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Posts by slavicradio1992  

Joined: 1 Mar 2017 / Female ♀
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Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 13
From: USA, Chicago
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: University

Displayed posts: 15
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15 Aug 2017
Study / Need advice with admission to the University of Warsaw!! Please help!! [26]

Hello everybody it is I, the girl at the center of this discussion again. I am on track to study at a university in Chicago. I recently completed orientation at my school and I noticed that most of the classes I signed up to take were without sense ... classic general education, or better known as "gen eds". It was then that I got hit with a massive revelation. Was I really going to pay a good $20,000 to do basic courses when I could do them in Poland and simply transfer over my junior to take classes relevant to my major, thus eventually graduating with an American degree? Would it be a smart decision to transfer the second semester of my freshman year, and stay for my sophomore year to a polish university just to save money/take gen eds?
28 Apr 2017
Life / Convincing my Polish Parents to go to Polska! [4]

Cześć ! Yes indeed I am on my way to college. Certainly a very thrilling time in my life, especially since my school has a Polish club! I am also clearly excited to study what I'm passionate about. I might even take advantage of the study abroad program and study in Warszawa in years to come! I'm really surprised to hear from you, Atch! You on these forums often ?

I will be staying with Babcia in Warszawa which means housing+meals are covered, then go to the countryside near Olsztyn where I would also , be covered. The countryside doesn't require money, as they are ridiculously generous. However, Babcia usually takes about 300 PLN to afford a grown woman in her tiny apartment. I'm not sure if we will visit the Baltic Sea , so unfortunately , I think I do need more PLN.

That's a great way to put it to my parents. Tata loves when I mention my studies, and Mama always has a soft spot for "connecting to the homeland". My parents have no problem sending me to Poland. They let me fly alone at the ripe age of 9, and run about the city at 16. The whole problem is me wording all of this into a solid speech. Sitting down and planning this trip is an event in my house. I just don't know how to bring it up, I suppose ..
28 Apr 2017
Life / Convincing my Polish Parents to go to Polska! [4]

Hey guys! Happy to be here. I need some advice on how to approach this situation.

For starters, I'm an 18 year old first generation Polish girl that will be forever in love with Poland. I've visited so many times, as recently as the summer of 2015. I am here to ask for some advice in asking my parents to allow me to visit my beautiful country this summer. As you all know, Polish parents can be strict and hard to convince. Investing in a 2 month holiday in Poland is kinda big deal. I have so far 744 złoty saved up for spending in Poland ... so now essentially all I need is a ticket. I've been playing my Budka Suflera and Bajm louder than usual ( lol ) and talking about the "glory days" with my parents ... now to pop the question. How do I go about it? I know I can do it, I just find it hard to express my feelings in words.
9 Mar 2017
Study / Poznan University of Economics or University of Warsaw ? [25]

Wow guys !! I am in awe. You sure love to write! Awesome answers once again. Read every word. I'll think over all of this and talk to my parents. I'll try to keep you updated. Next few weeks are going to be very hectic. Thank you for your advice !
7 Mar 2017
Study / Poznan University of Economics or University of Warsaw ? [25]

That's a good idea Atch! Out of curiosity, are there any universities you'd recommend to me ( given all the information you know about me ) in Europe if my parents are set on pushing me abroad ?

Well, Dominic, I can speak and read Polish fluently with flying colors, the problem is just writing long essays. That right there is my biggest issue. I have two languages swirling in my head and it can be horrendously difficult to concretely put my ideas on paper.
7 Mar 2017
Study / Poznan University of Economics or University of Warsaw ? [25]

I have to be honest, Poland was the idea of my parents. Disappointing them breaks my heart. For me personally, it is between Chicago AND New York. My dream is NYC, but being native to Illinois, the first option will be cheaper. I really do love my city, but sometimes all of us here wish to leave the Midwest. Nevertheless, the Chicago school is a bang for your buck, and is a good stepping stone to law school someday. My average grades are indeed how I said they are, but my essay was ( not to be pompous ) brilliant. The challenge now is breaking the news.
7 Mar 2017
Study / Poznan University of Economics or University of Warsaw ? [25]

