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Posts by iwonadem  

Joined: 25 Jun 2016 / Female ♀
Last Post: 27 Jun 2016
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Posts: Total: 14 / In This Archive: 10
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: gardening, crime books

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28 Jun 2016
UK, Ireland / Why are Poles in the UK complaining of racism when you are racist? [73]

I could have the vote with a click of my fingers Wulkan, but your "politicians" and their hopeless vision aren't worth my time and expense to travel to Warsaw for the day to swear my allegiance to them.

British superiority and arrogance in full bloom :-(
28 Jun 2016
News / What does Poles think of European superstate? [48]

It is very similar, I think. Tendency to reduce freedom of speech, thought, press...to .brainwash you that directive from Brussels are always correct and MUST be followed...

That is why something has to change very soon.
27 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

If they try to shove that down Europe's throat by hook, crook or blackmail, there will be a lot more exists like Frexit, Spanexist, Italexist and maybe even Polexit.

Or EU will have to change dramatically.
26 Jun 2016
Life / Poland after one year of living here [105]

That is no doubt that we like food we were brought up on :-).

I don't know where you live but there is one (family run) cake coffee-shop in Krakow which I would recommend.

Apple pie- it is English but Apple tart- I would say more French ....

There are cakes like makowiec, serowiec....kremowka, w-zetka, napoleonka which you don't have so......
26 Jun 2016
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

Odd way to vote!! Why would you bother voting for that reason. Bizarre

I find it odd but it is true.

Boris Johnson was not ready for this result - He is pining for Prime Minister position but he clearly overdone and his chances are shrinking now... .
26 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Nobody is "going home" and the (racist) populace will pipe down. They will be prosecuted if they don't. In Poland, on the other hand.....

In Poland , on the other hand ........there is about 1 mln Ukrainians - similar situation like in UK. They do lots jobs which Polish don't want to do and for low salary.... Have I missed something...Did we call them vermin and asked them to go home? Do we shout in every newspaper that they take places in our schools, hospitals....don't think so.

UK have still very 'Imperial' mentality- take, take.... nothing give back. O yes, give some money for foreign aid...just to feel better.
And what about people like me - Poland educated me I have been living in UK for 14 years never been to hospital, hardly any to doctor. Go privately to dentist....So I work here and pay taxes for 14 years but all my education was covered by my country...
26 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

I don't think UK will leave.... at least they will try to delay it for as long as possible...Petitions in London ( 2 mln) against it.... HSBC threatening to move offices to France ( 70 thousand job loss) Pound down...property prices down.....

Big chance for new election soon.

But whatever is going to happen - UK showed nasty xenophobic face and I am afraid it will leave bitter aftertaste for years in continental europe.

I have dual citizenship so it does not affect me directly but after this 'Polish vermin go home' in Huntington....I have left very little locality for this country. It is sad because I would say Polish genuinely liked UK but I am afraid it is past now.
25 Jun 2016
Life / Poland after one year of living here [105]

Luke - I don't know if it is any help but I can tell you my experience from other side. I am polish and have been living in UK for a while. I think that you are making the same mistake as me at the beginning.... you compare too much. It does not help. I think as someone wrote you before you have to get more open and flexible, ready for changes... it is different country, different culture. I was exactly like you at the beginning I got fixated about finding friends and I struggled. It is strange as when I relaxed I got just myself ( bit bland in european manners but honest and witty) I seem to bond very well with British people.I changed my attitude but it also helped that I moved. I live now in vibrant ,university, touristic town. I think location is one of your problems. Is it any chance that you could move to Krakow? I suppose your wife is in her homeland close to her family so she can do this sacrifice and move to bigger town. I think you would be much happier there.

Small towns have their specifics - It is the same in Poland and in England. If you don't quite fit you will not be accepted....bit brutal true.

English cakes are so much nicer than Polish I have to say and Poles seem to agree.

Probably by politeness :-)

I definitely prefer polish ones.