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Posts by Lonman  

Joined: 13 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Oct 2016
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
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11 Oct 2016
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Ill jump in here as I always like a good verbal flogging. I have stayed away from the Forums for a couple years as I found most of the talk repetitive and angry. As an expat (US) is my view but one who has spent a fair amount of time in Poland over the last 15 years. I also spent a good part of 2015 and 16 working in the refugee camps and route.

1) Most Syrians do not want to come to Poland. Is cold, the language is difficult and is not known as a welcome place.

2) Many many are family people looking for a safe place. Yes I saw with my own eyes the high amounts of single men from all over the Middle East and Africa on the route trying to get in... they are different and that problem is the fault of the EU. But a good majority of the Syrians just want to be safe for awhile and go home

3) I know from many of my Polish friends especially women there is a great deal of fear associated with men from this region and any type of refugee centers

4) I also think the problem is the large scale of last years crisis. Trying to force so large a population even into country like Germany is too much worse for Austria. Small numbers and with local support no problem. That is how is has been working in the US recently. (npr.org/2016/09/15/494043613/syrian-refugee-family-knows-english-is-the-key-to-independence)

5) I think we as humans do have to have a place for those who need refuge. Stupid arguments about a certain % of apples being poisoned are ridiculous. By that argument we should not get on a plane or ever drive a car on a Polish highway during the holidays.

That is all.
30 Apr 2015
Life / Warsaw M2 line? Will it ever run? [8]

Happy to say a few weeks after my post the M2 was open. I think pushed along by the Valentines Day / evening bridge fire I think.

I have ridden the short metro lines several times now.

Anyone have a link to the master plan for the compete line? ie More than just the 7 stops currently.
10 Feb 2015
Life / Warsaw M2 line? Will it ever run? [8]

Can anyone tell me if the Warsaw M2 line will ever open. They are already talking of extending the line yet the line is a year over due. Nice bright colored entrances dot the city center.

I searched the news and on here but see no answer. My Polish friends dont even ask about it... maybe they just know Poland better than I do.

Love to know if can expect to see this running in my lifetime.
28 Oct 2014
Travel / How awful Warsaw bus system has become -anyone else noticed [4]

Has anyone else noticed how bad the bus and tram schedules have become lately? I have been back 1 week (I was gone for 8) and I would say the buses have been on time 25% of the time and in many cases no show. I have seen more people in the last week waiting at tram stops in big crowds with heads looking down the tracks for the tram, that is not there. I don't know whether I can trust the system to have a bus there.... tonight was fine example the 168 was supposed to be at stop at 2019 which I missed and next was 2049 so I walked over to the 222. While waiting for the late 222 bus, I saw the 168 roll by at 2040 so I jogged around and caught it home... so it came right in the middle..?? Previous night I was at a bus stop waiting for the 411, which never showed, I saw 3 buses from the same route arrive nearly the same time... eventually I got another connection the Saska and my 507 home... what a mess.

This is amazing in 3 years I have been around Warsaw on and off this is the worst I have experienced. Anyone else?
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Couple things to take away from this crisis for governments of Central and Eastern Europe. They need to keep spending money on a quality armed forces not slashing and thnking NATO will be there for them.

Poland seams to be the only country in Europe who see's the threat from Russia and matches it with defense spending...

If a shooting war starts in the next few weeks Western Europe is unprepared militarily and from the reaction of EU leaders, mentally with a boldly aggressive Russia.

I wont debate Barny on neo nazi in Ukraine etc - he just has a point of view that many in the east or with Russian sympathies share.

Round 1 goes to Russia. Will see what the government in Ukraine does next.

But one thing for Russia only appreciates strength. It also knows it does not seriously face economic sanctions in the long term.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

The point is that there in nothing that the Russians did that any other country faced with a similar situation would not have done.

Come on.... Russia basically saw an opening and took it when it came to Crimea. Hell author Tom Clancy in his last book laid out a very similar scenario for Ukraine..... read it...

amazon.com/Command-Authority-Jack-Ryan-Clancy/dp/0399160477/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1393938810&sr=1-1&keywords=t om+clancy
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Man I turn away for a few hours and conversation gets good.

