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Polish language grammar books

pan_jurek  2 | 5  
16 May 2008 /  #1
does anyone know of a book that offers concise polish grammar, with examples, and all the cases in the order of which they are taught? I have a german book that offers all of this, but i have yet to find a polish one. thanks
19 May 2008 /  #2
Try the following website:


Right-click on "Grammar in a Nutshell" and download a free PDF book.

Other good information on the site - it's worth exploring.... and maybe ebay too.
parrish  1 | 12  
19 May 2008 /  #3
Most old books are grammar focused, they typically only teach enough vocabulary to learn the grammar.
20 May 2008 /  #4
DelawareDoug - thanks for posting that! I've been searching for more learning resources for months and hadn't stumbled across the pitt class. Looks great so far!
HAL9009  2 | 323  
5 Jun 2008 /  #5
You will find some more links to useful free polish resources on this thread:

Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Jan 2009 /  #6
This is for Osioł. This made me laugh, what is the vocative of Thomas Cook?
jozek222  1 | 12  
8 Apr 2011 /  #7
[Moved from]: Polish grammar for Arab students

hello can any one help me how to find any polish grammars book for Arabs students and if i can download it from any websites .... \thank you
quatr0  1 | 7  
9 Apr 2011 /  #8
I found one which is called "Zwięzła gramatyka polska dla cudzoziemców" by Magdalena Foland - Kugler
It costs about 26,70PLN I guess. Check this out!
myjustyna  6 | 33  
14 May 2011 /  #9
[Moved from]: Antonyms book of Polish words?


Do you know of a downloadable ebook or site that has categorized important antonyms of Polish words, especially VERBS?
15 May 2011 /  #10
Put "antonimy" into google search box and you will find plenty of sites.
14 Mar 2012 /  #11
Merged: A decent Polish grammar book.

i have been learning polish for just over 2 years, but i learnt conversationally. i have taught myself to read and write polish, but am still struggling with grammar. i am fortunate in that i have a polish lodger who speaks no english, so on a daily basis i speak polish, and it is getting better. it is time to get a book on grammar, and the one that has been recommended is POLISH AN ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR by dana bielec. has anyone read this? is it any good? would especially like to hear from english people in maybe a similar situation. i would have to order it online, so would be grateful for any comments!
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
14 Mar 2012 /  #12
Have you seen this: polish-translator.net/Translation-Articles/
catsoldier  54 | 574  
14 Mar 2012 /  #13
POLISH AN ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR by dana bielec. has anyone read this? is it any good?

Hi Pam, I haven't read this book or bought it.

I think that Hurra Po Polsku 1 is the way to go for me.

The grammar is laid out in a way that should help you learn.
I think that the book is well laid out, for example the first case that you learn to use is accusative, I am not sure if this is because it is easier than the others or because it is needed before learning other things etc. but one this does lead to another, thought has gone into the layout of the book, what comes first etc.

It isn't a grammar book, it has a bit of everything that is needed to learn the language.
It is in Polish but you may know enough to manage or you could get a teacher to do lessons with you using this book.
kie  13 | 42  
14 Mar 2012 /  #14

I'd start with Basic Polish- A Grammar and Workbook, by the same author. You can also get in Intermediate Polish which is the next level up.

The one you are looking at is more for reference and is quite hard to work your way through. i.e. adjectives are dealt with on their own, then nouns seperately (may still be worth getting however). The two above also have exercises for you to work through and explains well how the grammar works.

Once you've gone through them it's worth getting a private tutor to go through the grammar. If you can, treat yourself to a course in Polska, it's the best way of learning really!

catsoldier  54 | 574  
14 Mar 2012 /  #15
treat yourself to a course in Polska

Hi Kieron,

Did you do a course in Poland? Where? What school? Did they teach you any great way to learn Polish easier?

GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
14 Mar 2012 /  #16
I use this one... it's quite good.

universitas.com.pl/ksiazka/Gramatyka__Dlaczego_nie____wicze nia_gramatyczne_dla_poziomu_A1_2843.html
Richfilth  6 | 415  
14 Mar 2012 /  #17
I wouldn't recommend Hurra Po Polsku. It's a coursebook designed for a class, so there's group exercises and teacher-led learning. It's not a self-study book, and you won't get the full value from it.

The books kie recommends are by Dana Bielec, and are much better at explaining the grammar of the language. You can complement this with exercises from Gramatyka? Dlaczego nie?!, a book by Universitas publishing.
kie  13 | 42  
14 Mar 2012 /  #18
Hello. Yes, I did a two week course one 2 one. I cant remember the name of the school, but I hear Prolog in Krakow is good.

This meant you could really focus on grammar and do grammar drills. It's really hard to understand and practice the grammar without the help of a tutor. Maybe you can get one for two hours a week where you live?
catsoldier  54 | 574  
14 Mar 2012 /  #19
This meant you could really focus on grammar and do grammar drills. It's really hard to understand and practice the grammar without the help of a tutor.

Did you learn any new ways to learn? Any new techniques/methods? Teachers have different methods or bad ones have no method. I am asking for the impossible I think, there is probably only a few ways to learn stuff and everyone knows them already, hard word, repititon, practice etc. and in the case of languages speaking.
14 Mar 2012 /  #20
thanks for everyones replies. very much appreciated.need to have a think about this now. catsoldier, i know your polish is much better than mine and hurrah po polsku is written in polish.aah will have problem!! peter olsztyn, looked at link earlier, and hadnt seen it before...interesting!!
Ziutek  9 | 160  
15 Mar 2012 /  #21
In my opinion this is the best and it is also free: polish.slavic.pitt.edu/grammar.pdf

And while I'm on the subject, the main site (polish.slavic.pitt.edu) is a treasure trove of useful resources,
Including a dictionary that gives you the cases of nouns and adjectives and the conjugations of verbs. Oscar Swan, the author, is a hero of Polish language teaching!
Varsovian  91 | 634  
16 Mar 2012 /  #22
I like the spelling mistake in the acknowledgements: "The entire manuscript benefitted from the careful reading ... "

Ha ha ha! You couldn't make it up!
Ziutek  9 | 160  
16 Mar 2012 /  #23
I've stared at that sentence for five minutes and can't see anything wrong with it.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
16 Mar 2012 /  #24
benefited - correct spelling :)
Ziutek  9 | 160  
16 Mar 2012 /  #25
That looks like like bene-fight-ed to me, but unfortunately the dictionary seems to disagree. Maybe I'll put my Polish on hold and give English another shot :) (To be fair to myself, Mirriam-Webster does list the two ts version as an alternative.)
Rudy5  13 | 36  
6 Jun 2012 /  #26
Merged: Grammar Books to learn Polish?

What are some really good Polish grammar books?
scottie1113  6 | 896  
6 Jun 2012 /  #27
301 Polish verbs, Hurrah po polsku, Czesc, jak sie masz?, and even Polish in 4 weeks, although I wouldn't call it great.
Rudy5  13 | 36  
6 Jun 2012 /  #28
Thank you, are these websites a good source?

6 Jun 2012 /  #29
301 Polish verbs

This is an excellent book, well written and easy to understand.It's by klara janecki and available from Amazon.You may struggle with it if you are a complete beginner,e.g if you don't know how letters/combinations of letters sound, but if you have some basic knowledge of the language, it is well worth buying. Best of luck!
Vincent  8 | 800  
6 Jun 2012 /  #30
You may struggle with it if you are a complete beginne

Yes the preceding chapters before you even get to the first conjugated verb is very daunting for beginners and I would expect many would have given up after reading that. It is a good book to have for a reference though.

I have recommended the "Dana Bielec" books before and they are still good books, but I think I have found a new one which tops them all. It's "Polish a comprehensive grammar" by Iwona Sadowska First published 2012. It's a large book at nearly 650 pages but nicely laid out.

The only downside is it costs around £30 but it might be available from some public libraries

Archives - 2010-2019 / Language / Polish language grammar booksArchived