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Joined: 14 Nov 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 5 Jul 2012
Threads: Total: 31 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1258 / In This Archive: 175
From: USA, Connecticut
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: family history

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14 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

President Kaczynski's last speech

I have lost some very special and respected people and I question where we shall go from here. I have linked the speech that was to be read as I could not find it posted. From the USA my heart is with you all. United we shall morn the devistating losses.

God Bless Poland, Carol Celinska Dove

All circumstances of the Katyn crime need to be investigated and revealed. It is important that innocence of the victims is officially confirmed and that all files concerning the crime are open so that the Katyn lie could disappear for ever. We demand it, first of all, for the sake of the memory of the victims and respect for their families' suffering. We also demand it in the name of common values, which are necessary to form a foundation of trust and partnership between the neighbouring nations in the whole Europe

23 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

you anti-Semite

You are wrong. I do not feel Jewish should be treated any different. If this post is good the other is and vs. versa.
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

but Poland's army hasn't done squat for Poland for the last century. they got their arese handed to them on a plate by the Russians. the Germans and the Austrians. During Communism, the armed forces enabled the government to enforce their control over the people.

Please, in the east the military were told to put down arms. They were later to be massacred by Stalin's henchmen, the others Stalin had his henchmen come in the night to the farms, take them (unarmed) at gun point with women and children to slave and die in Siberia.

That takes care of Eastern Poland, now the other three sides were being bombared by Nazi's, the ones coming to help were no show's and still Poland was the forth largest, fought from start to finish, fought on every front.

What was left of Polish when our allies decided to give our country away to the very ones that had a pack with Hitler. Funny thought it took both Soviet's and Nazi's and lies to disarm our military to get that far. You want to refrase that last quote Mr. Bubbles?
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Everyone is around when they think you owe them something, but disappear when there is blame to spread. The only way I could see them being completely right is by calling into account specific people or groups formerly in the Kremlin for what they did. I am not one who believes it is right to terrorize an innocent, simply because his great great great grandfather terrorized my own

Russia has not taken responsibility for the "Gulags" they sent millions of innocent people to. Not just military, but family's, innocent children died for no reason other than being Polish, Russian, Jewish, German or Catholic. "Katyn" massacre was men that had laid down their arms and were willing to fight with Soviets.

Today is Feb. 10, 1940. My family were stuffed in cattle cars and sent to Siberia today. Four of them lost their lives. I ask that you light a candle for them as we do in Warsaw and every other nation across this world. Go to the memorial at Kresy-Siberia.org and read the names or say a silent prayer for the Russian family that were never to grow old. But please don't say you can forget. This is how history can repeat itself.

People thought similar things about other leaders who proved to be just that. Stalin *looked* friendly

People say the same thing about Putin and his KGB staff. He appear so likeable, yet why is he revising Communist Soviet ways?
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Just because you generally back somebody doesn't mean you are anti-Iran.

I might aggree that Russia is using an all to willing Iran, reguardless, Iran speaks of killing USA military and tells his people to.

Iran Satellite Launch Raises ICBM Concerns


10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Since when has Iran been interested in Poland?

Since Poland has backed USA. Look at the money the USA pours into others that left US high and dry the first chance they got in Iraq, Poland has been there for the duration.

Have you seen the help Russia is giving? Shoot he's paying billions to get others to evict USA.

The exchange capped a confusing week in which Russia was widely seen to have offered Kyrgyzstan's leader billions to evict the U.S. military from its main air hub for supplies going into the widening Afghanistan

washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/06/AR2009 020600830.html

10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Political considerations should assume greater importance as the threat is questionable at best.

In my opion they do, how many were left in Poland when "Communist" control took over. Today the same concern is being voiced.
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Of course Iran is such a huge threat

Every Country has a right to defense, be it from Russia or Iran. Now that you mention Iran having one, no they have two from Russia that are mobil units and the best on the market.
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Poland to tell Biden it ready for shield

"When we agree something with our ally, we keep our promise," Tusk said.

That should strike a cord.

washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/06/AR2009 020602222.html?sub=new

9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Well done Russia :)

NATO urges Russia to abandon 19th century mindset

I cannot see how we can have such a serious discussion of such a new architecture, in which President Medvedev himself says territorial integrity is a primary element when Russia is building bases inside Georgia, a country that doesn't want those bases.

washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/07/AR2009 020700958.html

29 Jan 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

I too think that is the future!

