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Posts by jdthebrit  

Joined: 22 Oct 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Oct 2012
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 50 / In This Archive: 40
From: Katowice
Speaks Polish?: Tak.........
Interests: Cycling, music,footaball

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9 May 2013
Life / Drink driving a bike and losing your driving license in Poland [27]

I appreciate that you like to set yourself up as some sort of authority - but just because we teach doesn't mean we should kowto to some ridiculous laws IMO. Apologies for the cliche, but, If the law is an ass...

And make no mistake - it was the public disorder that killed the Poll tax. Where were you? :))

As for ZUS, it should be means tested,and centralised, as in Newcastle On Tyne - instead of there being an office in every crummy town, but no, that would destroy tens of thousands of jobs, right? Worthy of a separate thread, but I know that ZUS will never, ever, get another single zloty from me so I couldn't care less actually.
8 May 2013
Life / Drink driving a bike and losing your driving license in Poland [27]

Now now Delph chap - you well remember that the UK Poll tax was defeated by the brave masses. We could easily do the same with ZUS, and with such a foolish law as this one.

Unless of course you are a NeoCon and love to take from people?

No. The bike is replacing the car.

Exactly. Please accept PF post of the day award. But never fall into the trap of expecting any logic or intelligence from Polish legislators. Thick shiite, the lot of them.
8 May 2013
Life / Drink driving a bike and losing your driving license in Poland [27]

sn't the next step outlawing being drunk in public? Wouldn't that solve all the issues. "Which can only be a good thing''

Old thread.

You are wasting your time with the sad Neocons on this board buddy -who are far more likely to kill people by speeding in their cars than any happy go lucky cyclist.

The law here is a disgrace, and as before, must be flouted by all.
2 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

I know it's your second language Grzegorz and you have to be complimented for that, as my written Polish is nowhere near your level.

However, you can only sink to the usual Polish insults about homosexuals - try to use a little more intelligence when debating the next fight you witness - and film on your Apple - and then go home to mummy's house and enjoy your furtive self pleasuring session..... not quite sure if you want mummy to catch you red handed or not.....

Others, on the other hand, take this subject seriously - even if my OP was offensive - the question of what one is supposed to do when the police abdicate their responsibilities and do not do their job - policing drunken revellers.
2 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

interesting thread, good on you jd for stopping a potential maiming. And of cours the circumstances and andrenaline excuse you calling polish people cowards etc.

I'm curious as to what the mechanics where to th fight being stopped, what happened after the guy punched you? did his friends try and have a go as well? are you trained in martial arts that you had the confidence to step in? Give us the gory details.

You're right of course Antheads - there is nobody as courageous as the Poles.

Anyway, the guy was practically insensible on the floor and the second was putting the boot in for what seemed a full minute, as well as kneeling there and pummelling him.

Not difficult to put my body between them as they were somewhat paralytic..... and my action was fortunately seen as concilitary. There was a third guy holding a coat too. When I got whacked I reckon it was crossfire - then somebody called the police and the hospital laddies.

So I scarpered quick as I didn't want the police busting Johnny foreigner!
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

The Polish police warns people not to intervene but call.

Lol Pawian. The police in this country couldn't give meaningful advice to a ten year old, and in this case what was one supposed to do?

Just watch? No cops anywhere - on the busiest night of the year?

As so often, somebody had to police it for them, while they play with their cars and drive up and down Zaleze preening their wings and doing **** all :))
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

Your grandmother used to fight in bars, then?

Lol - that's good. I meant I am entitled to comment on Irish culture as I might be a Brit but also have Irish blood...........

I take it as read that you are a Tafffy? :)
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

No it doesn't.

What do you mean Zetigrek? You mean that indifference is a new thing? I am suggesting that people think that the authorities will step in - when in fact the lack of police on the ground and actually integrating with the people was palpable.

There were NO police on the ground - exactly none.

Policemen should be in the community, not exactly laughing and joking with the community - but working with the population.

Two weeks ago I was the victim of an attempted robbery, driving on foreign plates - so a gang thought I was rich.... after the shootout between the cops and the bandits, all I heard from the cops who were trailing the gang and were shadowing me in the bank was "Oh, damn, I missed the action".

