30 Nov 2018 / #1
This is a question about Stanisław Lem's novel Solaris. The first sentence of the book reads:
O dziewiętnastej czasu pokładowego zeszedłem, mijając stojących wokół studni, po metalowych szczeblach do wnętrza zasobnika.
In the 1970 English translation, which is translated from French, the sentence looks like this:
At 19.00 hours, ship's time, I made my way to the launching bay. The men around the shaft stood aside to let me pass, and I climbed down into the capsule.
There's also a new English edition that came out in 2010, translated directly from the original Polish. And it renders the same sentence as:
At nineteen hundred hours ship's time I climbed down the metal ladder past the bays on either side into the capsule.
I also looked up the German translation, and here is the first sentence translated into English by Google Translate:
At nineteen o'clock on board, I climbed over the metal rungs into the interior of the capsule, past the people who surrounded the shaft.
As you can see, the new English translation is quite different from the other two, especially the "mijając stojących wokół studni" part. Which one makes more sense to a native Polish speaker?
Any help is appreciated.
O dziewiętnastej czasu pokładowego zeszedłem, mijając stojących wokół studni, po metalowych szczeblach do wnętrza zasobnika.
In the 1970 English translation, which is translated from French, the sentence looks like this:
At 19.00 hours, ship's time, I made my way to the launching bay. The men around the shaft stood aside to let me pass, and I climbed down into the capsule.
There's also a new English edition that came out in 2010, translated directly from the original Polish. And it renders the same sentence as:
At nineteen hundred hours ship's time I climbed down the metal ladder past the bays on either side into the capsule.
I also looked up the German translation, and here is the first sentence translated into English by Google Translate:
At nineteen o'clock on board, I climbed over the metal rungs into the interior of the capsule, past the people who surrounded the shaft.
As you can see, the new English translation is quite different from the other two, especially the "mijając stojących wokół studni" part. Which one makes more sense to a native Polish speaker?
Any help is appreciated.