Well, you're probably wondering why I retreated back to the forums. My parents blew a gasket when I told them the plan was not a good idea. I have gotten acceptance letters from numerous great American universities who were my Polish "back-up plan", so I tried to ease in the idea of just staying in the States. Nevertheless, the whole "let's toss our child to Poland for a cultural and cheap college experience" dream was still burning within them. Even after I showed them what everyone said, they still refused to believe me. As immigrants they scoffed at the idea that the "Harvard of Poland" was essentially junk. So the post above were the questions they asked. My Mom has asked for me to at least go for one year, to have the experience of our home country. I am at a tough place. Personally, I just want to head to NYC for a "new life".
7 Mar 2017
Language / How to pronounce Polish name "Niedzolkowski"? [3]


The "dz" is a complex sound and its very hard to think of a "word" that depicts it correctly without actually saying it. Put your mouth in a square, teeth shown clamped together, and make the sound a plane makes! That is the best way I describe "dz"
7 Mar 2017
Study / Poznan University of Economics or University of Warsaw ? [25]


University of Warsaw -- Reputable?

I am interested in the English courses. Is all that is needed for acceptance is money to pay? Can I go there for my first year and transfer to an American university? Furthermore, if I decide to stay, is this University's program reputable for four year undergraduate studies that an American law school would accept?
3 Mar 2017
Study / Need advice with admission to the University of Warsaw!! Please help!! [26]

Dominic, your excellently worded advice is very fair. I thank you sincerely for your well thought out message. It means a lot to me to have a sense of proper guidance. I agree with everything you said, minus the watering down of dreams. A dream is a passion, and that very fire is what keeps us alive. I will forever treasure my aspirations. I'll certainly take all of this into account. I'm off to NYC to major in political science, minor in economics. I am prepared, hell, even excited to work my ass off for that precious law degree. Much love to you all, really.
3 Mar 2017
Study / Need advice with admission to the University of Warsaw!! Please help!! [26]

I'll reiterate, I am thankful for the advice. However, I didn't pout. Don't be dramatic. I was genuinely just bummed that my dream crumpled down before me. Wouldn't you be ? I'm not telling you that your thoughts were invalid, as its always good to hear a different perspective. Just they way you worded it oozed degradation. Don't be so snide, you have better things to do than to be dismissive to kids online, right?
3 Mar 2017
Study / Need advice with admission to the University of Warsaw!! Please help!! [26]

My dear, I also have some advice for you as well. Ever wonder why you aren't invited to parties? The culprit is your nasty habit of self-righteousness. We are no better than one another. Don't forget to ring when you're in need of a lawyer ! Much love.
2 Mar 2017
Study / Need advice with admission to the University of Warsaw!! Please help!! [26]

Well, I've been missing this debate due to school, funny enough. I read the first few bits yesterday morning and found myself so depressed/hopeless , that I didn't talk to anyone all day or glance at my computer. Thank you to all who defended my intelligence, and I send much love to all you who made me feel like complete trash! No one really answered my questions, except Harry, who told me that "the only thing you really need to get into an English-medium course at a Polish university is the money to pay the fees". This thread went into a fight about the education system as a whole and or mentoring for me. I'm thankful you took so much time to discuss this, but now I'm certainly going to an american university.
1 Mar 2017
Study / Need advice with admission to the University of Warsaw!! Please help!! [26]

So I am a young polish-american student ready to go off to college. I have chosen Poland for my studies in order to save money for law school in the USA later down the road. The plan was to stay with my Babcia in Warszawa and go to school as usual. It's always been my dream!! However, I'm very scared I won't get accepted into the International Relations program (English studies) at the University of Warsaw. I have very average grades (2.8-3.1 gpa). 23 on ACT. How difficult is it to get in? Is it easier for foreigners, especially those of polish descent, given that not many decide to study in Poland? The admission process is confusing as it is, but the anxiety of not getting accepted is even more agonizing since I'm risking it all!! Worst case scenario, any other reputable polish schools I can try if this doesn't work out?