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Email Translation for my genealogical inquiry in Poland

Koach  16 | 128  
16 Oct 2018 /  #1

I received a reply from the state archives in Przemysl for my genealogical inquiry. I would appreciate a translation, please.

Wasze pismo z dnia: Wasz znak: Nasz znak: Data:
23.05.2018 OIU.6344.166.2018 09-10-2018
Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu w odpowiedzi na Pani pismo uprzejmie
informuje, że przedmiotowe poszukiwania można prowadzić w zespole akt:
Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Greckokatolickiej w Łubnie z lat 1835-1874, 1885-1907,
sygn.1 Księga metrykalna urodzeń z lat 1885-1907.
Archiwum Greckokatolickiego Biskupstwa w Przemyślu 1291-1946,
sygn.6882 Kopie ksiąg metrykalnych parafii Łubno (dekanat Dynów) z lat 1875-1899.
Jednocześnie informujemy, że poszukiwania prowadzone za naszym pośrednictwem
są odpłatne, gdzie koszt 1 godziny poszukiwań w aktach niezależnie od wyniku wynosi 40,00
zł. Istnieje możliwość wstępnego zadeklarowania limitu godzin jaki jest Pani skłonna opłacić.
Informujemy, że może Pani samodzielnie skorzystać z zasobu tutejszego Archiwum,
bezpłatnie w terminie dowolnym w godzinach urzędowania Archiwum Państwowego w
Przemyślu, bezpośrednio w czytelni po dopełnieniu formalności przewidzianych przepisami
(należy wypełnić "zgłoszenie użytkownika zasobu", oraz wypełnić rewersy na wytypowane
przez siebie akta). Czytelnia jest czynna codziennie od godz. 8.30-15.30 (czwartki dodatkowo
do godz. 17.30). Zamówienia na akta są przyjmowane o stałych porach o godz. 9.00, 11.00,
13.00, zamówienia złożone po godz.13.00 są realizowane w dniu następnym.
Jeżeli jest Pani zainteresowana prowadzeniem poszukiwań za naszym pośrednictwem
na ww. zasadach, prosimy o potwierdzenie.
Alexbrz  3 | 78  
18 Oct 2018 /  #2
Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Oct 2018 /  #3
Bascially they're telling you that it costs 40 zl per hour with a minimum charge of 40 zl, for them to search the archives on your behalf, but that if you can go there in person it's free of charge. They ask you to confirm if you want them to search.

They don't mention the specifics of how to pay, but usually with Poland it's via bank transfer to an account number that they give you.
OP Koach  16 | 128  
18 Oct 2018 /  #4
Thank you. I am in the U.S. Can I do this currency exchange to them with Wells Fargo.
Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Oct 2018 /  #5
I would imagine so as it's a bank. By the way they also say that you can book a certain number of hours research in advance but I would say just book the minimum. Get back to them, ask for the minimum and wait for their reply to see what payment options are offered. If you have any questions about the payment process Wells Fargo should be able to advise you. Just watch out for bank charges as they can be almost as much as the transfer itself, when you're only sending a small amount. However that's something you have to check with your bank.

You really should use Google translate as nobody here will translate all the communications you receive in the detail you need. Google isn't great but it will give you the general idea. Do you know how to copy and paste text? That's all you have to do. Just copy the text and paste it into the page that the other poster provided a link to. The translation will come up on the right hand side of the screen.
MoOli  9 | 479  
18 Oct 2018 /  #6
Can I do this currency exchange to them with Wells Fargo.

Yes you certainly can,but the exchange rate will be real ****** and they will charge you transaction fee of 100$(as I remember).
OP Koach  16 | 128  
18 Oct 2018 /  #7
I will ask about their minimum. Is there a cheaper alternative than Wells Fargo?

Is this a good translation for my email?

Jakie są minimalne liczby, o które należy prosić o badania? Jakie opcje płatności są dostępne? Mieszkam w stanach zjednoczonych.
MoOli  9 | 479  
18 Oct 2018 /  #8
Westernunion,I found to be cheaper if the money if cashed at a good kantor if delivered in Zlots,unless it is delivered in $ itself as sent.
Atch  22 | 4299  
19 Oct 2018 /  #9
@ Koach, you don't really need the first bit of your query as they've already told you that. There is a minimum charge of 40 zl. Thereafter it costs 40zl per hour (or part of presumably). Obviously I don't know how much information you're seeking about your family or how long it'll take them to search.

Is there a cheaper alternative than Wells Fargo?

Get as much information as you can from their website as you can waste a lot of time waiting to get replies to emails. I can see that the query you originally sent was back in May! It could be next year before they reply to your latest query. The information you wanted is on their website actually, here on this page:


You should really learn how to copy and paste text and use Google Translate. It will save you loads of time and make your research more enjoyable :) I know a foreign language can look a bit overwhelming but with translation software you can make sense of it. At the bottom of the page they give the bank account numbers for sending money to. Here's the translation:

The bank account numbers of the State Archives in Przemyśl

Note: In the title of the transfer, please provide the case number.
An account to which you must pay for the services listed in the price list above:

National Bank of Poland Branch in Rzeszów

NBPLPLPW 43 1010 1528 0063 0522 3100 0000
The account to which the payment associated with sending microfilms should be made

National Bank of Poland Branch in Rzeszów

NBPLPLPW 43 1010 1528 0063 0522 3100 0000
Account of the Municipal Office in Przemyśl, for which stamp duties are to be paid

Getin Noble Bank S.A.

89 1560 0013 2787 7120 6000 0003

And here's information on how to send money to a bank account in Europe using Western Union, USA.


With the information I've given you, you should be well able to carry on from here. Best of luck.

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