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Posts by Moonlight2018  

Joined: 23 Jun 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Oct 2018
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23 Oct 2018
Law / If I leave Poland and return to my home country, is it possible to claim back tax paid? [20]


Please have a look at the below data, it would answer all the queries. (Please enable google translator on you browser. )
1. Poland - Retirement pensions (Summery ) >> ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1124&langId=en&intPageId=4726

2. Video explaining the situations..Pls go through all the videos.. ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1124&langId=en&furtherVideos=yes

3. Determining entitlement to benefits >>> zus.pl/ustalanie-uprawnien-do-swiadczen

4. PENSION FOR PERSONS BORN AFTER 31 DECEMBER 1948 . zus.pl/emerytura-dla-osob-urodzonych-po-31-grudnia-1948r.

5. Pension calculator . >> zus.pl/swiadczenia/emerytury/kalkulatory-emerytalne/emerytura-na-nowych-zasadach/kalkulator-emerytalny-prognozowana-emerytura

6. Proceedings for granting benefits :- Check what you should do when you intend to apply for ZUS benefits or when you need to document periods that affect the granting of the benefit and calculation of the amount. zus.pl/swiadczenia/emerytury/postepowanie-w-sprawie-przyznania-swiadczen

Have a nice day ! While opening the above url please please copy paste and do not try opening by clicking them.