need to find out how many tenses can u be used for a dokonany form,like the word pojechać. As far as i know it's only for ended things & if it's certain u gonna do it like be going to do.Please help me out with this,i really need to know
3 May 2010 /  #2
Dokonane verbs do not have present tense, but you're fine to go with the other two: pojechałem, pojechałe/aś, pojechał(a), pojechaliśmy, pojechaliście, pojechali/ły; pojadę, pojedziesz, pojedzie, pojedziemy, pojedziecie, pojadą.

(Also note that there is a verb pojeżdżać, but it exists only in tennagers' newspeech/slang and is by no standard correct in any official form of the language.)
OP Ahmet  1 | 5  
3 May 2010 /  #3
O.k. thank u so much for the answer.But i'm confused a lil' bit.The only tense we can use pojeachać is prensent tense? Can't we use it like "be going to" ? n.p- Oczywiście pojadę na seminarium o piątej ? can't we use it like this?

i'm asking it because my teacher wanted us to find it till tomorrow.
i know dokonane verbs are for past tense but can i use dokonane verbs for any other tense like czas prsysły?can u please give me any example.
Polish Tutor  - | 78  
3 May 2010 /  #4
What are you talking about Król?!

I am not surprised that you are confused Ahmed.
Let's make it clear and logical:

jechać (imperfective) pojechać (perfective)

imperfective verbs bulid the present tense, the future tense and the past tense.

the present tense:
ja jadę, ty jedziesz, on/ona/ono jedzie
my jedziemy, wy jedziecie, oni jadą

the future tense
ja będę jechać, ty będziesz jechać, on/ona/ono będzie jechać
my będziemy jechać, wy będziecie jechać, oni/one będą jechać

There is also another another the future tense form
ja będę jechał, ty będziesz jechał, on będzie jechał
ja będę jechała, ty będziesz jechała, ona będzie jechała
ono będzie jechało

my będziemy jechali, wy będziecie jechali, oni będą jechali
my będziemy jechały, wy będziecie jechały, one będziecie jechały

both future tense paterns for imperfective verbs mean exacly the same

the past tense
ja jechałem, ty jechałeś, on jechał
ja jechałam, ty jechałaś, ona jechała
ono jechało
my jechaliśmy, wy jechaliście, oni jechali
my jechałyśmy, wy jechałyście, one jechały

perfective verbs bulild only the future tense and the past tense

future tense
ja pojadę, ty pojedziesz, on pojedzie
my pojedziemy, wy pojedziecie, oni pojadą

!!! To bulid the future tense of perfective verbs we use the same endings we use to build the present tense of imperfective verbs. It is dificult but logical. Pay attention and analyse


the past tense
ja pojechałem, ty pojechałeś, on pojechał
ja pojechałam, ty pojechałaś, ona pojechała
ono pojechało
my pojechaliśmy, wy pojechaliście, oni pojechali
my pojechałyśmy, wy pojechałyście, one pojechały

Everything should be clear and logical!
OP Ahmet  1 | 5  
3 May 2010 /  #5
Polish Tutor thank you so much for ur post.
Can u please write a simple sentence using pojecjać to make it clear ?
Is it true that we can use dk verbs for "to be going to" form?
Polish Tutor  - | 78  
3 May 2010 /  #6
Adam jutro pojedzie do Warszawy.

it means:

Adam will go tomorrow to Warszawa. or Adam is going to go to Warszawa tomorrow.

Polish is logical do not forget it! If your course book or teacher say somthing different just do not trust them (-:

The difference between imperfective and perfective verbs is essential.
It is very logical but complex.

But do not forget Polish is logical!
OP Ahmet  1 | 5  
3 May 2010 /  #7
=)thank u so much mate. I should believe my teacher cuz she's Polish&really working so hard for us to learn Polish=)
Today she asked if pojechac can be used in future tense ,than i answered no,she said are u sure?i said yes =) than she talked the class said i want everybody to find out the answer =) than i thought i should ask on this forum=)

actually i'm trying to contact to polish people but nobody wants to talk back to me:D
Polish Tutor  - | 78  
3 May 2010 /  #8
Ahmet I will be ohnest with you (-:
It souns like an advetisment but anyway.
I heard so stupid things about Polish from Polish people and anfortunately from Polish teacher too that I am not suprised that foreigners think that Polish is not to learn.

