21 Dec 2018
USA, Canada / Has anyone received US visa on temporary Polish passport? [3]
Long story short: Recently found out that passport is not valid due to name change on US marriage certificate and need to get a new passport for visa interview.
I have tried calling US Consulate at Krakow today and were asked to call back at different time and at the end of the day told that everyone has left the office and we should call back after christmas break :( I am planning to call back after christmas break to verify this from the consulate.
Has anyone on this forum attended a US visa interview on temporary passport (paszport tymczasowy)?
Long story short: Recently found out that passport is not valid due to name change on US marriage certificate and need to get a new passport for visa interview.
I have tried calling US Consulate at Krakow today and were asked to call back at different time and at the end of the day told that everyone has left the office and we should call back after christmas break :( I am planning to call back after christmas break to verify this from the consulate.
Has anyone on this forum attended a US visa interview on temporary passport (paszport tymczasowy)?