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Posts by zion  

Joined: 21 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Feb 2008
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 168 / In This Archive: 53
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: HUMMMMM
Interests: Travel

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1 Aug 2011
Life / Cost of raising a child in Poland [21]

Hi all,

Just out of curiosity to see if my budget is right

How much a month a baby should cost average stuff like food, jars etc... clothes , medications, not including child care.

any Moms and daddies out there please help .

28 May 2011
Life / Where can I buy cardboard boxes in Warsaw? I will be moving stuff from UK. [13]

Hi all long time no see

I wondering if someone expat here may know where can I buy cardboard Boxes in Warsaw will be moving some stuff from there to the UK.

Yes I successfully relocate here and now is time to pick up the family the baby is one year old and big enough to travel.

I found a white man with a fan to do the move but he does not provide the boxes.

So if any one can help in point it out where can I buy such goods will be appreciated.

I am now looking on google but no luck so far..
5 Dec 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

Merged thread:
the time has come !!!

Well , well , well

Looks like I will make out of here alive

Thing is in this, what I call now my new adopted country to get a passport it take 1 month !! in my home country take 3 days max one can even get on the same day if need be .

Does anyone know in other places in Europe how long does take to get a passport .

Poland 1 month !!! I may get out only with the ID which still take 3 weeks !!!! if not longer .

anyway soon folks and lets get out there and make some cash .....

Shalom to you all

22 Sep 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

hateful anti-Polish xenophobe

come is not all that harsh

Today is vaccines day and did you know that the vaccines give by the public health system in Poland is a old out of date version !!! plus many vaccines that are offer free on other EU states are not give here !!! This have been search by my wife yes that 6 in one vaccine is not give free here one must paid private ,the one given free in the old version !! I know is crazy

guess will have to go private as have been doing ...

Please the ones with kids living in Poland share you experiences on vaccines

about the polish passport there is none of this no sence you must speak Polish bla bla bla

in my case I was asked to live here for 3 years and once I did well, paid my taxes, worked , and committed no crimes the government law says can apply for a passport and yes I can say I dont like Poland very much because of the how life hard can be if compared with other places ( not Brazil or Israel life in those places is harder ) but again will not go back there and so I can always come back if I think that this place can offer better opportunities for me and my family .
21 Sep 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

'Booming unemployment among the Polish in Norway'

he he he I not Polish and I am not going there to clean like most Poles do he he he

so I will be fine ....

Ohh good Jehovah, read betwen the lines, you have been scamed amigo! ;)[/quote]

he he he nah got the product delivered he he he

anyway on a serious note if you will have a baby here ask your Polish partner to read some Polish forums in Polish about this issues health care here is scary for the most of i.

Some people get luck ,I am not luck so we decide to pay .
21 Sep 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

I dont have to go back to Brazil do I

I can compare Poland to Norway and see what is the best place to live

Yes it is Norway
dodgy Portuguese passports guess will not have to do that he he he

12,000 PLN because they didnt provide water, ehh OK - BS.

I did Private Punk no Public also in the Public when is need lets say Cesarean they try the most not do it risking the baby life but hey I am happy your baby was born ok in the public I know many case where they had good service I know more that they dont so we pick private.
21 Sep 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

you really should try to be a bit more diplomatic,

advice taken just think sometimes is better to be a bit hash so folks will wake up.

tap water is a big no here for sure is not Rome with fountains with drinking water all over the place .

I know all about troubles in the UK however I left for personal reasons wanting to explorer live in continental Europe for a while to see the differences etc.

in the UK will not be hard then Poland for sure, and I will try to stay in continental Europe if I can but Poland nah dont really think one can debate much via a forum like this if face to face we could see the good and bad of life in Poland for now more bad then good unfortunately.

I want the place to work out but I have to see it as it is, and no have some idealistic view of the reality .

I lived here for 4 years so know what I been thought

by hey is almost over for the ones coming here wish you can make it some did well most I know did not .

again one dont know until trying

my baby is fine my relation with my Polish wife also however there are better and easiest places one can pick to live.

Peace .

