I don't know much Polish and am using Google Translate to try to get a general sense of an article about economics, written by Tadeusz Brzeski in 1936 ("O METODZIE W EKONOMJI")
I have run across the phrase "w tern" twice and have become curious about what it means. In one case, Google Translate says "in tern" which isn't too helpful! In the other case, I'm not sure which part of the translation corresponds to "w tern"! I've Googled it and found numerous uses, but can't find any consistent meaning that fits all of them. Here are the two uses in the article I'm reading, along with the translation from Google Translate:
w tern też dopatrywać się można uzasadnienia wypowiadanej niejednokrotnie zasady "zdrowego rozsądku", jako kryterjum zgodności z rzeczywistością lub powoływania się na "pospolite doświadczenie" (gemeine Erfahrung u Wiesera), jako na metodę badania.
in tern you can also see the justification of the rule of "common sense" repeatedly, as a criterion of compliance with reality or after invoking the "common experience" (gemeine Erfahrung at Wieser), as a method of research.
Uważamy to za zasadnicze założenie metodyczne, idąc w tern w głównych zarysach za wzorem ekonomii klasycznej;
We consider this to be a fundamental cultural assumption, going in the main outlines following the model of classical economics;
I have run across the phrase "w tern" twice and have become curious about what it means. In one case, Google Translate says "in tern" which isn't too helpful! In the other case, I'm not sure which part of the translation corresponds to "w tern"! I've Googled it and found numerous uses, but can't find any consistent meaning that fits all of them. Here are the two uses in the article I'm reading, along with the translation from Google Translate:
w tern też dopatrywać się można uzasadnienia wypowiadanej niejednokrotnie zasady "zdrowego rozsądku", jako kryterjum zgodności z rzeczywistością lub powoływania się na "pospolite doświadczenie" (gemeine Erfahrung u Wiesera), jako na metodę badania.
in tern you can also see the justification of the rule of "common sense" repeatedly, as a criterion of compliance with reality or after invoking the "common experience" (gemeine Erfahrung at Wieser), as a method of research.
Uważamy to za zasadnicze założenie metodyczne, idąc w tern w głównych zarysach za wzorem ekonomii klasycznej;
We consider this to be a fundamental cultural assumption, going in the main outlines following the model of classical economics;