Nathan et al - As history tells us Russia has been in Crimea for 200 years. Yes under Stalin some terrible things were done to the Tarters (sp). I do see the Tarters as being a problem possibly. Fact is the Russian army is big enough and there is enough of a majority from what I can see for it to stay in Russian hands for now. Maybe there will be some political soulution some day...

As to US capability. Read the article. There are only 2 brigades of US ground forces left in Germany. NO armor. Fewer air craft - no ground support. Also all the NATO countries have been cutting and cutting their defense spending for years. US Sec Def Gates on his way out of office a couple of years ago took to task the Europeans for failure to do there part in paying for defense of Europe.

Lets face it. Obama and the EU leaders have always lived in a dream land when it comes to Russia. For the EU it has been easier to see Russia as they see themselves..... now they realized it was a trick mirror...

I have a feeling we will now enter a more calm phase. Curious to see what happens in Eastern Ukraine. The former commander of US forces in Europe made the interesting comment that Ukraine stations its soldiers in units near their homes. So you have units that have regional loyalties.... can you see the problem......

Good informative discussion.

Hope they have a lot more of these...
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]


I am glad I got 1 out of 7 correct.

I can tell I am dealing with a patriot.

I should amend a couple of my comments though.

6) Ukraine has a history of irregular / partisan warfare (I drank in some underground bar in Lvov with this theme once) that bled the Russians and Germans. But it does take time to turn farmers and businessman and students into soldiers. Since you went back to Hannibal for an example I will go back as far as my own countries Revolution in 1775. Our militia did well in ambush and in defense in the first battles but could not stand against the regulars of the British. It was not until regualar training by professional soldier (a Pole) did the tide change. Not saying anything against the spirit of Ukrainian fighter.

7) Ill amend this to say US does have military forces just not the type needed to fight a ground war in E. Europe if it came to it next week. But I don't see Russia be that crazy to take on US and US will not at present time but ground forces in Ukraine. I could see US Special Forces trainers thought and other intel spec ops types.

Ill let the rest of my comments stand.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

I have been following closely these events. Though admittedly not so much from the Russian point of view. All I know from my interaction with Russian and Serbs in the past is they do see the world from a very different point of view in many cases - especially when it come to nationalistic issues.

1) Crimea is gone. Russians have it and no one has the power or will to take it back.
2) The east of the country in the next question. I assume now Russian paramilitaries are slowly moving into pro-Russia cities and countryside. So when/if they decide to move they will be ready and have forces to open the doors for conventional forces. As long as Russia can keep the bloodshed on the low side I have a feeling W. Europe and the US are not going to do much.

3) Ukraine is not part of NATO so don't expect much. The security guarantee from the 90's not worth the paper it is written on.

4) Right now Europe and the US/Canada etc are confused and unsure what to do besides offering diplomatic threats. Their worldview has been upset and don't know what to do with a govt that is not interested in talking and laughs at empty threats.

5) Poland is doing the correct thing by moving troops to the border region of Ukraine. If a shooting war starts they will be very busy securing the border, working with refugees, and other issues. Poland is a member of NATO so the line is drawn there.

6) If Putin wanted Ukraine he could own it in a mater of weeks. Think lighting war of 1939-42. I am sure the Ukraine military would fight hard for awhile. But the draft call up will make little difference as it takes a long time to train a modern solider in the art of modern warfare.

7) The US Military in Europe currently has little ability to take on a large well armored Russian army.

Just my thoughts for now.
16 Feb 2014
Travel / Best sports bar in Warsaw? [7]

Legends is ok... food is crap though.

