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Joined: 5 Dec 2016 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2017
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27 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

That means again, the proportion of migrants with HIV is 75% - you have roving groups of mgirants where 3/4 of the guys are infected...

That's not what it means. It means that 75% of people with HIV in Sweden weren't born there.
22 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

I am surprised that people born in countries having long-established parliamentary systems do not understand such things

Speaking purely for myself as an interested, but unaffected, foreigner, there is usually a tradition in long established parliamentary systems that couples power with responsibility.

A succinct summary from more than a hundred years ago:

I believe in a strong executive; I believe in power; but I believe that responsibility should go with power

So, the fact that the person making all the big decisions in Poland today doesn't actually hold one of the positions listed in the Constitution as constitutionally accountable strikes me as, well, rather less than ideal.
19 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

PIS did exactly the right thing of legally adopting the budget

Except that it's far from clear that it was legally adopted. It seems a hell of a thing to leave open to possible future legal challenges.
19 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

And the weirdest thing is that they don't have to do that - they have majority anyway... So what's the point? Are they stupid? Self-destructive or what?

I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with the 'why'...
13 Dec 2016
Language / Polish inscription in a book for a loved one [35]

Thanks, I did notice that all of the other examples of her name in the story at the top weren't declined. I didn't get down as far as the story about her daughter so didn't notice the -ówna suffix - very interesting, thanks for pointing it out.
13 Dec 2016
Language / Polish inscription in a book for a loved one [35]

Ok, so curiosity got the better of me and, as one does these days, I turned to Google. Honesty compels me to admit that I've almost certainly never seen this article before, so your assertion still stands, but:

Kto wejdzie do rządu Ewy Kopacza, a kto z niego odejdzie?


Is this usage just incorrect or is there something else going on?
12 Dec 2016
Language / Polish inscription in a book for a loved one [35]

That's a confusing question, but...

Yes, sorry, framing clear questions about things that confuse me isn't something I'm very good at!

Thanks for your help. I think something I'd failed to notice is that, for women, even Polish surnames that don't end in an 'a' don't seem to be declined either. Although, I do seem to remember references to the government of Ewy Kopacza - perhaps the authors were being a bit mischievous? Or maybe I'm just still confused!
12 Dec 2016
Language / Polish inscription in a book for a loved one [35]

EuroBrit, I hope your mysterious lady likes the book. I wouldn't take anything written here too much to heart.

Going back to the subject of foreign name declension, one thing I don't really understand is when to decline a foreign surname, particularly for women. Why, for example, is it:

Życie Baracka Obamy
Życie Michelle Obamy
Życie Johna Kennedy'ego
Życie Jackie Kennedy

If the feminine, ending in a 'a', surname is declined for males then why isn't it the same the other way around?
12 Dec 2016
Language / Polish inscription in a book for a loved one [35]

Not if you screw it up cause your too weird to give people who know enough informaton to actually help you....

But if he just writes her nickname (which as he's told us about it, I assume is what he intends to do) he would be ok? I would think that in that case it would be treated like any other foreign female name not ending in an 'a' and wouldn't be declined.

So if, for example, if the lady in question is called Teresa but goes by the nickname 'Terri" then writing either:

Dla mojej ukochanej Terri


Dla mojej ukochanej Teresy

Would be correct? This is the sort of thing that I'm far from certain about...
8 Dec 2016
News / Poland leads in benzopyrene pollution -- 40 time the WHO admissible level - GW [14]

That chart showing the most heavily Polish cities isn't showing the levels of benzo(a)pyrene but instead the overall level of 2.5μm particulate matter - another thing that the article is less than clear about.

Ironically, there is actually a WHO guideline for an annual average PM2.5 level. It's 10μg/m3, so the worst places on the list are just over four times higher than this. Which is also not great.

Still, I have at least learned that there's a Montana in Bulgaria!
7 Dec 2016
News / Poland leads in benzopyrene pollution -- 40 time the WHO admissible level - GW [14]

Thanks! For some reason that article doesn't appear to be in the actual paper (or at least not the iPad version).

The new article seems more muddled than the one from last year. The map is identical (and now out of date to the latest EEA air quality report data). Also, I think it's a bit misleading for it to talk about exceeding WHO guidelines by 40 times when the EEA's new 2016 report still clearly says:

The target value for BaP for the protection of human health is set at 1 ng/m3 (EU, 2004) as an annual mean (Table 6.1). WHO has not drafted a guideline for BaP

The report does go on to say:

The estimated reference level presented in Table 6.1 (0.12 ng/m3) was estimated assuming WHO unit risk for lung cancer for PAH mixtures and an acceptable risk of additional lifetime cancer risk of approximately 1 × 10-5 (ETC/ACM, 2011).

And it's this estimated reference level that has been exceeded by 40 times.

However, it's worth pointing out that the average concentration found at the Polish stations in the latest report was 4.8 times higher than the target value - an increase from the previous year's 4.6 times, which is definitely not a step in the right direction.

Link to the 2016 EEA report:
7 Dec 2016
News / Poland leads in benzopyrene pollution -- 40 time the WHO admissible level - GW [14]

worth thinking about nevertheless is the information/allegation that Poland's benzopyrene pollution exceeds the WHO's admissible level 40 times over

Could you please clarify where this information comes from? I've had a look at the GW archives and whilst I did find an article from this around time last year about this subject, with a map very much as you describe, it doesn't contain this information.

The article does, however, reference a European Environment Agency air quality report. This report says that the WHO doesn't have a guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene, but it does say that the EU target level is 1ng/m3 and that the average concentration found at the Polish stations was 4.6 times higher than this target level. Which is still pretty bad, but nothing like 40 times higher.