Or 'Przeździecki'.
Having trouble pronouncing Polish words?
Try: "N - I - E - D - Ź - W - I - E - D - Ź" (five times fast!!)
13 Dec 2018 / #33
My family's original Polish surname was discovered in recent months. Any help with the correct pronunciation would be greatly appreciated.
The name is Bgalaschowski. Thank you!
Help Pronounce original Polish surname
My family's original Polish surname was discovered in recent months. Any help with the correct pronunciation would be greatly appreciated.
The name is Bgalaschowski. Thank you!
13 Dec 2018 / #34
(but it doesn't seem like original correct spelling; without the initial 'B' it would sound more proper in Polish, ie. Galaschowski = Gałaszowki). Perhaps the initial B was a first name letter.
(but it doesn't seem like original correct spelling; without the initial 'B' it would sound more proper in Polish, ie. Galaschowski = Gałaszowki). Perhaps the initial B was a first name letter.
Maybe there's a missing letter between the initial B and the G.