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Posts by RockyMason  

Joined: 20 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 May 2008
Threads: Total: 19 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 250 / In This Archive: 30
From: California
Speaks Polish?: nope
Interests: learning about polish ppl b/c im dating one and i love her

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23 Apr 2008
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

HAHAHAHAHAHA again I never cease to be amazed how dirt poor polish people are! HAHAHAHA 1000 ZL a month with a college degree? Shoot u can make more than that working at a McDonalds in cali! =D HAHAHAHAHA 6000 zl a month considered good dude... my dad probably makes that an hour! =)
8 Apr 2008
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Talk all u want but it is a fact! Poland is a 2nd world country which means POLAND IS A 2ND WORLD COUNTRY LOL! IT doesn't mean nothing or blah blah this or blah blah that it means poland is a 2nd world county with a low income per capita!
8 Apr 2008
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Poland isn't a 3rd world country LOL it's a "2nd world" country =P
7 Apr 2008
Work / Cheap Labour in Poland - why is there a problem with unemployment in PL? [16]

fusedworld.com/Real_Estate/Europe/Poland/Dolnoslaskie/Wroclaw/Apartmen t_for_sale_in_Wroclaw_Poland_25658.html

fusedworld.com/Real_Estate/Europe/Poland/Mazowieckie/Warsaw/Apartment_ for_sale_in_Warsaw_Poland_21048.html

fusedworld.com/Real_Estate/Europe/Poland/Mazowieckie/Warsaw/Apartments _for_sale_in_Warsaw_Poland_14033.html

That is cheap in my opinion the same thing would be well over 400,000 USD where i live.

fusedworld.com/Real_Estate/Europe/Poland/Mazowieckie/Warsaw/Duplexes_f or_sale_in_Warsaw_Poland_13924.html

That's a steal! I wish houses were that cheap where i live

fusedworld.com/Real_Estate/Europe/Poland/Mazowieckie/Warsaw/House_for_ sale_in_Warsaw_Poland_12047.html

That's pretty pricey but still not too bad of a buy. U wouldn't get half of the features for that price where i live.
7 Apr 2008
Work / Cheap Labour in Poland - why is there a problem with unemployment in PL? [16]

If international corporates develop a stronghold in poland I guarantee they will export your jobs! It's just in the best interest of business to get things at a cheaper price and there are people in asia who will work for 50 cents an hour. I am not sure if currently jobs are being lost but if the corporations remain strong and continue to expand they will be.

It's happening in the USA right now. TONS of people graduate with good degrees from great universities yet they they have to settle for minimum wage because there r just too many college grads. At least houses are cheap in poland! Where i live in cali u won't be able to buy a house until u are upper management or in a very lucrative business.
15 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

So who am I to believe u or the Psychiatrist with the MD and my counseler with a MA in psychology? U still can't admit u were wrong so nothing u say carries any credibility! If u never accept that u are wrong then it must b awefully difficult to ever learn anything!
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Remember we are arguing about wat I said not wat u said! So initially when u made this statement can u finally admit u were wrong?

The statment u claim I made I never made. Ur statement about the .049% is correct however it is not correct to say I made a specific statement regarding the actual percent of PHDs. I never made a claim regarding wat i believed to specifically be the % of PHDs..... u simply misinterpreted! Are u really so stubborn that u can't admit u were wrong u just admitted you were!

I have an IQ of 162 Im techincally almost ingenius so shush about the intelligence thing! Wat do u do for a living Darius? =)

Wow! Then the majority of people with advanced degrees in the US are foreigners.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Okay so ur telling me that there are many executives in the USA and important business ppl who don't know english? HA Im not talking about external trading for goods i am talking about living and working in the US. Ur english is terrible i don't think ur quite understanding my post. If u mean experts yes we import a few PHDs im sure to work on very special projects. By a few i mean like less than .05% of the population.

