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What does it mean? - A Polish language game for foreigners

pgtx  29 | 3094  
15 Oct 2012 /  #1
What does it mean: Pić duszkiem wodę.
markw  1 | 14  
15 Oct 2012 /  #2
To drink something? To have a drink
Rysavy  10 | 306  
15 Oct 2012 /  #3
Something with water? I know I like gazowana wodę mineralną
4 eigner  2 | 816  
15 Oct 2012 /  #4
Pić duszkiem wodę.

Drink water quick?
OP pgtx  29 | 3094  
15 Oct 2012 /  #5
Pić wodę means: to drink water. You guys are correct.

But the key word here is "duszkiem".

What does it mean in the above sentence?

4eigner is correct :)
4 eigner  2 | 816  
15 Oct 2012 /  #6

quick? fast?

4eigner is correct :)

markw  1 | 14  
15 Oct 2012 /  #7
Pić wodę means: to drink water. You guys are correct.

But the key word here is "duszkiem".

What does it mean in the above sentence?

I see thank you. Still learning
OP pgtx  29 | 3094  
15 Oct 2012 /  #8
Good job guys :)

What does it mean: Małgosia miała na sobie fajną kieckę?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
15 Oct 2012 /  #9
What does it mean: Małgosia miała na sobie fajną kieckę?

Malgosia, wore a nice dress or was wearing a nice dress (not sure)
OP pgtx  29 | 3094  
15 Oct 2012 /  #10
Yes, 4eigner!
Do you wanna give it a try?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
15 Oct 2012 /  #11
Do you wanna give it a try?

try what?
OP pgtx  29 | 3094  
15 Oct 2012 /  #12
Post a sentence.

Carry on people :) G'night.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
15 Oct 2012 /  #13
All I picked out was :

NAME..word..word...word... nice skirt

Dress.... I'l remember that... eventually
4 eigner  2 | 816  
15 Oct 2012 /  #14
Post a sentence.

Maybe tomorrow, I need to catch some sleep now.

Angelika100  - | 3  
15 Oct 2012 /  #15
It means drink very quickly because you are very thirsty, it can mean "gulp down", some sort of that:))
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #16
What does it mean: boki zrywać ?
warszawianka  - | 31  
16 Oct 2012 /  #17
boki zrywać

guard your -- alleys, sidelines, sides, like cover your bases
probably not the answer

never mind i thought that was krywac

boki zrywac means torn up (like tearing up your sides/split your sides from laughter)
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #18
and another one: wybałuszać gały

boki zrywac means torn up (like tearing up your sides/split your sides from laughter)

Yes. Laughing very hard
Oglądam film, że boki zrywać. (funny movie)
Usłyszałam dzisiaj taką historię, że boki zrywać ( funny story)
warszawianka  - | 31  
16 Oct 2012 /  #19
someone in my family (I think my sister) used to say "ze az boki mi sie zrywaly"
markw  1 | 14  
16 Oct 2012 /  #20
On the side of the something to you? To me?

and another one: wybałuszać gały

Something about eyes?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
16 Oct 2012 /  #21
wybałuszać gały

the look of surprise in one's eyes?
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #22
gwizdać na coś

Gwiżdżę na forsę.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
16 Oct 2012 /  #23
Gwiżdżę na forsę

don't care about money
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #24
good job guys !!!

and the last one and very hard: skichaj się
4 eigner  2 | 816  
16 Oct 2012 /  #25
skichaj się

leave me alone?
strzyga  2 | 990  
16 Oct 2012 /  #26
how about: być w lesie?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
16 Oct 2012 /  #27
być w lesie

to be an underachiever comparing with someone else?
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #28
Zazulka: skichaj się

leave me alone?

Nope. I said it was very hard.

Nie chcesz iść ze mną do kina to pójdę sama, a ty się skichaj.

Sam chcesz podnieść ten wielki kamień? Żebyś się nie skichał.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
16 Oct 2012 /  #29
Nope. I said it was very hard.

so it's more like f/ck off, I guess, LOL
Zazulka  3 | 128  
16 Oct 2012 /  #30
Zazulka: Nope. I said it was very hard.

so it's more like f/ck off, I guess, LOL

Not really.

kichać = to sneeze
skichaj się one could translate as go and sneeze a lot. Nothing rude or harsh in this sentence. This is more an expression of a little disappointment (skichaj się) or disbelieve (żebyś się nie skichał). Kids say it too.

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