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'Odwalam się' - few questions

SidWolf  2 | 34  
28 Jan 2011 /  #1
My research leads me to believe that this means 'piss off', but I want to know if there are alternative uses of this phrase? What does it literally mean? It's a 1st person reflexive right? Is the verb used in 2nd/3rd person ever? What's the infinitive? etc.. etc... all information would be appreciated.
jablko  - | 104  
28 Jan 2011 /  #2
it sounds more like ' I'm pissing off ' haha, though its not correct in english. I cant remember if I've ever heard such phrase. I think it translates as ' i'm gone ' as a response to 'piss off'

piss off is odwal się.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
28 Jan 2011 /  #3
My research leads me to believe that this means 'piss off'

Piss off! = Spierdalaj!
Slightly less offensive would be "spierniczaj" or "spieprzaj" and least offensive: "odwal się", "spadaj", "zjeżdżaj", "spływaj", "zwiewaj" or "zmykaj" but this is in 1st person meaning "I'm Outta Here!" same as "zmykam", "spływam", "zwiewam".
OP SidWolf  2 | 34  
28 Jan 2011 /  #4
Arghhhhh, google translate successfully ruined my evening. Thanks for your help. ;)
28 Jan 2011 /  #5
What's the infinitive?

odwalić perf or odwalać imperf

Is the verb used in 2nd/3rd person ever?

Ja odwalam, ty odwalasz, on odwala, ona odwala, my odwalamy, wy odwalacie, oni odwalają

What does it literally mean?

to remove, to roll aside but also colloquially to hurddle over a job. If you add reflexive się it will mean get out or beat it

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