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Joined: 28 Dec 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 29 Jan 2019
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 64 / In This Archive: 50

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19 Feb 2019
History / Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe [132]

Since the Poles control all media outlets in the USA as well as the entertainment industry, financial institutions, and have the most powerful lobby, it's no surprise that the US and most of the world simply do as the Poles tell them to.
19 Feb 2019
History / Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe [132]

Reproachment will have to involve both sides acknowledging and taking seriously the others' perception of WW2-related events, and not simply Poland unconditionally accepting Israel's.
11 Feb 2019
News / What Polish political party are you in favour of and why [6]


Donating to Polish political parties

Is this legal for foreigners to do?

Or is it a gray area like in the USA, where they can make a big deal about things if they want to (the alleged Russian funding of Trump), but can totally ignore the German government's donation to Hillary Clinton during her campaign.
9 Feb 2019
Travel / Impressions from Szczecin [8]

Didn't see anything degenerate, just abstract nonsense like a child threw buckets of paint against a canvass.
9 Feb 2019
Travel / Impressions from Szczecin [8]

1. Very good air quality. No smell of coal or trash burning. That was a big nuisance at the Baltic Sea.

2. Nearly all white people. I saw about 5 or 6 people over three days that look like they could be third world immigrants.

3. Seemed very safe. No threatening people. Motorists drove safely around pedestrians.

4. Surprsingly good level of English, but not German. However, Communication was easier in German in Miedzyzdroje.

1. Extreme consumerism. Tons of big shopping malls with American fast food everywhere and upscale stores. Despite being white, Szczecin does not have the vibe of a proud nationalist Polish town that I saw in other towns (like Bialystok). Plenty of tattoos, nose rings, man buns, blue hair, modern art, etc.

2. Prices not much lower than in Germany. I don't know how the Poles get by here given the salaries that people talk about on this forum.

3. Indoor areas of shops, hotels, and trains totally overheated. This is a problem in Germany too.
5 Feb 2019
Travel / Visiting the Polish Balitic Sea coast in the Winter [30]

I'll leave that up to the Poles whether they wish to treat me in a welcoming manner. If they happen to dislike me for being German, I'm fine with that. It's their country and they have every right to do so. It would be arrogant to lecture Poles about whom they should welcome, if anyone. So far I've found the people here to be very respectful and engaging when I strike up a conversation.

My comments about the air pollution were not made from a "Germany is better" perspective, but simply in the interest of public health.
5 Feb 2019
Travel / Visiting the Polish Balitic Sea coast in the Winter [30]

"we don't tolerate racists"...

So you're a leftist/progressive who's unwilling to tolerate a viewpoint that he disagrees with. That's nothing new.

You wrote that my "racist" views aren't welcome in the tri-city area. So you speak for everyone in that region? Are you even Polish?
4 Feb 2019
Travel / Visiting the Polish Balitic Sea coast in the Winter [30]

So far it's been great here. Great food, low prices, and the Poles are very courteous. And I haven't seen any non-whites aside from one Japanese family in the hotel.

The only negative is the air pollution. It's just as bad as people had warned about. There's a constant sickening stench of burning plastic and coal lingering in the air. The authorities need to put an end to that.
1 Feb 2019
Life / Poles against gay marriages. Really? [120]

Or drive good people to move to Poland. Whatever the Poles' attitudes are on that and other subjects, they can't be anywhere near as bad as in Germany.
1 Feb 2019
Life / Poles against gay marriages. Really? [120]

Correct. I don't and have never lived in Poland.

However, I would assume that the views expressed on this thread concerning gay marriage and other social issues, and on this forum in general, do not accurately reflect the views of the Poles overall.

The people posting on here seem to be mostly from western countries, and the Poles posting here are ones who speak good English.

As a result, the views expressed are invariably made from a much more liberal/leftist/progressive standpoint than from the broad spectrum of Polish society.
1 Feb 2019
Life / Poles against gay marriages. Really? [120]

Have there been instances of gay pedophile Catholic priests caught abusing little boys in Poland, or is this only happening in the degenerate western countries?
31 Jan 2019
Genealogy / So My Dad Had His DNA Tested; And... [22]

I did the test for the hereditary disease testing and not for the ethnic info.

