but im i right about the concept of seen
you can say:
Widziałem ten film
Obejrzałem ten film (I've watched that movie)
Zobaczyłem ten film would be the least correct but in some context may be ok. Zobaczyć means rather to notice or to spot.
czy pan zobaczyłeś - have you seen
Czy pan zobaczył would be gramatically correct
but it should be Czy pan
widziałkiedy masz zobacz - what have you seen
kiedy = when
masz = you have is sense to own.
In polish language you have 3 tenses: past, present, future. We don't have perfect tenses. Don't translate literally the grammar from english into polish. These 2
different languages. You don'r have a modal verb "to have" in polish (as in polish there is no present perfect tense). You should first study grammar a little bit :)
what have you seen = co widziałeś
what movie have you seen = jaki film widziełeś - literally: which movie (you) saw