It should be odkąd - when you are talking about the time. fi:
Since he came so much has happaned (...)
Odkąd przyjechałem tyle się wydarzyło...
You can also use 'od' in that context in sentences like:
I've been working on it since yesterday.
Pracuję nad tym od wczoraj.
The use of od/odkąd depends on how you express the moment in time something has been (being) done since. If you use a noun then in Polish you use 'od' but if you use some descriptive expression (another setence) then in polish it'd be 'odkąd'. e.g.:
since yesterday - od wczoraj
since last Summer - od zeszłego lata
since he came - odkąd przyjechał
since the bought the new car - odkąd kupił sobie ten nowy samochód...
odkąd = od kiedy
since I met you - od kiedy cię poznałem
And in places where you could change it to because - it can be ponieważ.
Yes. Also you can use 'bo', 'dlatego, że' etc.