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What does it mean? - A Polish language game for foreigners

4 eigner  2 | 816  
16 Oct 2012 /  #31
I was trying to explain it more than translate it as exact translations, usually don't work anyway.
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #32
One more and go to bed :)

groch z kapustą
4 eigner  2 | 816  
16 Oct 2012 /  #33
groch z kapustą

16 Oct 2012 /  #34
so it's more like f/ck off

No..*blush * I think that is like perdol? operdalc sie?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
16 Oct 2012 /  #35
operdalc sie

= f/ck off as far as I know
Rysavy  10 | 306  
16 Oct 2012 /  #36
groch z kapustą

some kind of food? something with cabbage?

I do pay attention to words that are food I like >_<
warszawianka  - | 31  
16 Oct 2012 /  #37
as exact translations, usually don't work anyway

Isn't that the beauty, though? It's just the idea or tradition that gives it the meaning.

Like this is an old one "jak tobie powiem co sie stalo, to chyba okocis sie"
or how about:
"czym sie nie naje, tym sie nie nalize"
"to nudne jak flaki z olejem"

There are some funny phrases and they don't even have to be risque or adult to be entertaining : D
Rysavy  10 | 306  
16 Oct 2012 /  #38
"to nudne jak flaki z olejem

More food! is nudne dull? so boring? boring as tripe and oil?

(( but fry it long enough and add salt and you have chicharrónes..a great snack!))
strzyga  2 | 990  
16 Oct 2012 /  #39
być w lesieto be an underachiever comparing with someone else?

not quite. skip the comparison part, you don't need to compare to anybody else in order to być w lesie.
- Jak ci idzie pisanie raportu?
- Jestem w lesie...
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #40
Zazulka: groch z kapustąsome kind of food? something with cabbage?

Ale mam groch z kapustą w tych papierach.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
16 Oct 2012 /  #41
I was thinking last night maybe like..Kase? then mash...

You added paper, so crumple kinda

But crumple and mash are specific actions..... so maybe means Crush? crushed?

edit: I liked it better when it as literally cabbage...yum
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #42
Zazulka: Ale mam groch z kapustą w tych papierach.
I was thinking last night maybe like..Kase? then mash... You added paper, so crumple kindaBut crumple and mash are specific actions..... so maybe means Crush? crushed?loledit: I liked it better when it as literally cabbage...yum

W głowie mam groch z kapustą
rybnik  18 | 1444  
16 Oct 2012 /  #43
a mish-mash, lightly confused

Jak ci idzie pisanie raportu?
- Jestem w lesie...

lost sort of? still in the dark?
Rysavy  10 | 306  
16 Oct 2012 /  #44
W głowie mam groch z kapustą

mashed in the head so

4 eigner got it earlier >_< .... probably means confused
4 eigner  2 | 816  
17 Oct 2012 /  #45
4 eigner got it earlier >_< .... probably means confused

indeed, thx Rysavy :-)
Zazulka  3 | 128  
17 Oct 2012 /  #46
groch z kapustą
a mish-mash, a mess

Mam w torebce groch z kapusta. Nic nie mogę znaleźć.
Ta twoja kolekcja to groch z kapustą . Okropny w niej bałagan.
W dzisieszym wydaniu gazety rozrywkowy groch z kapustą.
Uczyłam sie do egzaminu całą noc, a dziś mam w głowie groch z kapustą.
Ta twoja opowieść to groch z kapustą. Kupy się nie trzyma.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
17 Oct 2012 /  #47
a dziś mam w głowie groch z kapustą.

in this case, it means confusion, right?
Zazulka  3 | 128  
17 Oct 2012 /  #48
and for tonight:

być na wylocie
rżnąć głupa
pocałować klamkę
4 eigner  2 | 816  
17 Oct 2012 /  #49
rżnąć głupa

pretend you don't know something, right?

pocałować klamkę

nobody is/was home and you kissed the door??? LOL

być na wylocie

right before you leave?
Zazulka  3 | 128  
17 Oct 2012 /  #50
Zazulka: a dziś mam w głowie groch z kapustą.

in this case, it means confusion, right?

