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What does 'gon sie' mean?

shelley  1 | 13  
27 Mar 2012 /  #1
hi can anyone please tell me what dose gon sie mean?
i have a friend and she was going out with this polish man for 2 years,she left him i don't know why but however after 4years she still loves him and i think he still has feeling for her too

they talk time to time,but when she text him before he text'd her back (GON SIE) i know some polish but i don't know what this means and unforchantly i could not tell her :/
Vincent  8 | 801  
27 Mar 2012 /  #2
what dose gon sie mean?

Might be short form of gonić sie (to chase one another)
polishmama  3 | 279  
27 Mar 2012 /  #3
You mean "Goń się"? It's not nice.
escar  - | 7  
27 Mar 2012 /  #4
Depends on context. In some rare cases among close friends it's not an insult but a way of saying goodbye.

Unfortunatelly in general use one might probably liken it to "go and f... yourself" although it's not a perfect 1:1 translation, because in Polish "goń się" is not as vulgar as "pierd... się" which is in fact 1:1 translation of "go and f.... yourself".

Perhaps the best comparison would be simply "f...k off" for Polish "goń się".
OP shelley  1 | 13  
28 Mar 2012 /  #5
but is this bad to say to a girl?
28 Mar 2012 /  #6
"get lost" is better and less vulgar English translation, not so offensive like "go **** yourself" but basically same meaning.
OP shelley  1 | 13  
28 Mar 2012 /  #7
but is this like bad to say to a girl? he likes her and she likes him but he just text'd this to her like at 4o'clock in the morning or somthiing like that :/
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 Mar 2012 /  #8
yes, it is bad to say it to a girl.
OP shelley  1 | 13  
28 Mar 2012 /  #9
and what would she write back to him in response?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 Mar 2012 /  #10
i recommend: nothing.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
28 Mar 2012 /  #11
and what would she write back to him in response?

Why would like to know ?
OP shelley  1 | 13  
28 Mar 2012 /  #12
she is siting next to me..she would like to know what can she write back to him in polish?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 Mar 2012 /  #13
she should know what to write. we can help with translation.
OP shelley  1 | 13  
28 Mar 2012 /  #14
Spierdalaj ty glupia pizda, dupek, pierdol sie
polishmama  3 | 279  
28 Mar 2012 /  #15
OP, are they the type of friends who jokingly curse at each other, like some do? If so, it was meant in a joking good-bye fashion. If not, he was being nasty.
OP shelley  1 | 13  
28 Mar 2012 /  #16
i think he was just nasty
TerryTerrorist  - | 8  
28 Mar 2012 /  #17
maybe your friend looks like kaszalot?
OP shelley  1 | 13  
28 Mar 2012 /  #18
lol no my friend is very good looking she dark drown hair blue eyes silm and very nice...just this man is an ass
escar  - | 7  
29 Mar 2012 /  #19
If that is not a conversation among friends then he's being nasty. She could reply:
"Wal się" - "go an f... yourself"
"Odpierdol się" - "f... off"
"Spierdalaj" - "f... off" with a diffrent twist, a bit less vulgar then "Odpierdol się"

But probably best would be to ignore the hell out of the guy, because he's just being an immature ass. "Goń się" IMO is reserved for teens. Anyone above 18yo using "goń się" is just... lame.
fringxx  - | 30  
29 Mar 2012 /  #20
I wouldn't say it has as stron meaning as f*** off does, it's more like "screw you" or something...
OP shelley  1 | 13  
29 Mar 2012 /  #21
thank you all for the help :D

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