Do u enjoy arguing so much that u won't admit wat u do wrong just to argue? I think thats y u kept saying BS b/c u just knew i'd respond lol. U were wrong though and are wrong when u say that u were not wrong. The whole argument here was to show that wat i said would b valid. It was =) If u cannot c that then seriously I highly doubt any unversity would ever award u a degree!
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

ok, then do the math for 0.04999999999999999999999%..

Again u are making fallacious statements!! Yes that case scenario could b correct! Is it correct? U can't prove it but yes it is less than .05%. However less than .05% is ambiguous mean that any case scenario less than .05% could be correct. I never proclaimed wat the real % was i just said it was less tha .05%. So then in the statment less than 100% of people use drugs I am correct. =D Does that mean im sayin 99.9% of people use drugs NOPE! U should go join the military zdarius they promise u UP TO 40,000$ FOR COLLEGE. UNDER UR LOGIC THAT WOULD MEAN 39999$ THEN RIGHT?

" Therefore the humble is the root of the noble. The low is the foundation of the high."

Okay get used to slang and improper words mocksha! The English spoken is full of slang terms and improper grammar!!! Im not going to think twice on a post just to help some silly foreigners who can't understand it!
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

By a few i mean like less than .05% of the population.

So I never said less than? here is a logical statement invalidate if if its fallacious.

If i said less than .05% of the population then I did not mean they constituted .05% of the population and I meant that any percent less than .05% would be correct. =) Invalidate it with a deduction then!
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]


Oh when u test over a 550 on every category of the SAT in California u don't have to take remedial classes. I got a 2020 ( 710 math 610 english and 700 writing) so that would imply I did not have to take any remedial classes. U ARE A MORON! =) No it isn't all of dad's $ almost all of my tuition is from scholarships! Cash scholarships 2 i could have used for any school i wanted to go to.

After this semester i will have taken all of the classes i need for my lower division except calculus!
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Wow! Then the majority of people with advanced degrees in the US are foreigners.


Ur a moron LOL. So less than .05% means .05% noooooooo! I was merely trying to communicate the concept of a tiny percent of the population being experts from foreign countries. less than .05% could mean .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% or it could mean .049%. Take a logic class before you try to interpret statements so u don't make yourself look like a fool. Under ur system of logic i could say less than 10 people played a game and u would assume it was 10 ppl when in reality it was 1 person. Plz explain to me how u got .05% from <.05%?

Okay so ur telling me that there are many executives in the USA and important business ppl who don't know english?

14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

with who? the experts "imported" from abroad..

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Okay so ur telling me that there are many executives in the USA and important business ppl who don't know english? HA Im not talking about external trading for goods i am talking about living and working in the US. Ur english is terrible i don't think ur quite understanding my post. If u mean experts yes we import a few PHDs im sure to work on very special projects. By a few i mean like less than .05% of the population.

Yes there are a few that did well... however how are u supposed to make business deals with people and fully understand the terms without knowing english? Hard work is nice but honestly there are much more important things than hard work! So gee wat sort of business were these people in... let me take a guess construction or something simple like operating a convenience store?

There are very few people in the USA who would have use for a Lawyer, CPA, PHD, MD, CEO, or just about any other highly esteemed profession without a good comprehension of the english language! =D It doesn't matter how much u know if u can't communicate it to the people who pay u for your advice or expertise! =)

There most certainly is no shortage of trained professionals in the US! Except in the medical field. There is an excess of people with Ba degrees now so the job market is more competetive than ever! Some foreigner who doesn't know english and doesn't have any sort of formal education or US employment history just can't compete with that!
9 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Exactly Mali! Also in order to make it good in america ur gonna have to be competetive with them in the job market! If u can barely speak English u just won't cut it! The best u can really expect is a manual labor job which won't pay u that much! U also need a Valid college degree because its getting more and more competetive for jobs currently.