And yes, this is how they caught the Golden State Killer. Though the DNA submitted by his distant relatives.
31 Jan 2019
Genealogy / So My Dad Had His DNA Tested; And... [22]

Too bad Huffington Post and MSNBC don't report on things like this.

I took a DNA test along with 3 of my siblings. We're all biological full siblings. Anyone can see that by looking at us.

Somehow I'm 3% East Asian when none of my siblings are (including a twin). One had some Jewish heritage and another African. What a bunch of nonsense.
31 Jan 2019
Genealogy / So My Dad Had His DNA Tested; And... [22]

I wouldn't worry about it. These DNA testing companies have been caught and admitted to deliberately falsifying the ethnic information of white people to make "racists" think they're not white. Don't waste your money on these products.

30 Jan 2019
Life / Cigarette prices in Poland [27]


Cigarette prices in Poland

I'm thinking of bringing back 4 cartons of Marlboro cigarettes from Poland to Germany, which is the maximum allowance, to give to a friend. Not a smoker myself.

Are cigarette prices the same throughout the country?

What would be the best type of shop to buy them in?

I realize I need to make sure they have the Polish tax label and not a country outside the EU.
29 Jan 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Global warming and climate change should not be the issue here even if they're not a hoax.

It's sad and frustrating reading about the unnecessary health and safety problem in Poland such as the extreme air pollution.

Polish people seem quite smart. Do the majority not care about their long-term health? It's just appalling that people burn trash in the fireplace.
29 Jan 2019
Life / Regional Air Pollution in Poland [2]

I know the topic of air pollution has been touched on in some other threads, but it would be nice to understand variations among the Polish regions.

I've been tracking the air quality in Poland over te past few weeks using online maps (Weather Bug).

The western third of Poland is usually far less polluted than the rest of the country, with very heavy pollution on southern central Poland.

Why is the air in far-western Poland so much less polluted than in the rest of the country?

28 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

Homeschooling is illegal in Germany of course. The German government doesn't want anyone being allowed to opt out of the elementary-school-level mandatory hands-on (homo)sexual education.

I wouldn't want my kids going to publics schools in most countries really, but public schools in Poland seem pretty decent based on the opinions shared on this forum.
27 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

So the Poles wouldn't have much of an issue with an American kid from a Trump-supporting family?
27 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

Based on other comments about Szczecin being viewed as a modern Polish city and it being so close to the German border, I could imagine that the people and kids in that city have had a good amount of exposure to the German language.

Would you expect Russian and American kids to be bullied in Polish schools as well?
25 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

@cms neuf
Thanks for the thorough explanation. The bullying of German kids by immigrants in German schools is becoming a big issue nowadays, especially in Berlin. My cowoker is having problems with his daughters' school because refugee students keep bringing in knives and other shanks. The situation in Germany is only going to get worse, and although you have every right to think my plan is absurd, I need to look out for my family's safety. The murders, rapes, and attacks on Germans by immigrants are a daily occurrence, and the mainstream media is no longer able to fully conceal it. I don't want to be stuck here once things reach a boiling point.
25 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

Are you pretty sure of this or is it an assumption about the international schools focusing on academics?

International schools in German also push an openly political ideology just like the public schools. There's a huge anti-racism campaign and the children are taught that the AFD is a racist political party.
25 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

I appreciate the help. The kids are 3 and 1 right now. The move would likely be in two years. I'm not against private school if it would be too difficult on them in a Polish public school.

I just wonder whether an international private school in Poland would be teaching the transgender/anti-white curriculum that's taking hold in Germany.
25 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

Thanks. Is Szczecin the type of place that would be more accepting of a German kid starting school there?
25 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

Would anyone here from Western Europe or the US be willing to share their experience with the school system in Poland?

As I wrote in a different post, I'm considering relocating to a nice area of Szczecin and sending my kids to school there. Of course they'll speak sufficient Polish by the time we move.

Any helpful information and advice would be greatly appreciated.
24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

Fair enough. During the bus and train rides I've taken in Poland, everyone sat there in silence and no one spoke on the phone.