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Posts by SigSauer  

Joined: 2 Oct 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 13 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 378 / In This Archive: 224

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2 Feb 2019
Classifieds / Fabricator sought for 1:1 scale mockup for MSPO Defence Exhibition. [14]

Not sure Bobko. The pic is a bit confusing, shes holding an M4/AR variant with quad picatinny rails and some attachments, standing in front of some sort of tracked vehicle. So is she advertising the firearm or the vehicle? Honestly, this looks like a photo they put into a magazine about military equipment. No idea who the manufacturer is, it's certainly very unprofessional and nothing that would ever even cross our minds. But I'm thinking this is a Balkans manufacturer, or proximal to that area. For US manufacturers we stick strictly to performance characteristics and gentlemen in business suits.
1 Feb 2019
Classifieds / Fabricator sought for 1:1 scale mockup for MSPO Defence Exhibition. [14]

With all due respect Delph, because I am trying to dial down the tensions and nastiness on this board, I will let my legal team make that determination, and not a non-Polish citizen who is a non-Lawyer. That is me putting it nicely, as I don't mean to insult you, but you've come into a thread meant to throw some business into the local economy and more specifically aimed at members of PF or their friends/family, as we are willing to pay a substantial premium, and started speaking like an authority on a matter, that doesn't concern and for which you are not qualified to speak on.
1 Feb 2019
Life / Poles against gay marriages. Really? [120]

Any conservative worth their salt subscribes to the NAP. Thomas Jefferson can nip this conversation in the but.

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."

It might have been an interesting thread topic just to get the temperature of how Poles in general feel about homosexuality and marriage. However, once it went past that into the hateful rhetoric of how some people feel about two individuals choice to love one another, the thread lost its meaning. It's largely irrelevant, NO ONE CARES what you think about it.

Are you a dude who thinks you're a chick? Do you think there are 72 genders? Fine with me, it doesn't effect my life unless you believe I should be compelled by the states legitimate monopoly on the use of violence to call you by your subjective sense of self. I'll also extend that to any public shaming, attempt at affecting someones ability to earn an income, or being de-platformed, simply for choosing not to acknowledge your subjective sense of self.

Live and let live fellas. Those of you pretending to be classical liberal conservatives, you'd do well to revisit some of our core reading and doctrines.
31 Jan 2019
Classifieds / Fabricator sought for 1:1 scale mockup for MSPO Defence Exhibition. [14]

Since part of the purpose was to give an opportunity to PF members who might be engaged in the aforementioned trade, and not large firms on more professional classified services, that would defeat the purpose. Second, as mentioned previously, that's why we hire lawyers. Third, again are you speaking from your experience in these matters? Fourth, why are you bothering to troll a classified ads, if you felt inclined to give your unsolicited advice, feel free to do so via PM.
31 Jan 2019
Life / Poles against gay marriages. Really? [120]

I don't know many conservatives that really care about the gay marriage or agenda one way or the other. I think the only thing that bothers them (and me), are the parades with assless chaps, waving dildos, and making provocative gestures in the streets. Those sorts of displays certainly do their movement no favors.
31 Jan 2019
Classifieds / Fabricator sought for 1:1 scale mockup for MSPO Defence Exhibition. [14]

Were you asking because you know I speak Russian, or were you asking if the terms were equivalent? No, in this case the purpose of building a 1:1 mock up as opposed to bringing the actual equipment is cost savings and eliminating the need to go through a lengthy process of obtaining export licenses from the Dept of State. The model just gives the potential end user an in person feeling of what the equipment does and looks like. We have a smaller sample portion already in country but its purpose is to demonstrate the overall capability.

As far as outsourcing, we always support small businesses on the local economy when we can. As far as the previously mentioned moralizing going on, I obviously have a list of all of our current users, all of which had to be approved by the U.S. government, and none of the current users are non-democratic states or autocracies, and the equipment in question is life saving, not life taking. Rather perturbing when people who have no experience in the industry, and are not subject matter experts make comments. It's of course a free country and people have the right to voice uninformed stupid opinions.
29 Jan 2019
Classifieds / Translator Wanted: Military Specific Terminology [NEW]

We are seeking a translator who specializes in military terminology (although not an absolute requirement) to translate promotional materials from American English to Polish. In accordance with our initiative to invest in the local economy, preference will be given to small scale translation firms and sole proprietors. The ideal translator will have worked with large international companies in the past, and provide references to support such claims. Previous experience translating military specific terminology is preferred, but not required. The materials translated will be promotional pamphlets, cards, signs, a voice over or subtitles for two promotional videos, one 6 minutes in length, the other 3 minutes in length.

There is also the possibility of an in-person interpreter position for a 5 day period, at the MSPO 26th International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce, PL. All expenses including travel, accommodation, and a per diem food allowance of $50 USD/day will be paid in addition to the regular fee. The United States of America will be the leading nation at this years exhibition. Please contact me by private message if you or someone you know is interested in this opportunity. My administrative assistant will discuss your previous work and background, and decide if we will move forward.

Information on the MSPO 26th International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce, PL.
28 Jan 2019
Classifieds / Fabricator sought for 1:1 scale mockup for MSPO Defence Exhibition. [14]

We are seeking a fabricator to make a 1:1 scale mock up of a piece of military hardware for the 2019 MSPO 26th International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce, PL on 3SEP19. We are also seeking a local logistics provider to transport the mock up from its point of production/origin to the exhibition prior to the exhibition date.


