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Joined: 8 Apr 2018 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 14 Oct 2018
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Posts: Total: 217 / In This Archive: 124
From: Australia, Sydney
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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21 Oct 2018
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Its always been this way they punched above their weight in the 20s and look what happened. Before that gone for eons. Pis is repeating those same dumb mistakes its like a curse. Now we claw our way back to civilazation from kraut and soviet bs and look at this gerbils causing havoc again. Its not that i agree with the issues, its just pis is too dumb to manage such things. I think its time to say **** poland and log off forever. Goodbye all.
21 Oct 2018
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Sory iron. Its amongst all people. Polands reputation has been going down the toilet since they took over. Its going to take for ever to fix it. They are just too dumb to manage. Progressives? By that you mean not backward and stagnant like us here where i.live, we are just getting rid off our useless stagnants, first big blow was landed yesterday. Pis is useless, Poland is not atrong enough yet for their hair brained ideas.
21 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Lol i dont hate the uk, no ozzie really does. We are not aligned anymore as closely as some people pretend that is bs. The demographics has changed for a start. The monarchy while an interesting tourist trinket is just a leftover from the old days. Living high still which doesnt go well with the ozzie chop dow the tall poppie attitude. As mentioned the muslim debacle the enlaves and such in the uk, we see that as a horror movie. We would not sell arms to backward medieval trash such as saudi Arabia and dont take their 'image improvement money'. Look i can go on but the upshot is the child has outgrown the parent and sees the parent as a uncool, old entity no longer worth emulating. Not hate? No.

At the same time i want there to be a Brexit as i definately want the Tory government to collapse and consider them evil, economic chaos will ensure this. If you want to see hate go on the Scottish forum, every second one wants to leave the ' united kingdom' which the rich that tricked the masses into brexit will prosper from while many suffer. You can offshore your money to moggs eu based company now to protect it from the future in the uk why not they all are. But lookout you need a fair bit, peasants not welcome only the loaded, the rest are just the cashcows.
21 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

You are assuming there will be a Brexit. Yes, the rest of the uk is going to just lie down and let a bunch of fossils and evil scum do it to them. Hell will freeze over on the same day.
20 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

At least Germany is successful. Unlike us here with 5 leaders in 5 years or something like that. We are becoming backward. Her biggest mistake was those refugees ofcourse.
20 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

He can't point out anything, not a single benefit. Doesnt even know whats going on.
Dougpol...the crimes against aboriginals were committed by the English and their settler descendants. So were the ones on most indigenous peoples of the world. Get a clue before you spout. Their descendants are still racists clows like that today.

Just get on with brexit ffs, its a win for civilization.
British museums are just filled with stolen stuff. The worlds biggest racists and thieves.
We are working trying to help our aborigines, except as i said above. Gooooo nooooow!
20 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

It's because of change. The germans changed for most part for the better. The grubby south europe palm greasing governments are still just as unstable as they were.
20 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Rotten West vs. Innocent Poland [25]

I my travels i have never encountered Poles to be heaped in with ukis or ruskis. Exactly the opposite! Time to jog on pal, other forums need fake news too.
20 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Uk has sharia courts, no go zones, muslim patrols. We laugh at this every day. Its a country that lost the plot but none of those things come from the eu.

It is a fraud, only 37% of the place voted to leave, this has been described as a majority. Outright fraud.
The police said the leave campaign over spent and broke the rules. Fraud.
The information given to the public by things such as nhs savings and other issues were a total fantasy. Fraud.
The referendum was advisory only when it started but based on 37% of the place turned into law? Fraud.
The Scots were told that if they wanted to stay in the eu to not vote independence from uk and once that was over by a tiny margin brexit was called. Fraud.

The tory filth is only propped up by the dup fanatics for a majority who do not represenr NI at all, or their remain vote. Fraud.

They claimed that no companies or business would leave and that the uk can sign trade deals everywhere, try nowhere. More fraud.
The criminals have taken over the uk, they are called your ' government'.
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Stop pretending economics had no issue in brexit. The ' immigrants came took my job' catchphrase soundbite was used every stinking day by all the frauds. The silly low iq working fails had it as their ' thing'. In every interview with those people they whined how they couldn't get jobs because some Polish bloke took it ( or some other nationality) and every time it was brought up they sighted how the immigrants take lower wages and undervut the brits. Plumbers, electricians, builders and many more. All saying the same thing.

This is why i want you to take your worthless lies and reap the whirlwind.
The eu is a coalition of willing countries. The uk an unnatural result of 100s of years of subjugation of the Scots, the Irish just to start but morons pretend its the other way around. The United Kingdom is not united. Nothing like money will show you how unnatural the uk is. My pet popcorn moment will be the moronic welsh who voted out realizing 1/2 their agricultural work is subsidized by the eu. Its all about the money that's why frauds like mogg have started companies to hedge money in the eu, in Ireland. They have the little people fooled. You fell for it.

Btw May is dithering with it all because she knows it and based on 37% of the country voted out she also knows 63% did not.
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Yes lets hear the advantages i will start it off:.
Take back control: lose all control of europe to everyone else and have no further control there. Go from head of table to nothing.
Hows the 350m a week for the nhs going lol?
Hows boris the best fm bozo ever now. A disgrace at the very least, international laughing stock.
Hows the united kingdom going, the least united and totally devided, its not the eu who will disappear its the 'united kingdom".
Your farming sector, how much does it get from the eu? Lol.
The infrastructure projects eu paid for, they are going around removing those signs, take back control bullshit some moron that you funded it.
What eu person will buy a car made in uk with extra tariffs and having germans there? Name a few
Gimmy some benefits, convince me.
19 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Depends what you want to see. Geology 101 for example says that sea floor has lots of give which means sea levels are going up a bit the floor sinks, this is finate. Eventually you run out of give and it builds quicker. This means more vulcanism on land from the surrounding pressure so we see more of that. Ofcourse this takes time silly humans dont live that long. Maybe we will see naples turn into something hotter for example.
19 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Theres only a few things threatning wars of the future. One of them is communists, some are dictators and lets not forget my favourite...religious vomit.
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

American food standarts and many asian are so far below eu its not funny. More lies. Your car manufacturers are staying, not foreign owned? More bs. Yeah we sell wine from hete. When you idiots slide down the gurgler i will be on here saying....derrr. basically every single thing a brexiteer says can be proven to be wrong to anyone but a brexiteer. You have been brainwashed. A poinless pack of lies.
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Australia is seeking to make an agreement with eu not uk. Our right wing government is pretty much despised now and i dont think they will return. They are the ones who like royals and uk and have a bunch of fossils voting for them. The other side of government wants republic and to toss the queens picture into the bin, like most of us who are not ancient. Australia has so much more to gain by trading with eu rather then tiny uk, who make almost nothing. I would not count on us, just more propaganda spun by brexit morons who are just plainly dumb. But like brexit we also have to wait for this. Both events will be next year from the looks of things, not that long.
18 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

That's not possible because if you chuck money anyone will send you anything. It will cost more though on tariff and take longer to get there. Not to mention heaps of uk farmers are only in business because of eu funds. Downgrading of credit leads to higher interest for all uk people, including the countries debt. Lower pound leads to inflation. And on and on it goes, 20 other thiings. None of these things are dramatic, they slowly creep in. The pound is low, interest rates are slowly creeping and uk debt is a joke, inflation creeping up. Slowly. No deal would accelerate it so hopefully they will make a deal?