Try [tripadvisor/Restaurant_Review-g274856-d697179-Reviews-Warsaw_Tortilla_Factory-Warsaw_Mazovia_Province_Central_Poland.html]
13 Feb 2014
Work / Prospects for Finding a Job Teaching English in Poland or Elsewhere in Europe [17]

Don't let all the negative types keep you from coming. Poland is great. Big cities vs small is about social life and there are more schools than ticks on a hog. Most people teaching that I know who network well and show up for classes are overworked after a few months. You just need to adjust your expectations and give it time. Do it for a year - just 9 months of your life and you won't regret having tried and lived in a interesting city.

Some people have said stay away from big cities. True are many teachers but it is where the jobs are more likely found. Yes pay levels have sunk over the years but you can live. Your JD cold be useful for legal teaching work - which comes up sometimes.

Key is be get out there and visit schools, advertise online, network like crazy and have fun! PM me if you have questions.
11 Feb 2014
Work / Prospects for Finding a Job Teaching English in Poland or Elsewhere in Europe [17]

There are other threads with answers you need.


You wont get rich. Do the course as is almost a must to getting in the door with decent pay.

Good luck. Warsaw or Wroclaw would be good large city choices for Poland.
9 Feb 2014
Travel / Want to know Hotel with Escort services in Poland [21]

Ok I have seen this question pop up on occasion on forums. Mostly guests passing through to embarrassed to register. . If you are smart enough to find this Polish Forums you should be smart enough to find your answer / needs via the internet. All the answers are out there.

Done with minor rant.
9 Feb 2014
News / Human Trafficking in and from Poland [80]

Wulkman nope not personally .... was their answer to what they do in Poland. I think they have an annual film festival on the subject of human trafficking.
9 Feb 2014
News / Human Trafficking in and from Poland [80]

Thanks Harry
I did touch base with La Strada awhile ago. They are more reactive and not very proactive in Poland. ie if the police call them with a case they maybe can point the person to services. La S seams more focused on education. Just my impression after one chat with there boss in Warsaw.
9 Feb 2014
USA, Canada / Bilateral Visa Waiver Agreement between USA and Poland [47]

Found online the actual diplomatic note. rooshvforum/attachment.php?aid=16090

I tried to upload it but is 108kb so just a bit to big. I found the doc in this forum.


Best advice is if you are going to stay awhile - more than a couple of visa trips start the process. Will only cost you 200-300 pln and you will be in the system trying to do the correct thing. Google expat visa services and you will find people who can help.

if someone can rescan at a lower kb and post would be helpful to the community.
14 Sep 2013
Love / Polish girls- breasts size [65]

Wonderful thread. Breast are natural lovely gift to us all. As a breast lover vs butt I think Polish women do a great job of making us want to see more. They dress well and give us just enough in their tight tops or cleavage look for us to want more (and talk about them in forums). Poles may fall on the more small size, just from personal observation. But that is fine as is the whole package (yes I am objectifying here) is what counts. If you go to the Russian style sauna many times you will meat a polish woman who terrified of even showing a nipple. So still not seen many bra-less girls around. There is a battle between sexy and shy and the chest is part of the tool box. Lovely.

Article to go with the map.


Viva great boobs and such threads.
22 Mar 2013
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Lot of talk about Warsaw v small town. TEFL v CELTA or noting at all but a degree. This is what I wrote on another thread and will share here again. As is my gospel truth from my experiences the last 18 months. Right now I turn down work every week both private and from schools (business English mostly) desperate for Native Speakers.

Going to jump in here after being out of it for awhile. Back in Warsaw again. I found last year that NOT knowing Polish was a plus and almost requested. To many times students and teachers fell back on Polish when hitting tough spots. I also believe Native Speakers are best for the intermediate and up students who want correction and conversation. I am pretty blunt in that I am not doing grammar lessons.

And just a shout out to anyone looking to come to Poland as a native speaker from US. Appears there is still a demand for the natives. But be prepared... do a course or have some experience. Have a bit of money saved as can take a couple of months to finally see the pln coming in. When you get to Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, etc get out and meet people you will soon find other teachers and companies. Create profile on Nativespeakers.pl and put adds on gumtree.pl. Sell yourself. Being clean, showing up on time for interviews and being interesting are pretty good selling points. Know you rates... 50pln for 45 min or 90-120 for 90 etc. A hard working native speaker can earn quiet a lot more than the average Polish worker. Lastly have a bit of tough skin when it comes to students liking your lessons or not. You can not please everyone.

