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kilka vs troche ?

indy912  3 | 15  
19 Aug 2014 /  #1
both mean some as far as i can tell ?
Cardno85  31 | 971  
19 Aug 2014 /  #2
Think of it as much and many in English, Kilka relates to things you can count and troche more to things you can't. That has always been my interpritaion.
Marysienka  1 | 195  
19 Aug 2014 /  #3
kilka is less than 11 more than 1 (for things you can count) troche is small amount of and mostly for things you can't count. Also kilka is always witch plural, while troche could be with either plural or singular.
OP indy912  3 | 15  
19 Aug 2014 /  #4
so if i had a glass of beer ...and some one asked if i wanted a drink i would say ... sumthing like nie moi percheyacello!! (forgot the way you write it ) , mam trohe piva!!(maybe piv?) ?

but if i had say ... 4 cans of beer i would say mam killka piva ?
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
20 Aug 2014 /  #5
mam trohe piva

yup but better sounds mam jeszcze trochę piwa

4 cans of beer i would say mam killka piva

yes but mam kilka piw not kilka piwa
Marysienka  1 | 195  
20 Aug 2014 /  #6
oh, cases we love them, ( but it seems nice, it's Genitiv)
piwo- singular - mam piwo(N), mam troche piwa(G)
piwa - plural - mam 2 piwa (N), mam kilka piw (G) ( kilka works like numbers over 5)
OP indy912  3 | 15  
20 Aug 2014 /  #7
if mam piwo is ( nomitive) why is mam troche piwa genitive ?
i do not understand what you mean by " killlka works like numbers over 5 " ?
i do not understand what " jeszcze " means either sorry

if you use troche or killka in a sentence does it make the noun a pluralbecause your offering a quantity , or maybe just killka ? or no to both ?
gumishu  15 | 6227  
20 Aug 2014 /  #8
if mam piwo is ( nomitive) why is mam troche piwa genitive ?

firstly in case of 'mam piwo' the actual case of piwo is Accusative it just happens to be the same in form as Nominative for piwo (and many neuter gender nouns) - it is because mam requires noun in Accusative

for your own use you can think trochę=some amount/number of - then you've got a sentence 'I have some amount of beer'- you should now clearly see why beer/piwo is in Genetive (of beer = Gen. of piwo = piwa)
20 Aug 2014 /  #9
i do not understand what " jeszcze " means either sorry

In this usage it basically means 'already' "I already have three beers".
Marysienka  1 | 195  
20 Aug 2014 /  #10
in Polish you have 1 piwo 2 piwa, 3 piwa, 4 piwa, 5 piw, 6 piw, kilka piw, 21 piw, 22 piwa, 100 piw, 102 piwa, 105 piw .... (kilkanaście piw, kilkadziesiąt piw, kilkaset piw) (kilkanaście "few-teen" 11-19, kilkadziedziąt "few-ty" 20-90. kilkaset " few hundreds"

firstly in case of 'mam piwo' the actual case of piwo is Accusative it just happens to be the same in form as Nominative for piwo (and many neuter gender nouns) - it is because mam requires noun in Accusative

Yes, this is what you get when you make up examples without thinking. (Sorry :( )
OP indy912  3 | 15  
21 Aug 2014 /  #11
- it is because mam requires noun in Accusative- ????

So is it accusative or genitive ?? mixed replys here.

i thought it would not be genitive because it is not using the " of " / " 's " rule .. so like , i have adam's beer .. would be genitive . or " beer of adam " but you are not using either of those two , or is genitive when saying that I , myself have anything ? i have cat i have beer , i have 24 pairs of shoes etc , if so what about we have ? or they have ? or you have ?

again cave man simpe answers would be great , apologies if your feel like you are teaching a brick wall here but it will sink in .

Thank you to any helpful replyers
Marysienka  1 | 195  
21 Aug 2014 /  #12
"Mam" or ("Mieć" in dictionary ) requires Accusative. ( For Polish native speakers Accusative is the case that answers " Who / What do I have" )

I mixed it with Nominative because it "looks the same " for Nominative- Piwo, Accusative Piwo Genitive Piwa,

It's Accusative no matter what you have or who has it, I have piwo, you have piwo I have wódkę You have wódkę, They have wódkę (wódkę= Accusative of wódka)

full declension of Few Beers--Beers--Beer
N-Kilka Piw-----------Piwa----Piwo-Trochę Piwa
G-Kilku Piw-----------Piw------Piwa
D-Kilku Piwom-------Piwom--Piwu
A-Kilka Piw-----------Piwa-----Piwo
I--Kilkoma Piwami--Piwami--Piwem
L-Kilku Piwach------Piwom---Piwie
V-Kilka Piw-----------Piwa-----Piwo

Now what you ask is

I Have Adam's Beer

Mam piwo Adama. (Piwo in Accusative, Adam in Genitive),

Accusative often looks same as Nominative, (There are rules for it , and you will get there)

Don't overthink it. Rosetta throws you complicated things.

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