Useless, unprofessional fools and often we have to do their work for them :((
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

This is interesting Trevek :)

We both know however that a lot of Irish lads actually know each other personally - and correct me if I am wrong - but they will actually fight bare-fisted IN the pub, and they dust themselves down afterwards when half the bar is wrecked (why are there little furnishings in London Irish bar) and then buy each other a drink.

I can comment because my grandmother was a Buckley from near Dublin.

For often they are boys from the bog, who are related or know the other as from a close town.

This was something else - the guy knocked the other down, and was putting the boot into the bloke on the floor for a full minute before I dived in.

Still mad about it now that nobody from the crowd stirred a muscle. :((
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

We only have his version of events, and there is absolutely no way of knowing whether he is telling the truth or not.

So - I would have nothing better to do at 1 in the morning of a New Year than to invent some story then?

I am saying that Poles - through no fault of their own probably - are used to standing around - and being criminally passive - and letting the police or special forces deal with public disorder. This comes from communism times.

But , like a bad penny, the police of today, with restricted budgets, are never there where needed and always hassling where they are not merited.

This was a central part of Katowice, and a gathering point, and the police - who we pay to protect and marshal us - were totally conspicious by their absence.

If I hadn't stepped in, this guy might well have been kicked to death. And I don't need any credit - I was just astonished, and still am, that people just stood and watched.

End of.
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

This holier-than-thou attitude, though, really doesn't help.

Point taken. It's not my country - but after 20 years of being ****** from a great height by ZUS and the socialist system I feel I have some say :)

There is always the legacy of Dzem and SBB to enjoy so I never said it's all bad :)

Drunk pink homo on a bicycle... God have mercy :)))

Oh, we have a tough cycbernet warrior boys! I must invite you to Mariacka in Katowice - what colour sweater will you be wearing? :)
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

LOL ! I check the other thread, pink clown, go get some beer and on the bike, with a bit of luck some truck with smash you all over the road :)))

So you are suggesting I am gay? That is resulting to the old Polish stereotype, and why are we not surprised?

Do only gay people stop fights? :))
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

You are a hoax! Katowice isn`t a lovely town.

Tongue in cheek Pawian. And I love Being a guest in your wonderful country - even after more than 20 years.

Cowardice I have no time for though.
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

I stopped the fight. Other, younger, men than me, were masturbating themselves watching. the fight.

Hilarious - and pathetic.
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

I am British and i am calling a relatively large percentage of Poles out as cowards. Is that clear enough for you?

Having had 20 years in Silesia, I can form an opinion, right?
1 Jan 2013
Life / The unacceptable side of Polish culture [48]

I hear enough Polonisms from wannabee employers like Profi-Lingua, about "unacceptable" this and that.....

Poles need to take a long hard look at themselves.

Tonight I witnesssed a bloody fight outside the City rock pub on Chorzowska in Katowice - that lovely town that has been my abode these last few years....

One hard nut got the better of another and was kicking him half to death. Teeth and other parts scattered everywhere and bones cracking.

A crowd stood on, and hesitated, like in a car crash. Guess who had to stop in and call it after 2 minutes of the guy on the flloor, and gets a jab in the jaw before peace is restored ?

Englishman abroad of course - because a lot of you Poles are too yellow and frightened to get involved. A total disgrace.

Those who stood by,being entertained, be ashamed of yourselves the lot of you. Yellow scum. Not the first time have I have seen indifference, yet you judge the English when you choose to live in the UK. I am sick to death of your cowardice and false bonhomie.,

Of course, Happy New Year to all normal people who care for others.
25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Sorry but you have a selective memory.In a recent referendum, 50 per cent of Poles said Juruzelski was correct to call Martial Law and "saved" Poland.

a link, please

No idea - Gazeta Wyborcza reported it about 5 years ago. It was a government sponsored referundum to check the state of the nation - by whoever was in power at the time - PIS I believe - could have been SLD.....

And Magda - you are prevaricating with the facts. Which are that a great many (poorly educated) Poles still hanker after the old times when they did not have to think for themselves, and that in itself is an utter disgrace against decent folk everywhere who suffered shocking indignities, injuries to life and limb, and loss of human rights and liberty.

24 years after the event of the Round Table, I still take pleasure in supporting my wife's relatives and sneering in the face of anyone, anyone, who supported that criminal mob and who lined their pockets by signing up to Party membership.

