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Posts by LDeJongh  

Joined: 24 May 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 25 May 2018
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Posts: Total: 30 / In This Archive: 29
From: Katowice
Speaks Polish?: A little bit
Interests: Photography, Martial Arts, Travel, Maps, Video Editing

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15 Jun 2018
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

In Islam, migration is called Hijrah - a form of Jihad:

"O people, immigrate, holding on to Islam, for Hijra is to continue as long as jihad continues." - Hadith Kenz Ummaal 46260.

"I charge you with five of what Allah has charged me with: to assemble, to listen, to obey, to immigrate and to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah."

The two Hadiths are Hadith 2863 Kitab al Amthael by Tirmizi, Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbelas Hadith number 17344.

It is seen under the Sharia as colonisation, spreading Islam into the land of the Kafir. The Polish are wise to resist and reject it.
31 May 2018
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

So you claim that Poles suffer from a mass phobia? That's a fascinating medical diagnosis to make.
These made up medical terms are meant to force acquiescence to the regressive agenda through guilt.

A preference for your own culture and people is not a phobia of other cultures.

A concern about people shouting "Allahu Akbar" while driving trucks into crowds, firing AK47s at them, detonating bombs or stabbing people on bridges is a healthy concern based on real events... best to keep those problems at a safe distance to limit exposure.
31 May 2018
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

I disagree that Poles are xenophobic. Poles are nationalistic, they appreciate their culture, their lifestyle, their identity and history. It is for guests in this country to repsect Poland and its people and adapt so that they fit in.

Xenophobia claims are attempts to impose regressive values through guilt and undermine Polish culture.
27 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Ah, so you missed Iran's Quds force. And the fact that the Iranian government is themselves a major sponsor and actor in global Jihad, as per their constitution.

I'm surprised you haven't moved there. You do love their propaganda.
27 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

So you don't dispute that Iran is a dangerous Islamic threat to the West.

That's propaganda that you support, just as you support Islamic terror groups and have sympathies for their cause. Simplistic memes don't fare well vs the facts.

Shall we examine the history of the Islamic Crusades across Arabia, Asia, Africa and now Europe? Will you paint the people who fought against the rise of Communism and Islamic Jihad as the bad guys? Of course you will, you have sympathies for the Jihadis, and a poor knowledge of history.

Feel free to debate me on Islam and Jihad. You support people that stone women and gays to death for religious reasons - so maybe it's time you learned a little bit about them.
27 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Free speech, or a sign of intent and forced indoctrination? There is no free speech under Sharia, and as we know, Iran is an Islamic Republic under the Sharia.

Iran has an Islamic constitution based on the Quran. It's like some supporters of Iran want to give them a pass by overlooking these facts...

In the preamble to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran they state that they are intent on Jihad on a global scale.

I think that last bit means *everybody*.

26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Research, not opinion. Or a series of rantings.

Jerusalem - Part 2

Arabs took tombstones from the 2,000-year old Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, which was protected by the armistice, and used them to pave roads or for latrines when they ruled Jerusalem from 1949 to 1967. The site was heavily desecrated.

From 1949 there were no Jewish homes, synagogues or businesses in ancient Jerusalem.

Jewish homes were occupied by Arabs and Jews lost their businesses. Most fled to the western half of Jerusalem or to other parts of the Israel. Israelis or Jews of any nationality were segregated from the Muslim section of Jerusalem for these 19 years.

An official 1967 report by Israel's Minister of Religious Affairs found "wanton disregard of the religious rights of others," according to news reported at the time by The Jewish Telegraph Agency. The most sacred ancient Jewish shrines had been desecrated or totally destroyed by the Jordanian army or local Arab residents.

Jews were limited to a glimpse of the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Jerusalem, from a perch at nearby Mount Zion.

Actor Paul Newman, who was half-Jewish, came to Israel to film the epic movie "Exodus" and tried to get into the Arab sector of Jerusalem. The Oscar-winning actor was denied access.

Arabs moved into Jewish homes built in the 1880s and 1890s by Jews. Around 17,000 Jews had to leave the areas under Jordanian occupation.

Jerusalem was eventually reunited into a single city and opened to all faiths in 1967, following Israel's Six Day War.

And lest we forget, because somehow this place run by mullahs was mysteriously overlooked as a country with an Islamic constitution based on the Quran. It's like some supporters of Iran want to give them a pass...

