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Dreamglade-lipro Polish language-learning blog

Nightglade  7 | 97  
24 Apr 2011 /  #1
Hello Everyone,

I've been living in Poznań, Poland since October 2010 and I've had the pleasure of meeting one or two people from PF.
I teach English in and around Poznań, privately and for a few schools. Although in this line of occupation there is almost no necessity to learn Polish other than perhaps a few survival phrases. But I've found myself in many uncomfortable situations where knowing Polish would either have been either extremely beneficial or just helpful in avoiding looking like a lemon. I've been 'off and on' learning throughout the past 6 months, looking at resources, doing a few chapters from some books, looking at survival phrase pages etc. But now, I'm really into pushing myself to learn the language. I'm in a perfect position to do so - I live with my Polish girlfriend (although I don't like practicing Polish with her, because I feel embarassed and her smiles/laughs discourage me).

Consequently I've made a blog that will follow my progress of learning the language from scratch, using some resources that are publically available for free (such as the University of Pittsburgh first-year polish course). Additionally, I will put some useful resources I create / use on the blog. I hope then, that this blog will serve as something that will be useful to both myself and anyone else who may be starting to learn the language :)

The link is: dreamglade-lipro.blogspot.com/

If anybody is in the same position and are interested in learning the language or practicing and wish to follow the blog or keep in contact with me. Don't hesitate ;)

P.S: If anyone has any tips or advice, I'd also appreciate it :)
normalnyfacet  - | 31  
24 Apr 2011 /  #2
Yes, I'm doing something similar. I don't really want to publish mine until I've had it checked by a native first though!

It's a good idea writing about it, a good way of showing that you've understood the concepts if you've written about it.

avoiding looking like a lemon

i know the feeling!
pawian  226 | 27563  
24 Apr 2011 /  #3
I live with my Polish girlfriend (although I don't like practicing Polish with her, because I feel embarassed and her smiles/laughs discourage me).

Please, don`t mind. She is only too happy that you are attempting to speak Polish with her. No maliciousness intended! :):):)
dorotaanders  - | 1  
24 Apr 2011 /  #4
Hello, I'm polish language teacher from Poznań. I find it great idea. If you have any problems with polish language, send mi PM.

OP Nightglade  7 | 97  
24 Apr 2011 /  #5
Normalnyfacet: I look forward to seeing it, keep me posted :)

Pawian: I don't speak Polish with her :) She speaks English quite well. And I'm too afraid that my pronunciation is horrific. In KFC I tried to order two of something that I didn't know how to use correct case with, so I started with 'Dzień dobry, nie mowię po polsku dobrze. Czy pani rozumie po angielsku?" I've said this phrase many times and not been misheard often. But I had to say it 3 times to one person, then twice to another person before I just said "English, do you speak it?" (And not in a Samuel-L Jackson way mind you)... It just really hurts the confidence :(

Dorota: That sounds great, thank you :)

normalnyfacet  - | 31  
25 Apr 2011 /  #6
look forward to seeing it, keep me posted

I would PM you the address, but I haven't made enough posts yet

In KFC I tried to order two of something that I didn't know how to use correct case with

Yes, I had a similar experience, in McDonalds when you order a meal you can't just upgrade your soft drinks to a milkshake like you can in the UK.

It's so embarrassing when they have to get a supervisor who speaks English! Oh well...
Vincent  8 | 800  
25 Apr 2011 /  #7
P.S: If anyone has any tips or advice, I'd also appreciate it :)

I see Pani Maria changed gender half way through the first dialog, which might explain why she was in a hurry to get away:)

Nice idea though and I wish you well with it. Maybe you should get your girlfriend to check each new part for errors.
OP Nightglade  7 | 97  
25 Apr 2011 /  #8
Heh thanks Vincent,

I actually write these on paper first (the excercises being checked) with little to no errors. But for my blog, I just put my paper on the desk in front of me and touch-type it into the blog, so I didn't notice that error. Thanks again ;)


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