27 Dec 2019
Real Estate / Home loan in Poland based on my US credit score? [15]
There is no Polish bank that uses USA scores. There is another system in Poland. If you don't have a PESEL, you aren't getting any kind of credit, and if your money isn't going into a Polish bank from USA, your income is not verifiable. Mortgages in Poland are based on your Polish score, income, and your age which gives a maximum duration for the mortgage. Lenders are much more conservative than in USA, so if you don't have some cash, its not going to be easy.
There is no Polish bank that uses USA scores. There is another system in Poland. If you don't have a PESEL, you aren't getting any kind of credit, and if your money isn't going into a Polish bank from USA, your income is not verifiable. Mortgages in Poland are based on your Polish score, income, and your age which gives a maximum duration for the mortgage. Lenders are much more conservative than in USA, so if you don't have some cash, its not going to be easy.