This is in the preamble to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran:

An Ideological Army

I think that last bit means *everybody*. Fortunately, it seems we are in line after Israel and can enjoy some popcorn while we wait for our turn in their Jihad.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Feel free to tell these nice people you list that the Sharia is optional and they really don't believe in it. See how long you stay alive. They will tell you that the Sharia is superior and above all man made laws and constitutions, and they don't need to follow those blasphemous laws of the Kafir. Besides, the Sharia is already fully written and ready to implement, the rest is administrative details.

Why do you keep raising the Old Testament when making comparisons to Islam? Do you compare stereos from 1931 with ones of today, and have you never heard of the New Testament?

Islam started its violent history ~700 years after Christianity got its start, but feel free to attempt to assert that Mosaic law is still practiced today. Seen many stonings in Poland lately, or is that something Islamic countries have cornered the market on?

The Sharia makes for interesting reading. You should grab a copy and see what it says about beating women (beat them), Jihad (kill those Kafirs), subjugation of non-Muslims (make them pay protection) and so on...
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Have you thought of publishing a "The Collected Rantings of..." series?

Some time ago I did research on Jerusalem and compiled notes. I'll break this into 2 sections.

How did Arab Muslims treat Christians and Jews when they ruled over Jerusalem for 19 years from 1949 until 1967?

While Christians faced hardship and oppressive restrictions, Jews were banned entirely from the holy city.

In 1947, the United Nations approved a plan to permit both Jews and Muslims to govern separate sectors. Israel accepted the plan but the Arabs refused it and sent their armies to attack Israel.

The Israelis won what they called their War of Independence. An armistice was signed by both Jordan and Israel in 1949.

Even though the armistice promised "free access to the holy sites and cultural institutions and use of the cemeteries on the Mount of Olives", Christians and Jews were denied religious freedom and faced persecution at the hands of the Arabs when Muslims were in charge of the eastern half of Jerusalem. The Jordanians banned Jews outright.

The western half of Jerusalem was governed by Israel and the eastern half by the Jordanian Hashemite Kingdom. The Jewish Quarter and many of the most sacred Jewish sites were located in the eastern half ruled by Jordan and local Arabs.

The Arab governing bodies persecuted the Christian church and its followers during the same 19 years it ruled over Jerusalem.

"Christian residents, like Jews, did not have equal rights," noted pastor John C. Hagee, founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel.

Jordanian and local Arab edicts prohibited Christians and later Christian churches from buying land and houses in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Arab Muslims restricted the number of Christian pilgrimages permitted in Jerusalem and Bethlehem during Christmas and Easter. They imposed strict rules on Christian schools, including mandatory teaching of the Koran.

In 1952, Jordan proclaimed Islam as the official religion, including in Jerusalem. In 1953, Christians were constrained from buying or holding land near holy sites. In 1955, all Jordanian schools were overseen by the government and only government-sanctioned textbooks could be used. In 1964, Churches were prohibited from buying land in Jerusalem.

Churches were barred from funding hospitals or social services in Jerusalem.

All fun and joy, as we can see. Utopia for all.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

That's a fascinating degree of ignorance of Islamic culture. As I predicted, soon I would be told how Sharia has nothing to do with Islam and devout Muslims. Sharia is the Islamic code of conduct, which includes social rules and Islamic law (but not limited to).

Now tell me how the members of IS are not Muslims, and how the people shouting "Allahu Akbar" and blowing themselves, their children and other people up are Mormons, or Israeli stooges - anything but Muslims.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

There are scholars on this forum who imply that Islamic Jihad groups like Hamas, or Islamic countries (like the Islamic Republic of Iran) that explicitly base their constitution on the Quran, are not following the dictates of Islam and the Quran. Soon we'll hear from them how Islam has nothing to do with Islam

While this is fascinating to observe and all, let's clarify the special relationship Islam has with Jews and Christians, as per the Sharia. Unless the Sharia has nothing to do with Islam, and these devout Muslims don't follow it. Who knows what wisdom these scholars will impart next.

When non-Muslims are subjugated under the Sharia, they become Dhimmis.

The Dhimma, a small extract from the Sharia.

Such non-Muslim subjects are obliged to comply with Islamic rules that pertain to the safety and indemnity of life, reputation, and property. In addition, they:


A reading of the history of Jerusalem under Arab control is enough to dispel myths of the joys of Islamic rule. It is much better there and free under Jewish control today.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

The Palestinians are doing fine in exterminating their own in Jihad for the sake of Allah, as per the charter of Hamas and their Islamic beliefs. And the Palestinians are being paid for it by Hamas as well, although sending civilians and children to a war zone is a war crime for which Hamas has faced barely a mention.

So how many gays or adulterous women were stoned to death in Israel this week, or did that only happen in the Islamic world? How many women were arrested and jailed for being raped? Where were Christians jailed or killed for blasphemy against Islam this week? How many apostates were killed or beaten for leaving Islam in Israel this week? We know the answer to that, that's all in Islamic countries only.