21 Sep 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

or is that even more crap?

yes it is crap however the food is way better then here.

So he has married some poor foolish Polish girl

She is Jewish also

your own speaks ill about Poland,

just saying the place need fix up and soon you guys see that the better .

I hope may get better however will take a good 30 years and I can`t wait ... this if the Germans or Russians dont invade again mean while .

there is no hate just seeing and telling as it is ....

2 Million Poles abroad can not be wrong ....
20 Sep 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

few words on the birth thing ...

Yes I try to go to several Public places in Warsaw all of then ask us me and my wife to bring our own drinking water !!! I joke you not !!! was a list of stuff you should take with you which is far enough ... but even your own water to drink !!!

My wife is Polish and after long research decide to go Private .

Maybe in a small town the system may work better ... here in Wawa for sure is crap .

Will not comment in the other stuff you folks (losers) reply cause dont want to waste too much time.

I did live in more countries then most of you had change your under panties in the last month so I know when I place is a banana republic in the case of Poland Potato republic he he he

He will be in the Uk inside 6 months
Lived there for 3 years Darling know the gig well ....

as a parasite of the system

I paid all my taxes while working in this ``east European country`` and never got jack back... and ``As if a Polish national would allow her partner to waste 12,000 PLN `` my wife paid for bill at the Hospital ... was her pick more then mine ...

Which phone was that? even so 1kg of of decent pork will cost you about £3.00 here in the UK its around £10, considering how much meat i buy as apposed to mobile phones i'll take cheaper food.

I don`t eat Pork I am Jewish so will take the cheap electronics ....

I don't know where in Europe you're planning to go but i bet you've painted a rosy picture of what lies ahead, haven't you? I really hope you're not that naive to think that anywhere(EU) is good but Poland. You're only guaranteed free entry into the EUwith the Polish PP, How you start your life after that is a completely different story which i hope you get to tell us some day here on PF. If i were you, i wouldnt burn your bridges - if you catch my drift! Good luck!

I will for sure he he he keep you posted

anyway all the best for the ones staying may the force be with you all
19 Sep 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

My kid is fine ,thank God I got the cash to pay for all the vaccines which are free in others EU countries and here cost a fortune Poland sucks so bad ...... could go on with details but you guys will never want to see the truth .

and yes I will no pass on no Polish culture to my Kid ,however tough, his mother speaks Polish and he will grow up bilingual.

why the f did you want to get the citizenship and why don't you get the f out now if you hate the country as much?

will get is my right to do it so you can suck it up and get over and yes I don`t even speak your ugly language ... by the way.

and yes I will leave for a better place in another note just got a mobile in a shop the same mobile in the UK is 20 GBP here I paid 70 !!! give me a break .....

Thank God is just to month to go 4 years here have been way too much so time to stop trying and get real .

Shalom to all of you
18 Sep 2010
Life / 2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. [67]

Hey all PF folks....

long time no see .. been busy trying to survive in this God for sake land so not time to waste here ....

had a baby boy mean while cost for half decent Hospital 12.000 PLN crazy in it !!

anyway will be a Polish citizen in 2 months and so hope me god will try to find a better place to rise my kid .

already bad enough the baby had to be born here .....

well hope my next post will be from a better place ....

Keep the faith tough all of you he he he he

Peace and remember`` patience is a virtue ``

7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

Werent you moving to Spain last time I see you?

he he he yeah that still on the making Poland is a place once get stuck and broke with no cash can`t move anywhere type of place .

but soon brother will be out been working hard for that mean while still need a cheap dentist in Warsaw .. got one cavity left to fill if choose to believe the last dentist and not the first one .
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

anyway it is a rip off even if locals pay that too

in a place where people make 3500 gross if they luck paying 200 for a filling is rip off

no wonder why so many Poles leave

I have been here for 3 year really gave the place a chance but when my contract ends in few more months I am out

had enough of Polish way of life

plus the weather just not help Gibraltar there I go back
25 Apr 2008
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

I learned tax is about 19%

wrong tax is 30% ZUS is 10 % so altogheter is 30 % of total gross

so forget about 3000 netto on your hands