It's more like an overload of information, a mish -mash of information that hasn't been processed properly that causes some sort of confusion. More like a big mess in your head.

Zazulka: rżnąć głupa

pretend you don't know something, right?

Zazulka: pocałować klamkę

nobody is/was home and you kissed the door??? LOL

Zazulka: być na wylocie

right before you leave?

yey!!! We've got a winner !!

and some more:

ubzdryngolić się
wsio ryba
ceregielić się
gęba w kubeł
4 eigner  2 | 816  
17 Oct 2012 /  #51
a mish -mash of informationthat hasn't been processed properly that causes some sort of confusion. More like a big mess in your head.

Sorry Zazulka, to me it still looks like confusion ;-)

wsio ryba

all the same?

gęba w kubeł

shut up?

ubzdryngolić się

get wasted? (really drunk)

ceregielić się

??? (I'll try to figure it out, LOL)

ceregielić się

OK, got it. It means "to treat with kid gloves" but I have to admit, I didn't know it, found it online though.
Zazulka  3 | 128  
17 Oct 2012 /  #52
Zazulka: a mish -mash of information that hasn't been processed properly that causes some sort of confusion. More like a big mess in your head.

Sorry Zazulka, to me it still looks like confusion ;-)

Yes, you can call it a confusion but for eg. you can't say that people with dementia who are confused have a groch z kapustą w głowie. You can say you have groch z kapustą if I gave you 5 different ways how to get to a specific destination you are asking about and you still don't know how to get there. Do you feel the difference? It's more like a confusion due to too much infomation, conflicting messages.
strzyga  2 | 990  
17 Oct 2012 /  #53
Jestem w lesie...lost sort of? still in the dark?

more or less. not up to it yet. most of the work still remains to be done.

4 eigner

You're really good :)

One for today: leśne dziadki
4 eigner  2 | 816  
17 Oct 2012 /  #54
but for eg. you can't say that people with dementia who are confused have a groch z kapustą w głowie.

of course not, they're ill.

Do you feel the difference?

yes, thx anyway :-)

You're really good :)

One for today: leśne dziadki

thx strzyga

and "lesne dziadki" = backwards in the meaning of someone who's not quite up to date, right?
Zazulka  3 | 128  
17 Oct 2012 /  #55
wsio ryba
Co chcesz na obiad? Kartofle czy makaron? Bo dla mnie wsio ryba.

gęba w kubeł
Powiem ci coś w sekrecie, ale gęba w kubeł bo to tajemnica

ubzdryngolić się

Tak się ubzdryngoliłem na weselu, że domu nie dałem rady wrócić

ceregielić się

Co się ceregielisz? Bierz golonkę na talerz i walcz.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
17 Oct 2012 /  #56
wsio ryba
Co chcesz na obiad? Kartofle czy makaron? Bo dla mnie wsio ryba.

OK, I got that 1 right

gęba w kubeł
Powiem ci coś w sekrecie, ale gęba w kubeł bo to tajemnica

shut up, don't talk about it

ubzdryngolić się

Tak się ubzdryngoliłem na weselu, że domu nie dałem rady wrócić

right. Means get wasted (drunk)
warszawianka  - | 31  
17 Oct 2012 /  #57
Bierz golonkę na talerz i walcz

It's not nice to fight with a golonka. Pork is our friend : )

Hey, I thought pocalowac klamke is like the last goodbye. Like a kiss-off. Like the day you move out of your house forever, never to return. Or graduation day. You kiss the doorknob of the classroom goodbye. No?
18 Oct 2012 /  #58
może znacie autora tej wypowiedzi?

nic mnie to nie obchodzi nie zajmuje wcale a wcale żeby nie rzec dosadniej : mam na to -wy***ane- (*brakujące litery)
22 Oct 2012 /  #59
Hey, I thought pocalowac klamke is like the last goodbye. Like a kiss-off. Like the day you move out of your house forever, never to return. Or graduation day. You kiss the doorknob of the classroom goodbye. No?

Pocałować klamkę you can use when you go for expample to visit your friends, but he isn't home, so you have to go back.

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