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Diminutive "Masha"/"Macha" (masculine)

GoldenSummer  2 | 2  
30 Jun 2013 /  #1
Dear all,

I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what the diminutive "Masha"/"Macha" stands for when it is NOT given to a woman but to a man.

Kind regards.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Jun 2013 /  #2

there is no such a thing in Polish
gumishu  15 | 6228  
30 Jun 2013 /  #3
could be a peculiar way to call some Maciek - Maciej (Matthew)
Paulina  19 | 4558  
30 Jun 2013 /  #4
I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what the diminutive "Masha"/"Macha" stands for when it is NOT given to a woman but to a man.

I don't know of any Russian male name that would have such a diminutive.
In case of "Polish" names Machabeusz has such a diminutive form (Masha=Masza), apparently:


Diminutive name Machabeusz
The most common diminutives are
Machab, Machabi, Machasz, Machabeuszek, Masza, Maszi, Besio, Beusz, Beszek, Uszek

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Jun 2013 /  #5

Is that name Polish? It looks like a Sorbian name if anything...
Paulina  19 | 4558  
30 Jun 2013 /  #6
Is that name Polish?


The only really Polish names (in origin) are the Slavic ones, you know ;)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Jun 2013 /  #7
I don't know of any Russian male name that would have such a diminutive.

she would have have gone to Russian forums if it was about Russian name

In case of "Polish" names Machabeusz has such a diminutive form (Masha=Masza), apparently:

for sure it's not about that name, nobody is named like that even if the name exists in the calendar :-)
Paulina  19 | 4558  
30 Jun 2013 /  #8
she would have have gone to Russian forums if it was about Russian name

if someone could tell me what the diminutive "Masha"/"Macha" stands for when it is NOT given to a woman but to a man.

Well, "Masha" in case of a woman is a Russian diminutive, not Polish, so I thought I'll make it lear for GoldenSummer.

for sure it's not about that name,

I'm just sharing the info, Wulkan.
I don't know why the OP is asking this question so I share whatever I can find.

It could be, for example, someone's nickname, and not a diminutive form of a name.

nobody is named like that even if the name exists in the calendar :-)

True, but, on the other hand, some parents can be very "creative" about their children's names so you never know lol




Archives - 2010-2019 / Language / Diminutive "Masha"/"Macha" (masculine)Archived