That would include Geremek, by the way, but not Walesa, who was one of the few who actually had a pair of balls.

It doesn't matter whether that referundum was 25 years after Martial law. Jurelzelski instigated it - real Poles wanted the Russians to come, and wanted war - instead of the shameful, illegal, humiliating fate they had to suffer from that sunglass wearing buffoon and his criminal gang.

As per the original thread, where you stated that Brits are "relaxed" and go with the flow, and don't react, my countrymen would never have stood for that and would have outed the ****** kinter. Civil war.
25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Sorry but you have a selective memory.
In a recent referendum, 50 per cent of Poles said Juruzelski was correct to call Martial Law and "saved" Poland.
You couldn't make it up :))
25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

I'm not having that - the Ireland thing - their country being occupied by a foreign power is not the same as a Pole betraying his country while "president" and being applauded by 50 per cent of the population, and even his enemies buying his autobiography.

That illustrates that the Poles get the leaders they deserve, and will lie down and take it.

Any Polish amateur could have outed the old general at his place of abode in France. Yet Poles are soft and resigned to taking it up the ass as I said. And as you said, they refuse to get involved.

That is why Magda's assumption of the Brits is all wrong. A traitor like the General would have been dead many many years ago, and you and me know it.

Those murderous criminals like Peter Robinson on the other hand are and were protected by a professional state security.
25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

The thing is though Delph - you and I know there is community spirit in the uK - oK so communism ruined that in Poland and it's quickly coming back and normalising - but magda got my back up. I'm not saying one culture is "better" than the other - I'm saying that Poles stereotypically analyse (and prevaricate) and reach a logical conclusion, and Brits act, and sometimes balls it up :)
25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

PS Magda:

I can assure you without a word of a lie that if Jaruzelski was British and had ****** us over as he did your country he would have been cut into little pieces by the mob.

That's our (rather more pro-active) culture.
25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Magdalena is talking gash in my opinion.
It is the Poles who are prepared to lie down and take it up the ass IMO after living in Poland for 20 years.

Brits would never stand for the sort of s hite that the average Pole will resignedly put up with.

Some examples? Police harassment - I always demand their name and badge number. Appalling service at that UK Jewish supermarket chain (it's top notch in the UK but ****ite here), aggressive tailgating and cutting into traffic (which Poles grudgingly accept), bad language in front of women in pubs and restaurants, drunken behaviour going unchallenged in public areas, men urinating and spitting in the street...

And Magda thinks Brits are soft?


Sorry I will edit this as the American Polonia are at work again, the tiresome fools....
11 Oct 2012
News / Beer and cycling - it's time for Poles to act [46]

Yes, but jd's right to get hammered and go for a happy jaunt on his bike is clearly more important than the lives of those young people.

Nope - not hammered. I just want and employ the right to 3 or 4 beers over the period of a summer afternoon, with a bicycle picnic or whatever. Still - why not blow that out of all proportion?

As the Poles do................. :(
10 Oct 2012
News / Beer and cycling - it's time for Poles to act [46]

lol what are you talking about? What filth? What happy jaunt??

Sorry - I forgot that English must be your second language.

Or are you being dumb and pedantic/North American :)

It's one of the two, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The filth=the police. A jaunt is a pleasant trip.

OK now? :)

On second thoughts - just checked your profile. It's clear now - it's the patronising American syndrome again. Tut tut.
7 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish Beer In The UK [98]

PS: Good Polish beer costs 2,5zł in a store.

sorry Matyjasz. But when you compare other beers, like women, the mediocre compare badly.

Poland for vodka. Czech for beer.

Simple as that. There are no good beers in Poland. Zilch. I have researched this for 20 years :(
7 Oct 2012
News / Beer and cycling - it's time for Poles to act [46]

So we're clear then?

People on this board are happy to have their right to a happy jaunt continually threatened by the Polish filth.

You couldn't make it up.
6 Oct 2012
News / Beer and cycling - it's time for Poles to act [46]

Are you suggesting that the BBC should not comment on international affairs? British archaic laws, whether they be bye-laws or whatever - or rarely enforced.

For example - when was someone last imprisioned for publicly ridiculing the monarchy?