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Posts by maltinka  

Joined: 15 Feb 2018 / Female ♀
Last Post: 27 May 2018
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 14 / In This Archive: 13
From: Vietnam, Hanoi
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: ESL teaching, esl, translation, heritage language, learning polish teaching in poland

Displayed posts: 14
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1 Apr 2019
Law / Freelance taxes in Poland, made simple. [12]

Hi there! I am my own personal company in poland and am paid as such, paying my own ZUS, and PIT-5 I will begin teaching online with a company in Berlin and they have asked if I am set up as a freelancer (which i said i am) and I need to provide them with my FREELANCER TAX ID....can anyone tell me what that might be? thank you so much!
28 Mar 2018
Work / Working for the British council in Poland (Warsaw) [9]

thanks guys for your feedback. all info is useful! i wasn't really asking about the prospects of getting a job with the british council ;) but rather looking for any info on what it was like to teach with them in Poland, what the job is like. also wondering if there are some similar level other ESL schools/jobs to be on the lookout for! if you have any info on that it would be great! Cheers!
25 Mar 2018
Work / Working for the British council in Poland (Warsaw) [9]

Hi everyone :) I am interested in trying to get a job with the british council in warsaw. anyone have any experience working for them? also, any tips on other similar higher level language teaching jobs available for professional ESL teachers, not backpacker types? cheers and thanks in advance
25 Feb 2018
Life / Where do artists like to live in Poland? [21]

Hi thanks for this thread! i am looking to move to poland in the summer and would love to find an artistic creative community there. I love music theatre and visual arts and always gravitate to creative people. any new insights on would would be considered and 'artsy city' in Poland? thanks!
23 Feb 2018
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

HI its me again...just wondering if Poland usually requires a background/police check? its a bit annoying to get that here, wondering if i should start the process or not worry about it....if you know anything about it? thanks!
19 Feb 2018
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

thanks so much for your advice (and everyone else too) i feel a lot more confident going forward and knowing what i am looking for. i think i will start making connections soon and if i can set something good up i will come for the new school year. a little earlier than i planned but life has a way of shaping the natural path! :)
18 Feb 2018
Work / Companies and pay for a Native English Teacher in Warsaw? [46]

thanks jon357, i sort of asked this again in the other thread before seeing you already answered - sorry, still learning my way around this forum site. so ideal time to arrive....beginning of august..?
18 Feb 2018
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

@jon357 @atch @dirkdiggler @Lyzko dream scenario - teaching children in the day time steady work + some privates on the side in my own neighborhood no commute.....(also children ideal but for privates adults would be ok too) but mainly i want to teach children that is my vibe and what i know best....

my new question (because you guys give me so many great answers but also lots to think about) if i want to teach children am i making a mistake to show up in dec/jan, should i change my plans and come to poland in august in order to find work for the school year? if i want to try to find a job when i'm already there (vs online from asia) coming in august, would that give me enough time? I really want to come to poland around dec but i can be flexible if i start planning now.....you guys are awesome!! :) also if anyone knows any names of these private primary schools feel free ;)
18 Feb 2018
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

Quite big in Poland, though most young learner teachers in PL are local.

hmmmmm thats ok....i have a polish passport and can speak the language...does that up my attractiveness for these positions, or are you saying they are local and that means they don't pay well ( a sad true story of local teachers vs foreign ones i have seen a lot of that scenario here in SEA)

One interesting area is private primary and secondary schools in PL - it's a day job obviously, but relatively stable

that's what i want! that's what i want! haha day time, stable sounds PERFECT.....private primary schools sounds like exactly what i would be looking for :) :)
17 Feb 2018
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

@Lyzko Hi :) did you mean that for me? I have the CELTA so i think getting a TESOL would be of no use at this point. i think i am already very qualified and have plenty of experience, I just want to feel out what the job market will look like for someone like me :) Cheers!
17 Feb 2018
Work / Companies and pay for a Native English Teacher in Warsaw? [46]

The problem there is that these schools are flooded with applicants and are very selective about whom they hire

what kind of schools are these? could you name a few or tell me how i might go about finding these places? Thank you! :)
also is it still the same regarding hiring only happening at the start of the school year? ideal i want to work with primary school children but i was hoping to go to Poland (katowice specifically) in about Dec/Jan as i had read somewhere that Jan was also a good time....here the most hiring also coincides with the start of the school year but there are loads of jobs available all year round. but......do i need to come ot poland for sept? i can change my plans but only would if its absolutely necessary. I am celta cert/native english/bilingual polish /canadian+polish passport/ 5 years teaching experience mostly children age 5 - 12 (which remains my preference) any thoughts you have would be welcomed! cheers!
17 Feb 2018
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

thanks thats great! i figured with the CELTA and all the years experience it owuld be enough without the CELTYL....but everywhere i look i see only posts and discussions about teaching adults. is that because that's the whole job market, or is there work for young learners....I am keen to use my polish to make connections in and around my house to find kids to teach but maybe there are kindergartens and schools that higher esl teachers also...hmmmm thank you, that gives me more confidence. ...

the only teaching qualification i have is the CELTA, and the experience, but no i am not officially qualified unfortunately or this would be a whole other ball game. i have lots of friends here who teach in international schools as EFL teachers and they only hold CELTA certificates as well. i will attempt that direction also but am not holding too much hope on that one.
17 Feb 2018
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

Thanks so much, that is so kind of you to think of me, really thank you a lot! i just checked it out, looks good but i am Canadian, and its a job for US citizens only

(...also, i dont want to live in the USA.....not now, not ever (no offence to anyone, its just.....well...yea.) )

Hey thanks for your long response, I really appreciate it. I thought about the CELTYL not too long ago but at this point I am not sure how much longer I want to stay in ESL teaching but it has sat there in my mind as something to add....but what you say is very interesting because truth be told i am a primary school teacher of ESL i work with young children and have done mostly that my whole time ins ASIA and i prefer it vastly to teaching adults. I working in a private kindy in SKorea, and then in a centre here in hano with children under 12 and now i teach grades 1-4 ......I am wondering and also i would love to hear what you say about this also @jon357 what is the job market like for people wanting to teach young learners? i am keen to stay in this area if possible but was thinking i would likely have to change....but maybe thats something desirable since everyone is teaching adults and business english? in your experience are polish parents keen to hire private tutors for their kids? :) thank you all for helping me to understand more what i will walk into over there! i am all for adventure and the unknown but it is nice to have some ideas of what to expect when i arrive :)