'oblatany' - can have a couple of meanings - the colloquial one is 'well versed in', 'well accustomed to'
Gumishu suggested the other meaning of "oblatany" but has not delivered it yet. This word has many meanings, Chaza. Here are some most obvious:
oblatywacz = test pilot
oblatywać samolot = testing an airplane
oblatany samolot, szybowiec = an airplane, a glider, that has been well tested
oblecieć coś dookoła (pies obleciał budę dookoła) = to run around something (a dog ran around the doghouse)
oblecieć trasę = to fly around a route
"Warunki na wschodzie okazały się na tyle dobre, że większość pilotów
obleciała swoje trasy jeszcze wczesnym popołudniem i postanowiła je przedłużyć."
"Conditions in the east turned out to be good enough that most pilots still
flew around their routes in the early afternoon and decided to extend them"
On the other hand "they have flown across" translates as "przelecieć" not "oblecieć".
And there are of course:
"odlecieć" - fly away,
"dolecieć" - fly into, arrive,
most pilots still flew around their routes
I meant "have flown around", not "still flew around". (perfect, not imperfect)
I have let the Google to translate the phrase and I did not check it carefully enough, sorry.