Amit Mehlawat
27 Jan 2019
Work / Poland is not the best country to get part time job with study? [59]
How are they working legally for more than 3 months when all I m seeing everywhere on internet that on student visa you are only allowed to work for just 3 months? I was thinking of applying there as its not costly and I can manage it with my own funds saved but now I m exoloring other countries like Australia but I might have to take a loan or something for that which I dont want to as I dont want to be in debt for my whole life just to have a decent life style.
How are they working legally for more than 3 months when all I m seeing everywhere on internet that on student visa you are only allowed to work for just 3 months? I was thinking of applying there as its not costly and I can manage it with my own funds saved but now I m exoloring other countries like Australia but I might have to take a loan or something for that which I dont want to as I dont want to be in debt for my whole life just to have a decent life style.