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łania or klempa?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Apr 2012 /  #1
The words łania and klempa, as far as I know, are used to denote a female elk, however when applied to women, their emotional colouring greatly varies.

A łania i smsleek and graceful whilst a klempa is clumsy and oafish.
Did this come about only because of the sound of these words or for some other reason?
pawian  226 | 27558  
2 Apr 2012 /  #2
he words łania and klempa, as far as I know, are used to denote a female elk,


graceful łania

peevish klempa

gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Apr 2012 /  #3
as far as I know Polish ortography states its klępa not klempa
pawian  226 | 27558  
6 Apr 2012 /  #4
Yes, of course, klępa relates to an animal, while klempa to a peevish woman.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Apr 2012 /  #5
i'm not really sure 'klempa' is a dictionary word - if you asked me 'klępa' for a woman should be the same as for the elk mother (isn;t it just a figurative meaning when talking about a woman - so why a different ortography>)
boletus  30 | 1356  
6 Apr 2012 /  #6
£osza, łosica, także matka łoszaka. :-)

Even though dictionaries promote "klępa", not "klempa", the latter form still appears all over internet.

Apparently, such form was once acceptable.

Tu należy, z wymianą ię, ie, klępa, pogardliwa raczej nazwa 'krowy (starej)' i «kobiety', pisane i klempa ; u myśliwych 'samica łosia', prus. kente, 'krówsko'(?).


Supposedly Gombrowicz also used the form "klempa" in his "prnografia".

A quote from Władysław Reymont, Ziemia Obiecana:

Niech diabli wszystko wezmą, tu buta włożyć nie mogę, bo kłuje, ta klempa popaliła mi kołnierzyki, w domu piekło, tego już za wiele. Mateusz!

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