Next you will be telling us how Poland is living by Old Testament law and stoning people to death, except we both know who still lives that way. And you love them for it.

Let me know when Saudi Arabia builds a church. I wonder where they got all these crazy ideas they live by...

Hamas lives by Islamic doctrine, as does the Islamic Republic of Iran, as do the Saudis, the Islamic State, Boko Haram and others - the correlation between their beliefs, actions and the content of the Quran is 1:1.

Allah calls for the Jews to be killed. Not only Israel - ALL Jews. And it seems Hamas and Iran are busy putting Allah's directive into practice, but I imagine Israel is supposed to just roll over and die to make the Jihadis (and you, a terror group supporter) happy.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

You clearly missed the part where these Jihad terror groups strictly follow the Quran and hate Christians and Jews, and follow Allah's mandate to either subjugate or kill them.

Obviously you support these terror organisations. Let's see if the Sharia, in its most cited manual, says anything about Muslims, Christians and the mission of Jihad:

"Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihad)

Chapter O9.0: Jihad
(O: Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion.

The scriptural basis for jihad, prior to scholarly consensus (def: b7) is such Koranic verses as:
-1- "Fighting is prescribed for you'' (Koran 2: 216);
-2- "Slay them wherever you find them'' (Koran 4: 89);
-3- "Fight the idolators utterly'' (Koran 9: 36);
and such hadiths as the one related by Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:
"I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"

I would hate to think that Allah and his greatest scholars have it wrong. I'm inclined to trust the word of Mohammed, Allah and the top Islamic scholars over your opinion. And they disagree with your opinion.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Hizb'Allah - the Party of Allah, devout believers in the Islamic scriptures (and haters of Sunnis for 1400 years):

Q5:17 Kill the idolaters wherever you find them. Even if they are the people of the book.
Q3:85 Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him
Q9:30: "The Christians say the Christ is the son of God ... may God's curse be upon them!"

Your support for an Islamic terror organisation that hates Christians and Jews (for 1400 years) because of the demand to do so in their Islamic scripture is interesting.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Then you're merely unfamiliar with the things done by Shia extremists. And they're not extremists, merely orthodox, they follow the Quran and example of Mohammed as written.

Israel may try to influence these groups, however these groups have ideological/theolgical reasons for wanting to murder all Jews. As in the Hadith:

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

Sahih Muslim Book 41 Hadith 6985

Like the shopkeepers in Chicago loved Al Capone, and the business owners in New York loved the Mafia - because they "protected" them - from the Mafia, as long as they followed the rules, set by the Mafia.

You need to study the Islamic doctrine of the Dhimma, where Islam "protects" people.

Are you sure you aren't Islamic propagandists pretending to be Poles or expats? You do know it is considered blasphemous, a sin, to criticise Islam, so Muslims are religiously bound to defend it.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]


Literally "Party of Allah", a Shi'a political party and militant criminal group based in Lebanon. Formerly known as Islamic Jihad.
Hezbollah's paramilitary wing is the Jihad Council.

Jihad... let me attach the definition given by the Islamic Circle or North America, published in the book they use to teach youth in Islamic schools (madrassas) today.

113 The word Allah used in Arabic is: wa Jaahada Fee Sabeelillah - meaning: made Jihad in the path of Allah. It is incorrect to translate the word Jihad to mean strive/striving because Jihad is a legal terminology with a specific meaning, and that is, fighting in the path of Allah and the struggle therein. Translating the word Jihad to mean 'Striving' is misleading as it gives a meaning different to the intending meaning in the verse. Unfortunately, this error has become a common practice amongst the translators, so let them be careful from falling into such errors.

Tell me again how these Jihad terror groups are worthy of our support?

26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

From the Tafsir ibn Kathir. " Allah commands His believing servants, who are pure in religion and person, to expel the idolators who are filthy in the religious sense... "

Q5:17 " Kill the idolaters wherever you find them. Even if they are the people of the book."
Quran, 3:85 " Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him"

Jihad is not a state of constant fighting, it is a state of eternal war. These words above are in effect today, while Europe and Israel reformed their cultures and became modern civilisations that contribute to the world in a positive way.

The Islamic world cannot change the Quran, which is 'Innovation', a sin punishable by death. The entire Islamic world publishes fewer books annually than are published in Spain, since books and learning are not held in esteem as they are in the West.

Perhaps you should look into how the Quran is applied today, close to home.

And you are clearly unaware that there are 6 doctrines of sacred deception and holy lying in Islam.

