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Posts by bolek_tusk  

Joined: 31 Dec 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 27 Jan 2019
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 156 / In This Archive: 92

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6 May 2019
Language / What "YOU" is the correct one? Polish language question. [50]

You need to study Polish grammar. Check out en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declension

Polish is probably one of the hardest languages in the world to learn. Personally, I'd suggest you forget about trying to learn it, it's just too hard.

If you want to learn it you need to study it INTENSIVELY.
2 Feb 2019
UK, Ireland / British men don't really like women [137]

actually England is a superb example of a country that has enormous respect for their culture, heritage and history

I've spent an awful lot of time in England and can tell you that there are an increasing number of areas in which people have no respect for the indigenous culture, which is becoming replaced by a culture imported from Pakistan.
1 Feb 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

look how Yugoslavia fell apart in the space of 5 years

Yugoslavia was a false country with no history. It's amazing that Tito managed to keep it together for as long s he did.

It was made up a six separate countries each with their own language, culture and history. It not at all surprising it fell apart.

I can't even imagine how difficult it was to administer as a unit.
1 Feb 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

And 20,000 were shot in the back of the head in Katyn, but that's our history Delph, no need for you to concern yourself.

Thankfully my father was not an officer, otherwise this would have happened to him. Instead he was taken as a POW and spent two years in Siberia...

And this is before the Soviet Union supposedly joined WWII. And then all of a sudden they are our 'allies'!

It's strange how the truth about Katyn was suppressed for so many decades and most people in Poland would not even have been taught about the massacre in their history lessons.

And it beggars belief that the new Koalicja Europejska continually babble on about PiS wanting closer links with Russia. Russia has been responsible for a 50 year repression of Poland, including pillaging the country and killing 100,000s of citizens. Who in their right mind would want closer links with Russia? Didn't Lech Kaczynski warn about Russian aggression against its Western neighbours before he was assassinated?
1 Feb 2019
UK, Ireland / British men don't really like women [137]

Would it?

I hate to break this to you but your 'Made in England' teapot has a British flag on it... which simply reinforces the fact that England no longer exists.
31 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Aircraft wings however, aren't built like a tank. They're fragile things and easily damaged, especially when they smash into things at 250km/h.

So a single tree can smash a large aircraft into a million pieces scattered over a square kilometre....? What was the altitude of the plane when it hit this imaginary tree? 10m?
31 Jan 2019
UK, Ireland / British men don't really like women [137]

Something really sexy about the Welsh in national costume

I prefer Polish :-)

31 Jan 2019
UK, Ireland / British men don't really like women [137]

England is the only country

England no longer exists as a country. Try picking it out from a drop down list when you fill in any online form asking where you were born.

I used to see the words 'Made in England' on all sorts of products. Nowadays it would be considered 'racist' to use such a phrase....

The only manifestations you see of England are in sport - football, rugby, cricket etc

... I still consider myself English, but any form where you are supposed to mark your ethnicity, English is not included, and definitely not White English
29 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

All PiS has achieved is to once again isolate Poland and ensure that any future European cooperation will be much more difficult to achieve.

Apart from establishing excellent relations with the US, strengthening the Visegrad group, being one of the leading players in the Three Seas Initiative which covers 12 Eastern European countries and forming a Right Wing political alliance with Italy, which I'd expect numerous other political groupings from other countries to join.

Yes, very isolated!
27 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

It was planned by Tusk along with Putin when they met in Sopot 1/9/2009


This followed Lech Kaczyński's speech in Tblisi on 12/8/2008 which annoyed Putin greatly

"Words that stopped Russia": Polish President's Georgia speech ...


The reward was the elimination of Lech Kaczyński would hand over the Presidency to Bronisław Komorowski without the need for pesky elections to take place in several months time.

As I recall Komorowski was certain to win the 2015 election, but somehow the electorate hadn't read the script.
27 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

a charismatic opponent who has a history of

...lying, cheating, and being involved in countless scandals as well as trying to close down numerous industries or selling them off at below market value.

He is also on record of doing everything in the EU to damage Polish interests

The man should rightfully be in prison.

His part in the conspiracy to eliminate Lech Kaczyński will come out sooner or later...
26 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

and the zloty became stable

Wasn't Tusk promising that Poland would adopt the Euro by 2011?

Thank God that never happened.

The US "increasing wealth" is a mirage, hot air, dust, and a lot of debt. Poland could be just a smaller copy.

I can't say that I understand macro Economics but this article suggests that Poland finances are in good shape...


In contrast in the US $7 Trillion can disappear and no one knows where it went!

24 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

I bet when Poland and Germany had not been sharing the same flat plain, ... we would had been best buddies throughout history

I think Pilsudski made a huge mistake in 1933 when he signed the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact


At the time Poland was militarily stronger than Germany and destruction of Germany would have prevented the subsequent German destruction of Poland....

So much for Non-Aggression pacts....
24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

IMV Poles are against LGBT, Muslims and Bolsheviks, I think they could accept everyone else :)....
24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

And yet there is some tacit support for Antfa from the left. In America Antifa is described as the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party and are able to cause mayhem in many areas and the police do nothing to stop them.

It would not surprise me if Antifa got financial support from groups like Open Dialogue (Soros) via some EU funding.
24 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

A short google for famous people from Danzig or Gdansk will open your eyes..

Just wondered if all these famous people from Gdansk paid taxes, and who would have been the recipient of those taxes...
23 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

Stop putting your words in my mouth.

It sounds as though you are projecting your own unacceptable ideas onto someone else.

A common Bolshevik tactic.
23 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

There's nothing Marxist about the EU.

Fuhrer Merkel, the leader of the EU was a Communist:-

In 1968, Merkel joined the Free German Youth (FDJ), the official communist youth movement sponsored by the ruling Marxist-Leninist Socialist Unity Party of Germany.
22 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]



This was from 2013. Updated figures would show how much more Muslim the world has become in a few short years.

Good luck with your German Caliphate. I don't expect a Polish Caliphate this century unless PO get back into government.
22 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

I presume you have seen that picture on the table in room A2 of the Solidarity museum

No, but will look out for it next time I'm in Gdansk... How come the President of Gdansk allowed that since he couldn't stand the man?