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Posts by Rich Mazur  

Joined: 18 May 2018 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 7 Apr 2020
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 2897 / In This Archive: 1685
From: Sarasota, Florida
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: cars

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Rich Mazur   
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

This is exactly why prostitution should be legalized.

Are you saying that if a guy gets one pregnant he is off the hook? Do prostitutes have their own insurance to cover pregnancy and beyond?
Rich Mazur   
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

The Poles don't ship their babies off anymore Rich - if they ever did. Children are not put up for adoption overseas.

Seriously. Let me understand it...A woman gets pregnant. The guy is unknown, dead, gone, in prison, or flat broke. She cannot get abortion under Polish rules. An American couple, swimming is cash and ready to pay every single expense, is begging for the kid and the Polish as*hole government says nyet because it wants the head count to go up. Did I get it right?

Another question. Can she while still pregnant go to Germany, meet the Americans there, deliver, and sign over the kid? It's her body and her child after all.
Rich Mazur   
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

That's my point though. Who is going to pay for the kid?

Here is your answer. Quoting:

Some sources estimate that there are about 2 million couples currently waiting to adopt in the United States - which means there are as many as 36 waiting families for every one child who is placed for adoption.

Those couple are so desperate that they go to Russia to adopt three-year-old kids with severe mental problems from lack of proper care and bonding. They would jump at the opportunity to adopt a brand new and undamaged baby in Poland. The expense of that process pales in comparison to the IVF if that were a viable option.
Rich Mazur   
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

All the abortion talk is bs without asking the kid. Maybe he or she would say, just let me out and I will be fine with any adoptive parents. Or even homeless. Just keep that as*hole with his sharp tools away from me. Please...
Rich Mazur   
21 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

If a man has not say, doesn't have to pay. No taxes without vote.

He does. He voted "yes" when he shoved it in. Not knowing how babies are made is not a valid excuse.
Rich Mazur   
21 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

who has the right to decide to deliver a child a woman or a man or both?

Children deliver themselves. All you have to do is wait. Women do not have an on-off switch.
Rich Mazur   
17 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

To the same degree a woman is trapped as well

You mean being pregnant?
BTW, I wonder how many women would agree to letting the guy end up with the baby.
Here, take care of it and have a nice life. Bye. And don't forget to send me graduation pictures.
Rich Mazur   
3 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Dirk, don't leave. Please share the joy of talking to a wall.
My only hope is not that we will convert them. It's that they will post fewer full-moron opinions.
Rich Mazur   
3 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Poles were running for their lives. Today, "refugee" are running for a better welfare check. Duh!
Poles left Iran. Today's "refugees" will never, ever leave the white leftist moron countries like Germany and the UK.
Instead, like cancer and rabbits, they will out-multiply the naive natives. Remember 1.7 and 3.4. In Poland, it's even worse. It's 1.4.
Rich Mazur   
3 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

But it doesn't mean that everything they do on our territory is automatically justified, or above criticism

Exactly. The open borders leftists here don't like my country vs home analogy because it hits home. None of them would tolerate an invasion and feed and educate the intruders for a minute. Instead, these virtue signalling idiots would call the cops and demand that their uninvited guests be removed immediately - without hearings and by force if necessary.
Rich Mazur   
2 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

If rats and cockroaches begin to infest your house,

You just insulted rats and cockroaches.
Rats and cockroaches don't murder, rape, rob, demand, and drag you through courts when you try to make them leave.
Rich Mazur   
2 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Poland's problem is just like with the rest of the white countries and is contained in this number: 1.4

If you are curious what it means, "klyknij" this:


and compare that 1.4 to 2.1 - the replacement rate.

That is why Poland needs foreigners, and not because they make Poland better. Without them, that ship just will not sail.

Add to that already scary 1.4 the fact that Poles leave in large numbers looking for better jobs, and the picture is dismal.
Rich Mazur   
2 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Imagine all the trucks from Poland having to pass a border post before they enter.

Deflection and strawman.
Nobody is talking about trucks or even people as long as those people are the EU legal residents. We are talking about the invasion by the foreign scum from Asia, ME, and Africa. It's stoppable, but, just like here in the US, your rulers benefit from it and you at the bottom have no balls to even object to it out of fear of being called NAZI's, xenophobes, heatless and all that crap.
Rich Mazur   
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

But it is international law.

BS. The law says that a person loses the right to continue moving as a refugee the second he steps into the FIRST safe country. Under that law, he is not allowed to country shop for the best benefits and must remain where he is - in the FIRST safe country.