Without a college degree and a good grasp of the english language its very hard to do well in america. U need accomplishments that set u apart from the competetion! Any able bodied person could work at a mcdonalds or do manual labor which is the kind of jobs immigrants who hardly speak english would b going for!
9 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Yah u can't even begin to say things are better in poland just look at rankings by GDP! Poland is a speck of crap on the underpants of the world!!
8 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

As much as I hate immigration, until the borders close completely to non-eu countries I welcome the Polish with open arms. Give me 100 Poles to 1 Asian anyday.

oh hell no! Don't start on asians buddy im asian ur just jealous because our test scores are higher than yours are! Also japan is by far one of the gr8test countries in this world with almost no crime rate and an amazing education system!
5 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

outintheyard wrote:
In the USa Farmers are considered rich or upper middle class.

outintheyard wrote:

I do not know a neighboring farmer of mine that is not a millionaire

Yet there are loads of farmers in the US who have lost their farms to the banks or can barely afford to eat.

Just because your experience is one way doesn't make it true for all or even most.

Dude where the hell have u been? farmers rich???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH omgah farmers are not rich! Some are im sure but most are not! Also having a million dollars worth of assets isn't that much anymore! Just because u live in a huge house and drive a nice car doesn't mean anything! If ur on ur 5th year of a 30 year house mortgage ur house owns u! Remember owners equity= assets-liabilities
4 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Yep ive been to... london, brussels, lucerne, zermatt, munich, rotenburg, amsterdam, paris, and austria. If italy and the mediterranian count ive been to alot more! Its true though europe lacks natural resources and it also has an aging population. Much older than the US. Some parts of europe have negative population growth.
4 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Yah the US dollar is going down right now but give it a decade and it will go back up. The US dollar is very resilient. The US will stay the world's most powerful country at least another 100 years. Poland just doesn't have the resources the USA does and neither does europe.
22 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

The US is a very good country!!! We are the richest and most opportunistic nation in the world! We also are one of the most tolerant. God bless america! We are trying to keep people out b/c we already have enuf people here! We don't want anymore!
20 Feb 2008
News / GDP of Poland.. 338 billion pop-38.5mil Cali GDP 1.7 Trillion pop-37.7mil [70]

HAHAHAHAHAHA Do u mean purchasing power parity?
Here is the GDP! the real one


NO my data is not from about 2003! What did u smoke to come up with your #s? Whatever it is it must b damn good! Better than cali med clinic 215? I'd pay 40 buxx a gram for it if it can distort ur reality like it appears happened 2 u!
18 Feb 2008
News / GDP of Poland.. 338 billion pop-38.5mil Cali GDP 1.7 Trillion pop-37.7mil [70]

Hmmm I fail to see how comparing the prosperity of 2 cultures of almost equal size fails to qualify as intelligent. Hmmm when i think about it though it really makes sense. Poland values the church and gender roles as well as conservative political opinions regarding civil rights. In cali we celebrate diversity as well as competetion and differing opinions. In poland they celebrate the church and magical saints of gobblty gookk who represent things that may never have been. These saints and this church promote this conservative unchanging and undiverse culture. ( comprised of mostly white catholics)

Any system that throws a person in jail for a fraction of a gram of marijuana is obviously inefficient.
18 Feb 2008
News / GDP of Poland.. 338 billion pop-38.5mil Cali GDP 1.7 Trillion pop-37.7mil [70]

Does poland lack wealth b/c its just fresh out of communism? Is it because of a lack of natural resources? OR is it because of the work ethic of polish workers? Is it because of the social low standing of poland vs other more well liked places? Its quite humorous how my state produces 4x more goods and services than ur country! Not to mention poland has been around for much longer than cali.
15 Feb 2008

ZIONIST!! HAHAHAHA OMG I JUST ALMOST DIED OF LAUGHTER! Dude if the jews want it they prolly will get it! Israel is more of a world power than poland they have a very good military and nuclear defense system! DON'T **** WITH THE JEWS!!! They r crafty alot of the smartest friends i have are jewish!