As part of our initiative to invest in the local economy, preference will be given to small businesses and sole proprietors. Previous experience in building scale 1:1 models is a plus, but not required. In addition to paying for services rendered, the fabricator will have their business name and cards advertised at our booth, with exposure to 625 exhibitors from 31 countries. The United States of America will be the leading nation at this year's exhibition.

If you have personal friends or family members that have the capability to produce 1:1 scale models for expos, please send them to us. Inquire by private message, and my administrative assistant will handle the RFQ, negotiate payment and terms, and draw up contracts should you be selected.
20 Jan 2019
Life / Jehova's witnesses in Poland - how to deal with them? [110]

No real need to troll them at the door. Half of my family are JW's, and while I don't agree with their doctrine at all, they are complete pacifists, and they are really well meaning. They don't require tithing or spend unnecessarily on frivolous things, they help one another. Unfortunately, some of the darker things in their ideology is their "disfellowshipping," which is basically a sort of ex-communication. Whereby 'elders' decide if someone has done something they shouldn't have, and then no one can speak to them, including their own family. I remember being about 10 years old and my grandmom telling me I couldn't talk to my one cousin anymore. Even at that age, I said nah you people are off your rocker if you think I'm going to shun my cousin. Generally speaking though, they're extremely kind people, and they think that door to door thing is required by them to spread the word or something. I've always found that they leave without incident if asked politely. I also tend to be extra kind to them since I still have some family members practicing that faith so I'd be remiss to be totally rude to what I know to be really peace loving people. I saw them by the underground pass through last month in Bialystok with a stand and some pamphlets, so I guess in PL they don't do the door-to-door thing. I saw them doing the same thing near the metro when I was living in Ukraine.
8 Dec 2018
Life / A Pole returning to Poland harassed by MSW [25]

Only mildly patronizing and insensitive to someone posting who clearly has an untreated medical illness. The OP needs help, not scorn. Going to make fun of cancer patients next?
1 Dec 2018
Travel / Anybody VERY familiar with bars in Warsaw? [22]


Expat bars in Warsaw

Hm....guess the last post wasn't acceptable....So again, just moved to Warsaw finally....Any good expat bars in the center, around Nowy Swiat or Emili Plater? Long time no talk everyone
1 Dec 2018
Classifieds / hangin' out in Warsaw [5]


Meet up tonight in Warsaw?

Long time no talk everyone......made the move to Warsaw.....anyone interested in grabbing a drink tonight around Nowy Swiat? Just moved into a new flat on Emili Plater so looking to meet some cool people.
14 Apr 2018
Real Estate / Starting an English building company in Warsaw. [24]

At that point though what makes his business any different from regular Polish ones in the same industry? Im not understanding the niche that hes going to fill, or what sets it apart from other construction companies if the Poles are all on the front end.
14 Apr 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

We actually agree on that. This is one area where shooting his mouth off leads to a stupid action, because once he mentions action he has to follow through or risk looking totally inept and like America is just empty threats, and i absolutely believe a hawk like Bolton was happy to be able to bomb anywhere.
14 Apr 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

It confuses sensibilities, are you antiwar and non interventionist, or believe in humanitarian standards and advocate for punishment. When you attach a moral dilemma to it, but its strange to watch left and right in the US align on this issue, with different motivations obviously. This is a massive campaign promise broken by Trump, very disappointing.
13 Apr 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

I wasn't aware they were a significant voting bloc in American politics, most Polish-Americans have a Polish last name and absolutely no other considerations for Poland, so again you're just talking utter bollocks. Honestly, are you doing drugs? That's a serious question, you can reach out if you're actually having personal problems, I don't hold a grudge dude, you really sound like you should talk to someone. Your posts used to at least be rooted in some sort of concrete argument, and while we disagree on many things I still enjoyed hearing the other side of the coin. Hope you have a better day.
13 Apr 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

He promised the moon to us, but he hasn't delivered a thing

Ok, should I remind you he's the President of the United States of America, and not the President of Poland? He doesn't owe you a damn thing, and if you were waiting for the promises of the leader of a foreign country to come to fruition you are a fool.
13 Apr 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

No, it was not, via the War Powers Act of 1973. You're not American, you know absolutely nothing about the military or foreign affairs, have no formal education in either one, and no experience. Your opinion is that of dog ****. Also, you're not a member of this board, your posts are mostly inflammatory and meaningless nonsense. Please go away.
12 Apr 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]


Yea, liberals are really anti-war until its on "humanitarian" grounds, and then we see SHAMELESS articles by The Guardian banging the drums of war. Very humanitarian, where no doubt thousands of civilians will die even with the most sophisticated smart bombs. You should be ashamed of yourself for saying something like that, its disgusting and easy for you to say when you have never seen the results of the **** you're advocating.
11 Apr 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

It is natural but an uncomfortable fact for people like you

What about his posts indicate he isn't "open" to other cultures and races? I am open to other cultures and races, I speak 3 languages, and I work with host nation personnel every single day, I break bread with them at least once a week eating their traditional food.

Being opposed to shifting your home country's demography in such a way that it fundamentally changes your country's culture and values is not being "closed" to other cultures and races, as you can still respect those cultures and races without letting millions of them enter your homeland and destroy its social fabric. That is what is being argued here, and you are, quite disingenuously, trying to conflate the two concepts to serve your own political agenda, demanding fielty to your idea of what countries "should" do; and interestingly enough only countries where the majority of the population are Caucasian coupled with a high GDP.

Western nations who engaged in colonialism do not "owe" the people in the third world ANYTHING. That was quite a long time ago, and the people living today should not be asked to destroy the societies their parents helped build, least not when a percentage of those people given the PRIVILEGE of living the West wish to do harm to the native inhabitants there.