That is why El Salvador "refugees" climbing over the fence from Mexico are pure bullsh*it and should never be allowed into the US.
That was just an example.
Rich Mazur   
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

praying for the relaxation of border controls. It's called freedom.

Please relax your border controls and remove the lock. What you are promoting is anarchy - aided and abetted by the Western ruling scum.
Pretending that the DDR borders to keep Germans in is morally equivalent to a border to keep foreign garbage is out is just plain moronic, but you and other leftists still play that game. It's tiring, though.

Anyway, it's mute.

It's moot.
Rich Mazur   
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

We are supposed to think that some new poster "Jake" really thinks (or cares) that Poland

Who said that? That strawman line is old.

Poland would be a better place if it somehow restricted free movement

Nobody in Poland wants to restrict the movement of the EU legal residents. What Poland does not like is the garbage that is brought in from the outside by Germany, France and the UK. That was not in the original agreement, so it's fraud.

for some strange reason wouldn't post under their registered name.

...and that matters how?
Rich Mazur   
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Tri City the ONLY place that is "normal" as regards immigrants)

Because, as with rats and spiders, there are few of them. What you, the immigrants-are-wonderful apologists, can't handle is any debate that includes numbers. Then, when the numerical limits are the subject, you turn stupid and use evasive substitutes like "any". Or disappear from radar.
Rich Mazur   
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Every country, like every person, has the absolute and non-negotiable right to discriminate against the visitors on any basis, including religion.
It's unfortunate that Poland waived that right by joining. Poland is now a potential victim of the fraud by the other members who allow the non-EU garbage to freely flow in.
Rich Mazur   
23 Nov 2019
News / Poland one step closer to visa waiver by US Senate [59]

Second of USA own Polish people for selling it does the river after WWII into Soviet slavery

I didn't know Poland was for sale.
Anyway, how much did the US get from that sale and how much do we owe Poland? You can round both amounts to the nearest trillion.

I would go along with that visa waiver as long as Poles post a performance bond of 100,000 dollars per to make sure that they go back home not later than 3 years after their visas expired.
Rich Mazur   
19 Nov 2019
Law / Need help about Poland's partner visa for LGBT [45]

Why are LGBT man attractive to woman?

Because women are nuts.

Why do some marry death row inmates? Why do some bring their kids to near death for attention? Why do they stay with the guys who beat them daily? Why do they vote for a party that allows hordes of rapists and murderers into their town?

And that was just a warm up....
Rich Mazur   
9 Nov 2019
Life / Child maintenance / expenses living in Poland [11]

I can't comment about that 2000 zl per kid, but I will tell you this: If you decide to have life insurance, DO NOT make her the beneficiary. Life insurance is for the kids, not adults, so they should be the beneficiaries. As minors, they will need a trustee. Make sure it's not her.
Rich Mazur   
30 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Poland, I love you for your farsightedness. From foxnews.com:

Upside-down "rivers" of warm ocean water may be one of the causes of Antarctica's ice shelves breaking up, leading to a rise in sea levels. But a new study suggests an increase in sea ice may lead to a much more devastating change in the Earth's climate - another ice age.

So, how do we get back that trillion the mean Trump didn't hand over to the international thieves in Paris?

BTW, that was "another ice age", not another sauna. Also, that was smart to drop "global warming".
Rich Mazur   
29 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

JR, get with the program...The eco fascists dropped global warming the day they got caught cooking up fake numbers to scare their favorite audiences - ugly Swedish girls with leftist parents.

That minus 37 is now known as climate change. It will stay that way until the eco fascists can produce more credible lies about man-made global warming.
Rich Mazur   
26 Oct 2019
Love / Had a big problem in Poland - a guy lied to me [33]

Forever. I can't stand people who trust every bs sob story. Women are so good at it. That is why we, the US, are sooo screwed. Specifically, they meet some Nigerian wiseguy on the i-net and end up sending him all they have and what they can borrow because the a-hole they never saw said "my love, my body aches to be close to you".

That is why they get raped. I mean really raped, not like this troll says now.
Rich Mazur   
26 Oct 2019
Love / Had a big problem in Poland - a guy lied to me [33]

How different were they? I mean the golden times, not the trolls.
I have been here like 18 months, so my rear view mirror does not show much.
BTW, can I assume that you don't subscribe to the new legal theory that women must always be trusted? My legal theory is that women should never be trusted without hard evidence.
Rich Mazur   
26 Oct 2019
Love / Had a big problem in Poland - a guy lied to me [33]

...and a movie.
Your post seems to suggest (I am channeling Lyzko) that your trust in this story appears to be insufficient to start a gofundme for this guy.