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Does pronunciation in Polish get easier with time?

15 Sep 2014 /  #1
Does it get easier to pronounce Polish? I've learned the alphabet and heard that's all you need to pronounce Polish but I still can't pronounce the words. Is it possible to lose your English accent when speaking Polish? Has anyone managed to?

Or is anyone else struggling like me?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
15 Sep 2014 /  #2
It is, but some theory which describes the pronunciation of Polish sounds and as a set of contrastive exercises is needed to that.
jon357  72 | 23522  
15 Sep 2014 /  #3
Is it possible to lose your English accent when speaking Polish? Has anyone managed to?

I'm not sure why you'd want to lose your English accent - it's very possible to pronounce Polish well with a British accent just as it's possible to pronounce English well with a Polish accent. Great Garbo pronounced English very well with a Swedish accent and there are many more similar examples.

The key, however, to good pronunciation is practice (a lot of practice) and not being afraid to sound a bit outrageous, even though it might not seem natural. Once you get used to forming the vowel sounds (and the soft consonants) you will be fine.
15 Sep 2014 /  #4
I would add: practicing speaking aloud. Alone or while walking,driving, etc.(then can be half-loud or in a whisper). Learning small fragments of text by heart, making sure every word is pronounced right, and pronouncing it aloud, over and over. A few sentences with new vocabulary every day. At first may require some meticulous work with a dictionary but after awhile, when the basic words soak in, it will be easy. The Schliemann's method, extremely effectual. He learned a language in half a year. Spoke fluently forty or so, including Russian.
Gaucho  2 | 49  
18 Sep 2014 /  #5
Try courses that make you repeat after a native speaker like Rosetta Stone. I started with that and many have praised my lack of "american" accent.
OP learningpolish  
24 Feb 2015 /  #6
My pronunciation is still so bad :O
TheStranger  - | 28  
24 Feb 2015 /  #7
Is it possible to lose your English accent when speaking Polish? Has anyone managed to?

Don't even think about it!!

You'll loose your sexiness, when you get rid of your accent!! :-)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
24 Feb 2015 /  #8
You surely have no English accent if you spell "loose" like that
TheStranger  - | 28  
25 Feb 2015 /  #9
Oh, thank you very much for correcting me, Wulkan. Unfortunately I can't edit it now.
I'm not a so-called "native Speaker", so mistakes in my posts can appear. (And I'm sure, you already found some in this post :-) )

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