The negative impression of Israel was a successful propaganda campaign by the Russian KGB after the 1967 war, when Israel trashed the Arab armies that were funded, trained and organised by the Russians, causing them deep embarrassment. The Soviet-Palestinian Lie, found at the Gatestone Institute is an enlightening read.

This played well into the Islamic ethos of demonising and ultimately slaughtering the Jews, just as Hitler worked alongside them because of shared interests.
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

The duty to conquer and spread Islam by Jihad into the Dar Al Harb (House of War, or any non-Islamic territory) until the world is Islamic goes back to the beginnings of Islam.

Good Muslims do what Islam requires as per the scriptures and follow Mohammed's example. You do not understand Islam.

Ibn Khaldun on Holy War as Religious Duty
January 1, 1336
Ibn Khaldun himself: "in the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force." In Islam, says Ibn Khaldun, the person in charge of religious affairs is concerned with "power politics," because Islam is "under obligation to gain power over other nations" (Muqaddimah).
26 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

It is an Islamic duty for Muslims to kill all Jews. It is is in the Quran, the Hadith, the Sira and the Sharia.
The Christians in Lebanon suffered under 2 civil wars caused by Muslims taking over the country in Jihad. They are declining and have little political power, Hezbollah is the de facto government. You want to paint a rosy picture of some of the worst religious and political forces in the world.

Why compare the Old Testament going back 1000s of years, when the Quran is 600 years after the New Testament? Islam claims the book is the literal, perfect, eternal word of God - to be submitted to implicitly.

Q33.36It is not for any believer, man or woman, when God and His Messenger have decreed a matter, to have the choice in the affair. Whosoever disobeys God and His Messenger has gone astray into manifest error.

Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement), Iran, Hizb'Allah (Party of Allah), IS and all the others that hate Israel are doing no more than follow the Quran, the word of Allah and the example of Mohammed. Which requires them to kill all Jews, no other reason required.

And you defend this as if they are good upstanding Christians who don't kill gays by throwing them off buildings or hang them from cranes in public.

Nowhere is Old Testament law practiced, but the Sharia is in force in numerous countries, even in Europe on a growing basis.

But you prefer propaganda and support terrorists engaged in Jihad against you and Western civilisation while ignorant of the Islamic scripture that drives them.
25 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

A standing joke at the UN is that the OIC, which is the largest voting bloc at the UN (Organisation of Islamic Countries) could pass a vote that the earth if flat, and that Israel flattened it. You need to look more closely at the conditions of the 'inspections'.

And yes, I have been to Lebanon several times for, er, work reasons. Your claim is sorely mistaken that Lebanese Christians LOVE Hezbollah. Read up on what Islam has to say about Dhimmis. The Shia have no love for Christians, just as the Sunni do not. They worship the same Allah and read the same book.

In Q9:30: "The Christians say the Christ is the son of God ... may God's curse be upon them!"

Tafsir Ibn Al Kathir Verse 9.30 "Fighting the Jews and Christians is legislated because They are Idolators and Disbelievers Allah the Exalted encourages the believers to fight the polytheists, disbelieving Jews and Christians, who uttered this terrible statement and utter lies against Allah, the Exalted."

@Dirk diggler
I see your unwavering support for Islamic Jihad and a government that wants to see you dead or subjugated, with your way of life replaced by Sharia and Dhimmitude under Islam.

Your list of 'Islamic inventions' doesn't hold up under scrutiny either. More research is appropriate.
25 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

The word sugar also derives from the Arabic - but I'm confident that they didn't invent the stuff.

People built structures using mathematics before the Arabs got around to leaving Arabia.

Not off the top of my head, but from actual research... archaeological evidence shows the roots of algebra dates back to the Babylonians. Then it developed in Egypt and Greece. The Chinese and especially the Indians also advanced algebra and wrote important works on the subject.

The Alexandrian Greek mathematician Diophantus (3rd century AD), "the father of algebra", wrote Arithmetica, dealing with solving algebraic equations.

9th-century Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi translated, formalised and commented on ancient Indian and Greek works. The Arabic "al-jabr" derives from the title of his "Book on Addition and Subtraction after the Method of the Indians".
25 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Then you are not familiar with the terms and conditions of the 'inspections'.

And you are unfamiliar with the requirement to fight Jihad against the Kafir, spread Islam and the Sharia - and wipe them out if necessary. Jan Sobieski fought the same religious fanatics that now run Iran, with the same beliefs and same desire for conquest as during the Islamic Crusades of his time. Except that the Islamic Crusades have not stopped, just slowed down.