What I wonder is why Russia is not making threats

The core of such a european army is already being build...the seeds are sown so to
speak, still tiny but alive and kicking nonetheless:

on this?
5 Jan 2009
History / Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship? [209]

don't see any connection

That is not very suprizing.

but the actual state of affairs doesn't allow them to extend a hand to each other.

Look you do get it. :)
5 Jan 2009
History / Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship? [209]

Russians and Poles have a lot in common but the actual state of affairs doesn't allow them to extend a hand to each other.

Has anyone questioned the use of black masks by Russian police in the raid where the files on Stalin were stored? Seemed to me this is not like getting a warrant and ceasing material but rather a criminal act.

Memorial's St. Petersburg branch has been researching and documenting Stalin's crimes for 20 years, building one of the world's most complete archives of one of the darkest chapters in Russia's history.

ajc.com/services/content/printedition/2008/12/26/stalin.htm l

Could it be the Goverment of Russia puts a wedge between the Russian and Polish people?
4 Jan 2009
History / Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship? [209]

Maybe two years ?
I don't know exactly.

I know that some were conscriped and first chance they got they bolted to Polish army, then the ones released upon amnesty from Siberia meet up under British command. Although Poland and Soviets were "allies" most from the east refused to fight with them. Poland was Poland's Army Under British command. I was just wondering what time line you were referring to and which Polish, in the east saw a differant side right away.

Putin is just a figment of the worlds imagination?

Putin is the one that is destroying the relationship with others outside of Putin's Kremlin.
6 Nov 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

you all really should learn to tolerate and live side by side with each other.

You must remember many poster are not in Poland, are not Polish and the ones you place blame on have shown more tolerance than most of us will in a life time. I can see by your screen name you came into PF prepared.
4 Nov 2008
History / Memorial to honour the thousands of Scottish-based Polish soldiers [10]

Fantastic article on Polish Scottish history. :)

Park tribute is the bear necessity to honour Polish army

A NEW memorial to honour the thousands of Scottish-based Polish soldiers -
and one bear - who fought in the Second World War is to be unveiled inEdinburgh.

The tribute, organised by community activists, is designed to celebrate thehistoric links between Edinburgh and Poland, which span hundreds of years.

The three-stone structure is to be erected this week in Broughton's RedbraesPark, ahead of its official unveiling on Remembrance Sunday - also Polish Independence Day.

He said: "We very much see this as something to allow people to rememberthat the Polish were fighting for all our freedom. I hope too that it will further deepen Scottish and Polish relations."

29 Oct 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

Nobody wants the Jews in their lands.(we have to whisper it).

This was not true in the past, when no one else would let the Jewish live in their country, Poland did. IMHO this was why Poland was invaded in 1939, but as for Poland, the problem they were working out at the time was Jewish wanting their own country within Poland and Poland said, no. If you get a chance watch "The Other Truth".
29 Sep 2008
News / Poland's pollution of the Baltic Sea [46]

Russia cuts its Oct oil exports via Poland

Russian officials, including those at pipeline monopoly Transneft, have said that some of Europe's diversification plans threaten the stability of Russian supplies and the country would gradually re-route all of its energy exports from foreign to domestic ports.

Transneft has said the re-routing could happen in 2012, when Russia expands its pipeline system to the Baltic Sea, though it now appears it has already begun.

(Reporting by Gleb Gorodyankin and Alfred Kueppers)

12 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

Now these communist flats-are they still communist flats or are they privetaly owned now and just built during the communist years?

I just saw a show where a young couple in Russia were looking for their first home and they looked at 3 communist flats, they went for $66,000 USD to $56,000. Size was the most shocking with 500 sq ft. being the norm. Needless to say they are rather small and in Kremlin area. All three were in need of cosmetic and storage was lacking.

They bought one with a balcony and in the end they showed how beautiful the couple set it up with some bright colors. Bathrooms were very tiny in all three and you really had no room to entertain company in any of them. Bedrooms were full when a bed was added and fold up bed was used. They did not have dressers and if they did they would not have fit. They removed the carpet that looked like indoor/outdoor and the father helped by putting in beautiful wood flooring. They did not say what kind of wood but it was stunning.

You may also want to follow this case,

Poland's last communist leader, General Wojciech Jaruzelski, has gone on trial accused of committing a crime by imposing martial law in 1981.

10 Sep 2008

Your either white, or you not, get it? Not hard to comprehend.

We are all people, correct? Growing up in USA I appreciate the mix of back ground, cultures and feel this is what makes USA so great. Reguardless of the topic, we have artists, writers, mason's to scientists, I can go on and on into any walk of life and it's the diveristy of cultures that I love. As far as God, we can decide who we pray to and how, or even if we don't want a God.