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correct word usage ('pług' , 'tło' etc.)

chaza  50 | 253  
2 Mar 2011 /  #1
can someone expalin some words for me please'
1 if 'plough' is 'pług' what is ploughing some one said it was orca but that doesn't seem right.
2 what is the word for 'wonder' as in ' i wonder where he is' or i sat here wondering about my fate'
3 what is the difference in the words 'podawana' and 'dając' both mean giving.
4 what is tło
5 what is the word for 'sniff' as in 'i opened the can and gave it a sniff. of your dog keeps shiffing me'

thanks guys and gals, i know you will come through.

Magdalena  3 | 1827  
2 Mar 2011 /  #2
if 'plough' is 'pług' what is ploughing some one said it was orca but that doesn't seem right.

plough = pług (noun)
to plough = orać (verb)
therefore ploughing = orka
2 Mar 2011 /  #3
1 if 'plough' is 'pług' what is ploughing some one said it was orca but that doesn't seem right.
2 what is the word for 'wonder' as in ' i wonder where he is' or i sat here wondering about my fate'
3 what is the difference in the words 'podawana' and 'dając' both mean giving.
4 what is tło

1. The verb is orać. Verb from the Latin root, noun from elsewhere. Happens sometimes. There is no verb pługać though you may see it as an occasional misspelling of płukać meaning to rinse, wash out.

2. I wonder where he is: use ciekawe, gdzie on jest - 'interesting, where he is'; i sat here, wondering etc. -> use zastanawiać się or in this case dumać - which means 'think deeply, heavily, ponder'

3. Too numerous to mention. One's an active participle, the other passive - podawana is given, not giving. Try comparing the same part of speech, otherwise it's apples and oranges!

4. Tło -> background.

Don't know 5 - I'll leave that to others.

Cheers, A
2 Mar 2011 /  #4
2 what is the word for 'wonder' as in ' i wonder where he is' or i sat here wondering about my fate'

There is no such word. You have to replace it by other words (depending on context).

Zastanawiać się: Zastanawiam się, gdzie on jest
Rozmyślać: Usiadłem tutaj rozmyślając nad swoim losem (you can use here: zastanawiać się, dumać as well)

3 what is the difference in the words 'podawana' and 'dając' both mean giving.

podać/podawać means more like fetch, give from hand to hand. Mógłbyś mi podać ten zeszyt co leży na stoliku? Podaj mi długopis.

You can also use that word in idiomatic expressions such as: podawać kolację.

Podano do stołu.

dać means exactly the same what 'to give' means.

4 what is tło


of your dog keeps shiffing me'


5 what is the word for 'sniff' as in 'i opened the can and gave it a sniff.

gave it a sniff - I don't know what it means in English.

Generally "wąchać" means sniff (to inhale a gas of specific smell).
* As an intresting detail: If you mean drug usage then it would be "wciągać" in most cases (to sniff a substance which is a powder):

Tony Montana wciągał kokainę w niemal każdej scenie "Człowieka z blizną" (coccaine is a powder)
Wiele bezdomnych dzieci wącha klej (opary kleju - vapours of glue are gas of specific smell so we use word wąchać)

sniff in case of running nose would be translated as "pociągać nosem"
OP chaza  50 | 253  
2 Mar 2011 /  #5
thanks guys
no i didnt mean in terms of drug use, i just wanted the word for a sniff of gas or some other odour, but your word wąchać is good thanks. you said there was no word for 'wonder' i recall someone mentioned the word 'dziw', does that make any sense. if not no matter you all have been great as usual. my eternal thanks

2 Mar 2011 /  #6
3. Too numerous to mention. One's an active participle, the other passive - podawana is given, not giving. Try comparing the same part of speech, otherwise it's apples and oranges!

Yeah exactly. Chaza gave two different parts of speech derived from verbs which both can be translated as 'to give'.

Kolacja jest podawana o 19.
The dinner is given at 7.

Ta organizacja charytatywna pomaga ludziom biednym, dając im niezbędne wsparcie socjalne.
This charity organisation helps poor people, giving them the necessary social aid.

for 'wonder' i recall someone mentioned the word 'dziw',

dziwić się.
Yes in some context it might be translated as dziwić się. but now I can't think of any example... ;/

Chaza have you thought of using pol-eng internet dictionaries? There are many examples of word usage in sentences which might help you to understand in which situation we use which word. Foe wonder I found this for you:

slowniki. wp. pl /angielski/wonder?ticaid=1bdfc
megaslownik. pl /slownik/angielsko_polski/251607,wonder

(remove speces from the link)
OP chaza  50 | 253  
2 Mar 2011 /  #7
thank you kindly,im sure there will be more as i continue.
again thanks to you all


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