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English borrowings in Polish

pawian  226 | 27572  
28 Aug 2019 /  #31
Hi! I'm writing a research paper on Poles' attitudes towards English borrowings.

I am highly critical of borrowings which replace the words which already exist in the Polish language. A few times each year I am shocked to read or hear how halfwit journalists or politicians introduce the words as if they didn `t know the old traditional expression.


Lyzko  44 | 9720  
28 Aug 2019 /  #32
Hear, hear Pawian!!

Purists of the world, unite! All you have to lose is your sanity.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
28 Aug 2019 /  #33
I am highly critical of borrowings which replace the words which already exist in the Polish language

If the new words are accepted as being better or more acceptable, why not?
Languages do not stay still, they evolve and change.....usually for the better.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
28 Aug 2019 /  #34

You're advocating laziness rather than care in manner of expression! Pawian is not only within his rights to complain, but he just happens to be correct, bull's eye!!

Furthermore, who died and made you boss as to which words fit and which do not?

English has the word "garden", a perfectly acceptable word. Maybe you prefer "jardin", if only because it sounds French aka "foreign".

Fine and dandy, yet it still begs the nagging question, WHAT THE F***K'S WRONG WITH "GARDEN"??
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
28 Aug 2019 /  #35
You're advocating laziness

Yeah, maybe, though it is not compulsory.... :-)

Most people are lazy and they dictate the direction in which language goes, not purists like you.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
28 Aug 2019 /  #36
A purist?? Moi?! LOL

Is laziness compulsory and diligence optional?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
28 Aug 2019 /  #37
No, but neither are compulsory.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
28 Aug 2019 /  #38
You got me that time.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Language / English borrowings in PolishArchived