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Posts by urszula  

Joined: 31 Aug 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 May 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 253 / In This Archive: 90
From: USA

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7 Jul 2012
Genealogy / my Polish Grandfather in Hitler Youth? HOW? [65]

The Germans would capture the Polish youth and utilize them in their army. The Germans would invade homes, kill everyone or torture them and then force the Polish young men to become Nazis. This way many, many Polish young men were fighting against their own country.

I know this because this happened to my ancestors, and heard this from many survivors. Your grandfather was Polish but forced into the German army.
2 May 2012
USA, Canada / A few things Polish people can do in Florida... [10]

There is a large Polish community in Sarasota and Venice.
Contact the "Pierogi Inn" Polish store in Sarasota, they know every Pole around.

Good Luck
7 Sep 2011
Travel / Traveling to Poland from USA for family research [7]

Some car rentals won't let you drive to another country, in case it gets stolen, it's out of their jurisdiction.
We also have counties in the US, townships, villages, cities, states.
Who you looking for in the Szczepanski clan?
28 Aug 2011
Love / Expecting a baby with Polish partner - "multi-cultural pregnancy/parenting"? [45]

You cant bombard a baby early on with two different languages IMO, they'll just become confused

No they won't. I speak only Polish to my children and their father speaks english to them. They are not confused. They automatically translate words into the other language, they are more advanced in school because their brains aare more developed. They do not mix words from one language with the other. Teach your child the other language as soon as it's born because as people get older, they speak with an accent. Also if you live in the US, english will be no problem to learn, as the child watches TV, goes to school and hears the english language everyday, so when at home, the emphasis should be the another language.
29 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it? [136]

May it fall fast and hard. War mongering cancer deserves all thats coming its way with the crises.

What did the American people do to you? many of us don't like Obama, don't want wars, we want our troops back, we could care less about fighting wars in other countries. We want to raise our families in peace, go to college, get a degree, buy a house, lead a normal life.

Watch what you are saying here, it will come back to you.
28 Jul 2011
Life / Struggling young Polish couple - try to solve their problem [176]

Why don't they shop around and look for reasonable rent? people strive all over the world, not only in Poland. There are two of them, they can split the bill. Why don't they find a better paying job? Work overtime? Start their own business? Find a cheaper apartment? Live with family and save? Possibilities are endless.
17 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Poles hate lamb

Lamb - baranina - is very popular in Poland, sometimes it's hard to find but if you're in Zakopane, everything is made with baranina. They have so many sheep there that they got nothing better to do then to milk them.

Polish pizza is the one loaded with ketchup. Not something eaten in America.
16 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Polish restaurants do well in Polish communities. The pierogi are bland, fattening no flavor and rarely spiced up. Most Polish people like bland food that's why Polish restaurants do good only with Polish communities. Mexican and Chinese tastes a lot better than Polish, has more kick to it.
16 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Polish food isn't the greatest in the world, only for Poles it is and reading through the posts, most of the Poles on here call others who don't like Polish food, trolls. You can't force tripe, czarnina or milk soup down someones throat because you think it's the greatest. Just get over it, not everyone likes Polish food in America. Calling someone a troll won't change the mind either.

Moderators, such as pigtx shouldn't be biased and call others trolls just because they express their view on the topic.
15 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

In Chicago where there are millions of Poles, the Polish restaurants are thriving. In other states, where there are many Germans, the German restaurants are popular. Not every black person, Chinese, Italian, Asian, Mexican or Jewish likes Polish food. Some is tasty, some isn't ( like czarnina, flaki ) and all those immigrants that sit in America prefer foods from their home country. Why do some Poles think that Polish food is the best in the world? Much of it is unhealthy and greasy, such as the greasy kielbasa or pierogi fried on bacon bits. Not everybody enjoys heartburn. The trend in America now is to eat healthy foods.
6 Jul 2011
Life / Questions about Poland (traffic / fines, school year, talking about past, minimum wage) [21]

3.) How many days of the week do Polish children go to school? In America, the children go to school only five days--Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday--and are off on the weekends. Do Polish children go to school on weekends as well?

They used to go to school on Saturdays and required to learn Russian, but that was before marshall law. Now they go 5 days a week.

4.) Do Polish people talk a lot about the past? Do they frequently talk about World War II, Jozef Piłsudski, the insurrections, life under Bolesław Bierut, Władysław Gomułka, Edward Gierek, Stanisław Kania, Wojciech Jaruzelski, Lech Wałęsa? Would they mind if a foreigner asked them about said historical topics?

The Poles I met like to talk about politics, leaders and what's wrong with Poland. And these seam to be their favorite topics. But this also depends on how old are the Poles you speak with. Younger generation could care less about this.
2 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / US citizenship via US Army [50]

Have you actually ever seen one?It is green

Again you're giving false information. A green card is not green. Get the facts first before posting.

  • greencardsample.jpg
30 Jun 2011
News / Citizen-led Initiative on Abortion Law in Poland [50]

I like this Polish law. I think when a woman screws around and gets pregnant, she should be responsible for her actions. If she started a new life because she was stupid, that's just too bad, if she doesn't want the baby after it's born, there are millions of people who will adopt it, but women should learn abstinence and respect their bodies. The Polish law is very good because under those three circumstances the woman can get an abortion for incidents that did not happen with her intention.

People should learn to be responsible for their actions.
30 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Thinking about visiting America? Skip it or get molested and arrested for nothing. [79]

You will be harassed by the airport molesters and the American police will jail you for nothing.

That's one thing Poles don't understand, is respecting the law. The dumb woman could have videotaped from her house. What if the guy they caught got loose and shot her? She's be crying to the police they didn't do their job. This annoying woman was interferring and was asked several times politely to get back.

So beware Poles, don't come here because you don't obey the law.
27 Jun 2011
Travel / Holiday in Poland (question about transport by bus from Riga) [7]

I would buy a ticket at the station because what if you buy a ticket in advance and you're late? Even if the price was slightly different online, which I doubt, it's safer and less stressful to just get a ticket once there.

Krakow and Zakopane is nice, but that's going south from Warsaw
24 Jun 2011
Life / Cost of delivering a child in Poland [30]

I will be in Warsaw in September

If your baby is born in Poland, you will need to get a passport, if you intend to return to America. And that takes a while. She (or he) will be a Polish citizen and you would have to get her a US citizenship if you plan on it. More red tape.
18 Jun 2011
Language / Why when spelling Polish names abroad, Polish letters are ignored? [68]

Why when spelling Polish names abroad, Polish letters are ignored?

Why are you so surprised? There are no Polish letters on keyboards. Duh. If you cross an "l" it would look like a "t" because many people haven't seen a crossed "l" and would pronounce it as a "t".

All those dots, slashes, tails just look funny and look like printing errors to the majority of the world not familiar with the Polish language.
17 Jun 2011
News / For all Americans worried about Schengen in Poland, dont worry about it. [142]

Is there any reason why we Europeans would like to come to your country?

Wow, your posts just proves how little you know about American culture and history. The history is very fascinating and more interesting than European history, where you were either a rich snob or a poor peasant.

They must not teach that in schools in Poland, which claim they teach everything.
All you know about America is money
16 Jun 2011
News / For all Americans worried about Schengen in Poland, dont worry about it. [142]

Amusingly, several students were kicked out of Poland after not bothering with a residence permit - all of them American medical students

Reading these posts one can assume Poles hate foreigners and it bothers them that there are 20 or 50 foreigners living in their city. Yet it's ok for millions of Poles to live in other countries, puke down their streets and fight in bars. Why do Poles think they are better than anyone else?