But do not give up! I taught Umit a guy from Stambul. He started to speak after three months. I lives in Krakow now.

Do not give up and remeber Polish is logical!
OP Ahmet  1 | 5  
4 May 2010 /  #9
I know it's really hard but i dont think about giving up=)But sometimes it got me thinkin what i'm gonna do with Polish,can i find a job... .Sorry for asking again and again but did i get right ? We use dk only for perfective past and certain future ?

Maybe we could meet in Poland if i go there someday with erasmus or sth = )
Do u know any way that i can talk to u people so i'll get better ? I'm tryin to add people from facebook & myspace but it doenst work =)
Polish Tutor  - | 78  
4 May 2010 /  #10
We use both perfective and imperfective to express the future and the past.
You have to understand the defference imperfective versus perfective.
It is not dificult but complex.
I do not now how to meet other Polish people but I know that I teach presently via Skype people from Europe, West America, South America and Australia. (-:
OP Ahmet  1 | 5  
4 May 2010 /  #11
O.k. i understand.It's difficult cuz it's complex :D You do it for money? or is it free?
Polish Tutor  - | 78  
4 May 2010 /  #12
The point is to explain it I have to spend 1 hour typing. Then you would have further question. (-:
I is to much to do it for free.
What is more I do not use perfective and imperfecive notions to explain this problem.
I thin it is too confusing.
If you have short question I can answer it for free no problem. But I teach Polish for living I invented my teaching method and I sell it not donate it (-:

If you order two 45-minute lessons you will know everything about imperfrctive-perfective verbs you need to speak Polish. If not I can help ypou a bit if it does not take to much time.

These are my rules my friend (-:
5 May 2010 /  #13
In addition to "jechać" and "pojechać", there's also "jeżdźić", which is perfective:


Polish Tutor  - | 78  
5 May 2010 /  #14
Sorry Lyzko you have made mistake:


ja jeżdżę, ty jeździsz, on/ona/ono jeździ
my jeździmy wy jeździcie oni/one jeżdżą

All Polish verbs of motion build a very consitent system:


Do not mix it with imperfective versus perfective.
All verbs mentioned above are imperfective.

You need to know this system if you do not know you think is Polish verbs of motion are chaotic. But they of course are not (-:
5 May 2010 /  #15

Może być nigdy nie widziałem moich błędów ortograficznych. Reguły znam.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
5 May 2010 /  #16
All verbs mentioned above are imperfective.

5 May 2010 /  #17
Perhaps then here 'determinate' (iść)/'indeterminate' (pójść) vs. 'iterative' (chodzić) would be more useful, relying for simplicity's sake on the English grammatical terms.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
7 May 2010 /  #18
Perhaps then here 'determinate' (iść)/'indeterminate' (pójść) vs. 'iterative' (chodzić)

I think most grammar books would say:

iść - determinate imperfect
pójść - determinate perfect
chodzić - indeterminate imperfect

But pójść is not extremely important. You can express future with iść as well (jutro idziemy do kina).
Polish Tutor  - | 78  
7 May 2010 /  #19
Sorry but I do not agree with you SzwedwPolsce “pójść” is very important because it is very often used.

When Polish native speakers imperfective and perfectiveverbs?

In the present tense we use only imperfective verbs.

In the past tense and in the future tens we use rather perfective verbs. If you want to use an imperfective verbs in the future tense or in the past tense you have to justify it.

BTW I hate names imperfective and perfective.

It is much better to call imperfective verbs >>> process verbs
And perfective verbs >>> result verbs.

Official theory about imperfective vesus perfective verbs is fucked up in my humble opinion (-:
8 May 2010 /  #20
Many German texts for Polish learners, in fact, call imperfective verbs "Prozessverben", perfective verbs "Resultativverben", so your point is well taken in this regard:-)
imano  10 | 42  
17 Jul 2014 /  #21
Merged: Is the Polish tense right in this sentence?

udało mi się uniknąk mandatu.

or maybe there's a better way of saying "i succeeded in dodging being fined"
gumishu  15 | 6227  
17 Jul 2014 /  #22
udało mi się uniknąć mandatu.

it's very good indeed
kpc21  1 | 746  
17 Jul 2014 /  #23
After this correction it's the best one possible.
imano  10 | 42  
17 Jul 2014 /  #24
great guys. thanks. after all i know some polish :P :P.

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