Best time of year to look for work late Aug to early Oct and then end of Jan to early February. Also don't let the schools screw you on work permit and residence. Can be done in 6 weeks - big catch is need for add to be placed for 2 weeks showing they looked for a Pole to fill the job. Consider using a 3rd party like expatcenter.pl to help guide you through the process if your employer wont.

All those comments about small towns forget it unless you like complete cultural immersion and being lonely a lot. Yes the south around Katowice is always looking for people but quality of life well is lower. If you are new stick with the big cities there are hundresa of schools, social life, and you will be able to get by on your English.

Lastly have fun with it. I have met a lot of ex teachers who are burnt out. I was at the end of 9 months.

I am sure there are people with other views or opinion.
23 Jan 2013
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Exactly, except for boning up on your Polish. As I've mentioned many times on this forum, Polish is verbotten in my clasroom. It's an English lesson.

Going to jump in here after being out of it for awhile. Back in Warsaw again. I found last year that NOT knowing Polish was a plus and almost requested. To many times students and teachers fell back on Polish when hitting tough spots. I also believe Native Speakers are best for the intermediate and up students who want correction and conversation. I am pretty blunt in that I am not doing grammar lessons.

And just a shout out to anyone looking to come to Poland as a native speaker from US. Appears there is still a demand for the natives. But be prepared... do a course or have some experience. Have a bit of money saved as can take a couple of months to finally see the pln coming in. When you get to Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, etc get out and meet people you will soon find other teachers and companies. Create profile on Nativespeakers.pl and put adds on gumtree.pl. Sell yourself. Being clean, showing up on time for interviews and being interesting are pretty good selling points. Know you rates... 50pln for 45 min or 90-120 for 90 etc. A hard working native speaker can earn quiet a lot more than the average Polish worker. Lastly have a bit of tough skin when it comes to students liking your lessons or not. You can not please everyone.

Best time of year to look for work late Aug to early Oct and then end of Jan to early February. Also don't let the schools screw you on work permit and residence. Can be done in 6 weeks - big catch is need for add to be placed for 2 weeks showing they looked for a Pole to fill the job. Consider using a 3rd party like expatcenter.pl to help guide you through the process if your employer wont.

Lastly have fun with it. I have met a lot of ex teachers who are burnt out. I was at the end of 9 months.

I am sure there are people with other views or opinion.
28 Nov 2012
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

an excellent editorial in the Times

Tim I actually wated a video on that story... actually what shocked me was that visit to a sex worker was consider a right and I believe was paid for by the State.

21 Nov 2012
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

Yes my research and that of many many others confirms what you see.... Poland is a transit place and so are many other EU countries.... surprisingly one of the richest Switzerland is a prime destination country... girls from as far away as Brazil and close as France.

A friend once last year tried to show me the traditional place the girls would hang out near the big hotels in centrum but did not see anyone. Maybe things are looking up in some areas.
20 Nov 2012
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

So staying on TOPIC - there is probably a USA bashing link somewhere.

Question is legal prostitution in Poland. Seams that Poland is not fully on either side. It has its more liberal sex law like many in Europe but is also a deeply Catholic country. I would assume most Polish girls working in the business do not tell family as is shameful work to admit too.

Question is of bigger picture does legal prostitution contribute to trafficking in Poland?

Personally I am not opposed to a person 18 or older freely working in the business of their own free will.

What about the others who don't have a choice? I don't think is only Polish women working in Poland - where are they from?

Just asking questions for conversation.
20 Nov 2012
News / Human Trafficking in and from Poland [80]

Poland should get some credit for being on the US State Dept list of Tier 1 countries - ie fully compliant with laws. Here is an article.


But still more work to be done.

Or if you like pictures here is a global chart.