25 Mar 2019
Language / The usage and future of the special Polish letters: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ż, ź (Polish language) [203]
All this about special Polish lettters is very interesting, but how can we have access to them on the computer? On Word the symbols section seems to be tailor-made for French, German and Spanish but Polish accents and diactrical marks cannot be found.
I realize my earlier query about orthography was answered by Nathans. Thank you. So my query today is obsolete. I am not on Polish Forum every day by any means and I just find it so difficult to navigate around or find my earlier threads. I suppose as the Germans say 'Uebung macht den Meister' or in English 'Practice makes perfect.' Sure there is a Polish proverb that says the same thing.
All this about special Polish lettters is very interesting, but how can we have access to them on the computer? On Word the symbols section seems to be tailor-made for French, German and Spanish but Polish accents and diactrical marks cannot be found.
I realize my earlier query about orthography was answered by Nathans. Thank you. So my query today is obsolete. I am not on Polish Forum every day by any means and I just find it so difficult to navigate around or find my earlier threads. I suppose as the Germans say 'Uebung macht den Meister' or in English 'Practice makes perfect.' Sure there is a Polish proverb that says the same thing.