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Posts by roalex  

Joined: 21 Oct 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 Nov 2010
Threads: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 40 / In This Archive: 9

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27 Nov 2011
Life / Coloured Tires In Poland?! [6]

This is odd. I was given the impression that they were catching on in Poland. I thought that may be there would be an opportunity to make some money from a venture like this.
25 Nov 2011
Life / Coloured Tires In Poland?! [6]

Has anyone ever seen these kinds of tires in Poland.

Coloured Car Tires

My dad who lives outside of Warsaw said they are becoming quite the rage/fad. Is this really true? Has anyone seen people in Poland driving around with coloured car tires. I am finding very hard to believe.
1 Dec 2010
Law / Shipping Vehicles/Motorcycles to Poland (from Taiwan). Drivers license. [10]

I know there is another thread on this about Shipping cars to Poland. But my question is a little different and I would like to revisit the topic. So here goes.

I live in Taiwan and will most likely be moving to Warsaw in the next year. I hope! If all goes as planned I would like to ship my Vespa to Warsaw so that I can ride it when I get there. In the summers of course.

My question is this, will I need a drivers license for the bike? The bike has a 150cc engine. I believe that is a different category of license than what you see a lot of kids riding around on in the country of Poland. Most of those, if not all, are 50cc's. I have a drivers license for Taiwan and I have an international driver's permit as well, which allows me to ride bikes up to 400 or 500cc's.

What steps would I have to take to legally ride the bike in Poland?

cheers and thanks for any insight
22 Nov 2010
Travel / Experiences in Restaurants in Poland [10]

I suppose Olaf and delphiandomine are used to this.

When I went to a restaurant and ordered what I thought was a meal and all I got was the plane meat I felt ripped off.

Yes, I suppose you are right this does only happen in bottom tier restaurants.
22 Nov 2010
Travel / Experiences in Restaurants in Poland [10]

Not too sure how many of you have experienced this but tell me if you have and why this is the case in many of the restaurants in Poland.

The server brings you a menu you order a kotlet schabowy, or golabki, or anything for that matter. When your food comes all that you get is the exact thing you ordered and nothing more. No potatoes, or side salad just a big plate with one piece of meat on it. Everything costs extra (dodatki).

Why do restaurants in Poland do this? I think this may be the only country I have ever been to that does this. I mean what's the point of going to a restaurant.
7 Sep 2010
Work / Canadian moving to Poland - Work Permits, Work Visas and a few questions [5]

Thanks for the reply. If anyone else has anymore insight into this please give as much info as possible.


Hey again,

I just thought of another issue that may come up with the Work Permit. The reason I ask is from my past experience living in Taiwan. In Taiwan for foreigners to get work permits and residency cards they must have university degrees that relate to their designated job. For example a chef must have some sort of culinary arts background and related educational experience. Engineers must have a degree in engineering. About the only thing in Taiwan that unrelated to your degree is teaching English. In this case the Taiwanese government only wants you to have completed a university degree, in any field. I met a teacher who finished a degree in Parks and Recreation Management, and he'd been teaching in the country for 6 years.

Is this the case as well in Poland? Does your university degree need to relate to the position you are being hired for?

As I have a degree in Fine Arts will I be able to get hired at the restaurant I want to work at?

Cheers again
6 Sep 2010
Work / Canadian moving to Poland - Work Permits, Work Visas and a few questions [5]

Hi All,

I am in the process of moving to Poland over the course of the next year. I am a Canadian citizen and should be working there next summer.

My employer needs to go through the process of getting me a Work Permit, which I then need to take to the embassy in my country to get a work visa. This will allow me to enter and work in the country.

My question is this:

1. Is it difficult for employers in Poland to get Work Permits for Non-EU foreigners?

I have also read that it is only possible for Polish employers to hire foreigners if there is no, or limited, Polish labor in that sector. Point number 2 on this page: justlanded/english/Poland/Poland-Guide/Visas-Permits/Work-permits

2. Does anyone know if this is still in fact the case in Poland? Are they very strict about giving out work permits?

I have a degree in fine arts and will be working as a restaurant manager. So my university degree does not really match with the work I will be doing. Although I will be working in a relatively remote area about 50 kilometres outside of Warsaw, in between Serock and Pułtusk.

Any thoughts, experiences regarding this process would me much appreciated. I am looking to get as much insight as I can about the workings of getting this kind of paper work done.

Cheers and thanks
18 Apr 2010
Travel / Discount Airlines operating in Poland? [3]

Hey All,

Are there any discount airlines that operate in Poland. I am looking for flights from Warsaw to Gdansk. The only flights I have been able to find are with LOT. I am not in Poland so I don't know what's out there.

14 Apr 2010
Travel / Sopot Music Festival [9]

Hey All,

First thanks for the replies ans sorry I didn't get back sooner.

rkb - I am not interested in the Open'er festival

What I am looking for is the Sopot International Song Festival. As posted by SzwedwPolsce.
Unfortunately the wiki link does not show the dates for this summer and website link on the wiki page goes to a link for the 2007 competition.

If anyone out there has any info in the 2010 Sopot International Song Festival it would be much appreciated. I will keep trolling the web and if I find it I will post it here.

Cheers and thanks for any help

Sorry about this everyone but I think it called Sopot Hit Festival.
11 Apr 2010
Travel / Sopot Music Festival [9]

Hello all,

I'll be visiting Poland this summer with my wife. The last time we were there we watched the Sopot Music Festival on TV and said that we should try to see it live, if we ever have the chance. Well we're coming back this summer for the whole month of August, does anyone know the dates of the festival for 2010?

Also if anyone has gone in the past can you recommend places to stay, or things to do when not at the festival.

18 Sep 2009

On September 21 1999 there was a very large magnitude earthquake in Taiwan. Which resulted in a lot of deaths. The reason was due to shoddy construction techniques. It was found out after the quake that builder were filling walls with empty coffee cans instead of concrete and rebar.

As fir the state of roads in Taiwan I would say the highways here a very good. But the inner city roads can be at times quite crap!! I honestly think that the trucks out here are way better than anything you can get in America. Simply because of the crap quality of some of the roads.
17 Sep 2009

I currently live in Taiwan. I know not quite the same as China but to the uninformed it all seems the same. At any rate Taiwanese/Chinese workers tend to work much faster and and for longer periods of time. Construction projects rarely stop for weekend breaks. They keep going 7 days a week and even on national holidays. And on some occasions they will do 24hr shifts. The last time I was in Poland (April 2009) I was shocked to see the slow pace of the build up of roads. In particular the Autostrada. Although I do think the roads being built by the Poles are of top quality.

On the other hand Chinese labour does come at the price of low quality construction. I would suspect that if a good Quality Control Engineer were on site he/she would delay the construction of the road numerous times. Simply due to shoddy construction techniques. Having said that it is still possible that the Chinese could pull off some awesome work. If they put as much effort into Polish roads as they did the Olympics then we'd be driving on gold all the way to Berlin.

Not to sure what that last bit is supposed to mean but hopefully you get my drift.
1 Nov 2007
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

I think that Poles go for the money. In Poland they don't earn anywhere near enough cash as they would living in Ireland, England or Germany.

It's all about $$$$$$$$