Rich Mazur 4 | 2897 15 Feb 2019 / #31Some do it because they are lazy and some got it from the movies where mumbling is manly and cool.
Miloslaw 20 | 4836 15 Feb 2019 / #32You are probably an atheist I will still say "God save us",but it's only an expression.
Rich Mazur 4 | 2897 15 Feb 2019 / #33In street English, vowels are sooo out. Is Polish a victim, too?
medespoirch 1 | 1 18 Feb 2019 / #38I want a polish version for my website medespoir. what's perfect online solution ?
Lyzko 42 | 9525 18 Feb 2019 / #39I'd say that there's almost no on-line learning app worth it's salt! They usually stop short typically ofteaching you what you need to know.
Lyzko 42 | 9525 20 Feb 2019 / #41Preferrably a native speaker who is willing to teach one what they WANT, not merely what the teacher thinks one needs to know:-)