ShortHairThug - | 1101
26 Sep 2010 / #91
but your word order is the most confusing issue yet.
Basic sentence structure is very important in any language, confusing or not it’s something you’ll have to deal with, the sooner you realize it the easier the learning process. Rationalizing it will not help you. Just because it makes perfect sense to you in English does not mean it’s the same in Polish and vice versa. If I were to make a direct Polish to English translation, word for word , let’s say; (Ja i Mariola jedziemy nad morze na rowerach) I would say something like [I and Mariola we ride over sea on bicycles], or (Chudego porwała wichura) [ Lean swept gale]. Does that make sense to you? Other times i.e. (Chory został wypisany do domu) [Sick was discharged to home] is easy to make the connection and you know I meant [The patient was discharged home].
Of course you’ll be understood some of the time but more often than not you’ll come up with this sort of nonsense. Basic grammar and sentence structure is very important, it’s easy to pick up bad habits, hard to break them, once you get used to it. Other grammatical errors like which case to use or which word ending is proper you’ll be able to correct on the fly so to speak, learn as you go, making your experience of learning any language that much easier. Don’t take it personally when people emphasize grammar. It’s not meant as an insult to you personally or to discourage you from speaking as soon as possible. Keep at it; it will all make perfect sense soon, you’re doing fine.