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Posts by Marino_Kat  

Joined: 7 Feb 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 22 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 113 / In This Archive: 105
From: Pyrgos / Greece
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Sports, Fitness, Health, History, technology

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1 May 2018
Off-Topic / WB's body building and general fitness thread [97]

You better dont use my pictures. Posting here was a mistake and if you use my pictures i will make sure to go court. Remember IP idress can be detected. I do NOT allow you to use my pictures. And in EU law i MUST give agreement so you can use them.
29 Apr 2018
Off-Topic / WB's body building and general fitness thread [97]

Well i can only speak for myself, but i make money with it. I do personl training, give online coaching, have model jobs and competitions and also sponsoring from supps company and so on.

I had a small role in a TV show and that boosted my careers alot, since people started to know me. Even so it was only 45 seconds. :D

My monthly income from all of this combined is roughly 1900 €. I´m happy with that and think there is alot i can improve.


You can show me to your female friend. She will cry to, because it is like she looks on god Apollo himself
28 Apr 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]


The austerity for Greece must end

at 20th august this year, the last austerity program ends. Since 8 years Greece is under austerity.

Our economy grows very slow and we still have much unemployment. 20% of our people are poor.

Its sad to see this. My family was lucky, because my parents both have a good job but i have friends who are not as lucky as i´m and it feels bad that they cant

reach what they want.

We Greeks learned our lesson in the last 8 years and i hope the other European countries support us so we can decide free about our economy and no more

austerity. I also hope eastern European countries like Poland side with us, so we can achieve our goals.


Athens has great areas. You just dont know.

30 Mar 2018
Life / Fashion and Style in Poland [174]


Why have so many Poles no style?

What i noticed in my few days in Poland was, that so many there dont seem to care what they look like.

Many were fat, many did wear cheap stuff from H&M. Many women are completly not styled. Some people did even smell bad.

Sure that exists in every culture but it appeared more widespread there.

When i compare with myself, my body is most wrathful for me and i always try to make me look best way possible.

In old Greek philosophy our appearance also represents our soul. This can be seen in our mythology as well as in our tales.

I constantly check my looks. In mirrors, mobile phone ect.

Sometimes with curls, sometimes i make my hair straight down.

And then you see people like this:


Honest question...why are they leaving house like this? I know some have better looks than others by DNA but even those ugly ones could do something.
24 Mar 2018
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

@Mr Grunwald

There is no spartan spirit. There is just spartan blood and dna.

I come from the region that was once sparta. So i have it. Stop stealing others heritage.
23 Mar 2018
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Again you talk ****. Ha ha ha

You have problem with sex? I guess that is your problwm. Ha ha ha

Im a Spartan. I come from the region. And i can tell you Spartans were as greek as all other greek states.

But you know what you are for us? Primitives.

Oh and as for egyptians, egyptians never left egypt. Greeks went to egypt. So you find greek dna there. But no egyptians here.

But we never mixed with your ancestors. When they tried settle in our north we simply killed them.

You should read the letters of our emperor, where he says he hunted your women naked into the snowy mountains.

Guess they settled than in that shi--- you call Serbia today.
22 Mar 2018
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]


The polish model girl did not agree with you. After we had the project done she stayed with me.


And you know what eats you from jealousy? I can show the prove ha ha
18 Mar 2018
News / Hungary Veto on Poland Sanctions may not happen [108]


We protect the border against Turkey. We lock migrants on islands and do what is necessary to do. Because of this migration through Balkan dropped by over 80%.

So i ask again, what does Poland do for the EU?

Greece asks since months for support, to speed up deportations ect.
11 Mar 2018
Travel / Anyone here use/used Ryanair? Flying from/to Poland [31]

Nobody with some self-respect would fly with Ryan-air.

I want service and pay more for that. I would actually feel ashamed to fly RyanAir.

Has Poland its own airline?

Our biggest is Aegean Airline
10 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


With all due respect....i saw Poland now and believe me...its a shi---.

Even when we cant run our finances, we are not as poor as poles and our land is in better shape.
10 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Shi--- countries like Poland aside,

Merkel is a pathetic chancellor. Thats what happens when you put a women in charge. She changes her mind evry day.

In end effect this will be solved easily. Inall EU countries far right wins. We greeks closed borders, Italy too. Migration went downby 96%.

What dome idiots dont realize, migrants are not the problem and just a symptom. Its leftism. What we need in all of Europe is a strong leader. Like Pinochet.
9 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

It doesnt Matter. Those who came in will be removed anyways. I feel sorry for them. In greece they are locken in concentration camps already.
9 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Merkel gives a **** about WW II. She gives a **** about refugees. She wanted cheap workers to Put pressure on workforce. It didnt Work, so now she gets rid of migrants.

The idiocy of some here is amazing
8 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Bullshit. Why do you lie?

Does your catholic faith allow you lies?

Germany has one of the lowest rape numbers worldwide. Poland for example has more rapes

Polish murder rate is also 34% higher than Germany.

That said i must laugh about Polish or Serbians claim they want keep their identy, culture and what not.

What identity? What culture?

You come from empty lands without history. You have no roots. You have no heroes.

If you were removed today, you would be forgotten tomorrow.

And the most funny thing is your rants about the migrants. Germany has 5% of its population with foreign origin.

IN eastern german states stand not one mosque. Germany is an economic superpower with one of highest living standards in the world.

Reality is, it doesnt matter if you want take migrants or not. They dont want stay in your mudhole.

I visited Germany. Its one of the greates nations in the world.

Polands problem is, that its not European. Its more asian oriental. Propably too much mongol blood.

All great european tribes share history. Greeks, Iberians, Romans, Germanics, British. But you?

Dont get me wrong, but a syrian is more european than a polish could ever be.

For the simple reason:

7 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Most **** posted here is hilarious. Its like satire.

1. Merkel has changed her politics years ago. She made a mistake in 2015, corrected it and wants to get rid of those. She speeds up deportations, pays mafia in libya to get rid of migrants. Migration dropped by 96% since 2016.

2. Germany ows Poland nothing.
6 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Im intelligent. Tsipras is not. There is No legal base for it. He uses it for internal politics and nothing else. He doesnt even open anything and just pulls it to get some idiots votes. Same as in Poland.
6 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Germany ignores this rubbish. There is no legal base to it. Even polish foreign office says there is zero legal base. Germany ows Poland Zero.

As for secure borders, Poland should stop to be Americas poodle and not help in illegal wars there.