Those same Jihadis in Palestine, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan Afghanistan and other countries take their doctrine literally:

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

Sahih Muslim Book 41 Hadith 6985

They are required to murder all Jews to fulfill Allah's wish and bring the last day.

Putting 9/11 conspiracy theories to one side, the reason that Saudi Arabia is cooperating with Israel is the basic need for self preservation. Iran presents a threat to Sunni Islam, and the Gulf states have been under assault by them - proxy wars, subversive activity, political campaigns, terror funding.

Israel possesses the only credible military that can deal with Iran, while Iran wants to replace the Sunnis as the religious and political power in the region.

Islam has every intention of wiping out the Jews as a duty to Allah. It is part of their end days prophecy, which they fervently believe, and in Mohammed's biography, which sets the example for all Muslims to follow...

"Sirat Rasul Allah P369
The apostle said, 'Kill any Jew that falls into your power.' Thereupon Muhayyisa b. Mas'ud leapt upon Ibn Sunayna (579), a Jewish merchant WIth whom they had social and business relations, and killed him."
25 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Iran is interested in global Jihad and the imposition of Sharia by way of violence, as well as the death of all Jews.

This is in the preamble to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran:

"An Ideological Army

Accordingly, the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps are to be organized in conformity with this goal, and they will be responsible not only for guarding and preserving the frontiers of the country, but also for fulfilling the ideological mission of jihad in God's way; that is, extending the sovereignty of God's law throughout the world

They do not have peaceful intent. You overstate the degree of 'inspections' they have had, and the fact that this money has been used to continue in their aspirations as a sponsor of terror.
25 May 2018
Classifieds / Quran translation - I am from UK and looking for a muslim Polish man in UK [75]


I think your input would be helpful on this forum.

It seems not everyone shares that positive view. I have had several posts edited to remove references I posted. And received a strike for it. Fascinating... I thought providing accurate references was a good thing.

If I will be receiving strikes for meticulously quoting sources, and having my posts edited we are unlikely to get very far.
25 May 2018
Classifieds / Quran translation - I am from UK and looking for a muslim Polish man in UK [75]

There is an earlier discussion about wife beating, claiming it is not Islamic. It is found in Islamic scripture, however.
Anything Mohammed does is normal and moral for Muslims, since he is the perfect example. Let me quote some references, to give context

Sunan Abu Dawud: Book 11, Hadith 2142
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife.

25 May 2018
Classifieds / Quran translation - I am from UK and looking for a muslim Polish man in UK [75]

Thank you @dolnoslask, I'm glad you found those posts interesting. I have more than a decade of experience in the Middle East, and a great knowledge of Islamic doctrine. Yes, Islam is incompatible with Western civilisation and with Polish values.

If you come across questions regarding Islam, do speak to me, as I may be able to assist.

I made a post elsewhere about liberal expatriates who reside in Poland, yet take every opportunity to criticise the country and its people. I have no idea why they don't return to the US, UK, Canada etc. if they feel Poland is: racist, homophobic, xenophobic, secretly Communist, is backwards, lacks rule of law, is becoming totalitarian, needs more Africans, needs more Muslims, needs to be more like Germany/Sweden/France/Belgium/UK and so on.

These are some of the comments, actual or implied that I have seen made time and again, and these people are deeply ignorant of Islam, the Quran and the Sunnah of Mohammed.
25 May 2018
Classifieds / Quran translation - I am from UK and looking for a muslim Polish man in UK [75]

I noticed the typical "out of context" claim about quotes from the Quran. The necessary context is found in the Hadith, the Sira and the Tafsir. Sahih Bukhari and Muslim are considered the most authentic Hadith collections. A further major resource is the Sharia, as detailed in the Umdat al Salik (The Reliance of the Traveler).

These are the sources that provide context. However, the Quran does have this to say: Q33.36 "It is not for any believer, man or woman, when God and His Messenger have decreed a matter, to have the choice in the affair. Whosoever disobeys God and His Messenger has gone astray into manifest error."


I hesitate to accept the opinion of an unknown Muslim over the word of Allah and the most renowned Islamic scholars. I regard them as having more authority.

The Hadith and the Sira are the Sunnah (Way) of Mohammed, and must be followed by any Muslim. There are 91 verses in the Quran that instruct Muslims to follow the example of Mohammed, who is the ideal pattern of conduct, the perfect Muslim.

What Mohammed said and did is found in the Hadith and Sira, and these books cannot be dismissed. A Muslim that only follows the Quran (a Quraniyoon or Quranist) is considered a hypocrite, even an apostate, by mainstream Sunni and Shia Islam. The penalty for doing so is death.