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How to say Merry Christmas in Polish?

26 Dec 2007 /  #31
my daughter is named after her grandmother from Poland Sophia what is it exactly in polish

Sophia (Pol. Zofia) is not originally Polish. It's from Greek, meaning wise. It's the same name as Sophie in English.
"Sophia" is part of the word "philosophia" (Eng. philosophy), meaning love of wisdom.
pbmicko  - | 1  
23 Mar 2008 /  #32
I want to say these words .And I want to lesten sound.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
23 Mar 2008 /  #33
Hello! I was wondering how to say Merry Christmas in Polish

Christmas...bloody hell......i thought it was only easter....where did the year go to.......
23 Oct 2008 /  #34
Wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia...
It is easy.
ł= oy
ch= h ([
ś= si (say it quickly)
ą= on
że= je (in france je)
dz= j (

It is banalnes!

cze= ch (
ś= si (say it quickly)
ć= ci (say it quickly)

Say: 'w szebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w czczinie i szebrzeszyn z tego słynie'
'Szedł sasza suchą szosą szedł' Quick!!
When you say it, you are spoko ziom

What is in the polish 'siedym'?
23 Oct 2008 /  #35

siedem - seven
OP Guest  
14 Dec 2008 /  #36

"Wesolych Świąt"...............Merry Christmas !!Polish!

"Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku"...........Happy New Year !

I wish U'all a happy healthy 2009!

OP Guest  
16 Dec 2008 /  #37
I figured out that maybe [vesoweeh] for wesołych can help somebody:)
tmc  - | 2  
18 Dec 2008 /  #38
how do you say merry christmas and may god bless you

Also how do you say with LOVE
19 Dec 2008 /  #39
hay du schlampe
OP Guest  
19 Dec 2008 /  #40
Almost, but the 'z' is pronounced more like 'j' in french 'je suis', 'jusque a'
OP Guest  
19 Dec 2008 /  #41
what is the accents in wesolych swiat bozego narodzenia
helghast  2 | 30  
20 Dec 2008 /  #42
merry xmas as said in Poland

how to say merry Christmas and happy new year!! see you next year
love from....

to a female please.
its to a friend/girlfriend so would the love from be ok to add?
thanks very much
4 Dec 2009 /  #43
kind of like the spanish "y"? like "samantha y justin..."?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
4 Dec 2009 /  #44
If you want to know how something is pronounced use ivona, and choose the voice 'Ewa'.
Dominica  - | 2  
11 Dec 2009 /  #45
say merry christmas and happy new year!! see you next year
love from....

Wesołych Świat i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku. Do zobaczenia w następnym roku
Kochający ....
13 Dec 2009 /  #46
There are recorded pronunciations at this site: thepolskiblog.co.uk/2008/12/merry-christmas-in-polish-polish-your-polish-part-9/. Good luck!
gavij  - | 1  
18 Dec 2009 /  #47
xmas translations can u help

how do you say merry Christmas happy new year
how are you
please could you translate
Nika  2 | 507  
18 Dec 2009 /  #48

it is:

Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.
Co u Ciebie słychać?

nomaderol  5 | 726  
18 Dec 2009 /  #49
exactly what day does holiday start (works stop) in poland? 24 of dec.?
Nika  2 | 507  
19 Dec 2009 /  #50
well Christmas starts on 24th Dec, that's when we have Wigilia (PL Christmas dinner), however, it is a regular working day in PL.
Christmas holiday is 25&26 Dec and then back to work on the 27th Dec.
24 Dec 2009 /  #51
How do you say 'Merry Christmas to you too' in polish.
Barry  - | 5  
25 Dec 2009 /  #52
How do I say Merry Christmas in Polish

I want to send my girlfriend Xmas wishes, could someone please translate ?
Leonis  30 | 61  
21 Jan 2010 /  #53
And are these sentences (Wesołych Świąt and Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku) in Genitivus? Because I thought these sentences have to be in Accusativus.
Misha  - | 1  
10 Apr 2010 /  #54
thank you. my daughter is named after her grandmother from Poland Sophia what is it exactly in polish

22 Dec 2010 /  #55
English has that sound in words like television
23 Dec 2010 /  #56
Hello, can anyone tell me what that means?? It was on a polish christmas card I got. Thank you :)

Już nadeszły Święta niech nadzieja i radość zastukają
do Waszych drzwi, a Nowy Rok przyniesie pomyślność i szczeście na każdy nowy dzień
24 Dec 2010 /  #57
Już nadeszły Święta niech nadzieja i radość zastukają
do Waszych drzwi, a Nowy Rok przyniesie pomyślność i szczeście na każdy nowy dzień

Christmas is here, let hope and joy knock to your door and let New Year bring you prosperity and happiness on (in?) every new day.

Something like this anyway
musicwriter  5 | 87  
24 Dec 2010 /  #58
If any of you want to know the words of any of the old Polish carols, just post it on this site. I have words and notation for fifty-two kolędy (carols) in a songbook "Śpiewniczek" that was published in Warsaw in 1901.
11 Jan 2012 /  #59
Happy Holidays:Wesołych Świąt
Benjamin T. Ard  
22 Dec 2013 /  #60
Dobje or Dobjhe ?? Thank you Ben Ardanowski 3rd Generation American of Polish Grand Parents... Dobshe ?? or Gin Dobri??

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