oranż instead of pomerańczowy
chaos of zamęt
Neither "oranż" nor "chaos" are borrowings from English.
The word "pomarańcza" comes from French "pomme + orange", "pomarańczowe jabłko".
Oranż: this goes as far back as "pomarańcz", kolor pomarańczowy. Both are derived from French.
See: Barwa pomarańczowa, oranż, pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oran%C5%BC
See: Pomarańczarnia, oranżeria, pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomara%C5%84czarnia
See: Oranżada, oranżada w proszku, pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oran%C5%BCada
See: Oranż metylowy, pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oran%C5%BC_metylowy
Similarly, the word chaos goes way back and is settled well in Polish. It came to Polish from the Greek word "chaos" (transliterated).
Specifically, the word "chaos" is well established in mathematics, physics, engineering, economy, philosophy or biology. We say "teoria chaosu", not "teoria zamętu", "układ chaotyczny" (chaotic system), dynamika chaotyczna (chaotic dynamics), etc.