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Anybody speak Ślunzok?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Mar 2010 /  #1
Ida bo mom szychta - is supposedly Silesian jargon. My question is what the ending of the adjective would be: nocna szychta (accusative), nocno szychta or what?

Also I believe -byk is the condtional particle: Jo byk zrobił (-bym in standard Polish), whilst in Góral it would be -bych?
Does mazurzenie commonly occur in Silesian speech? Would anybody say sychta instead of szychta?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Mar 2010 /  #2
Gwara is the dialect, Pol3. A Ślązak is a man from Silesia and a woman is Ślązaczka. There is a Gwara thread that I created some time ago but it may have fallen off the bottom of the list.

Nope, it's there. Type in Gwara to the Search box and you'll find it.
wojtylania  - | 5  
23 Mar 2010 /  #3
In Silesian dialect it would be: mam nocno szychta (normally in Polish we have "nocną szychtę")

In Silesian dialect you don't find "mazurzenie" - sychta would say the mountainer (from Beskida or Tatra mountains).

27 May 2017 /  #4
The Silesian dialect referred to here apparently is "Czech-ized" Polish, or Polacized Czech. There has been a mixed Czech, Polish, and even German population there in the past few centuries.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
27 May 2017 /  #5
Interesting connection between "gwara" or "dialect" in Polish, "gwar" or "noise" and then the verb "g[o]VORit" (to speak) in Russian vs. "mowic" in Polish (no doubt a kissing cousin, at least a relative of Czech "mlutvit"). What passes for speech in Russian may at one time long ago been considered noise in Polish:-)

Just thought I'd chime in here with this off-topic observation!
gumishu  16 | 6182  
27 May 2017 /  #6
The Silesian dialect referred to here apparently is "Czech-ized"

you are completely wrong - Silesian dialect is not Czech-ized Polish - it's a completely separate developement
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 May 2017 /  #7

There is the verb gaworzyć in Polish which does not mean to speak in general (as in Russian) but to chatter, palaver, gossip or it is used to describe a baby's first attempts to mimic speech.

There is also gawędzić (like the first meaning of gaworzyć to chat), gawęda is a spoken story or yarn and a gawędziarz is a good story-teller or yarn-spinner.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
27 May 2017 /  #8
Oooh, nice one Polonius! Thanks:-) Shows how related language family speakers once perceived each others' native tongue.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 May 2017 /  #9
mam nocno szychta

How would one say in Silesian: Weź tę brudną łapę.
Judging by what you wrote, Aniu, I'd say its: Weź to brudno łapa.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Language / Anybody speak Ślunzok?Archived