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Posts by sam6  

Joined: 13 May 2016 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 May 2016
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 25 / In This Archive: 13
From: saudi arabia
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: sports

Displayed posts: 13
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30 May 2016
News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland? [390]

Yes but most terrorist attacks are vastly caused by Muslims.

Did you forget the people who died in the first and second world wars because of Hitler
Approximately 100,000,000 humans

220.000 killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide Muslims

110.000 Muslims

There is no comparison between the crimes Daash associate Islam with violence

Among those committed by Christians throughout history of crimes

However, it did not qualify Christians terrorists
Our conviction that good and evil exist in all human
Not related to religions

Back on topic - POLAND threatened
30 May 2016
News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland? [390]

Why do classified people according to their religions

We have in Arab countries


Nationalities of Europeans and Americans , Asians
And religions of Christians Catholic and Orthodox , Buddhists

It's Injustice epithet all Muslims with terrorism

Terrorists are a threat to everyone

And not every Muslim is a terrorist

Terrorism has no religion

By the way

Daash do not represent Islam, does not adhere to the teachings of Islam

They are blowing up the mosques of Muslims in the Arab world

They are a danger to all human
23 May 2016
Work / Business for Foreigners - possible to make a small project in Poland? [18]

Merged: Do Foreigners are allowed to carry out small Businessin Poland

Do Foreigners are allowed to carry out small Business in Poland
coffee shop
Burger and fresh juices
Polish staff management

Perhaps the project participation

Is there a tax on
These projects?

Is it feasible؟
My goal the prices to be low and affordable
Legal aspects Is there a guarantee of rights?
18 May 2016
Love / Polish women and foreign men [76]

I think there is no more ( love ) between men and women , all looking for the money !

what happened to the people allover the wold ?
14 May 2016
Life / Poland is safe to visit - "Daily Mail" [100]

What do you call what is happening to the Palestinians of killing and occupation of the land and the displacement
And What do you call what is happening in Burma
What do you call what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
All of these actions done by
Jewish people

Why did not accuse them of terrorism ?

be fair-minded
14 May 2016
Life / Poland is safe to visit - "Daily Mail" [100]

Your word is not accurate
And all heavenly religions does not Authorizes adultery and homosexuality and not only the Koran

But it happens in all countries

last point :Terrorists from all nationalities

For example: I love all people and very kind with everyone, and I have friends and co-workers of all nationalities, eat and drink together, I do not care What religion

Do not you think that everyone is bad
14 May 2016
Life / Poland is safe to visit - "Daily Mail" [100]

I am a Muslim and those are criminals, they do not represent Islam , they are far from the teachings of Islam, which forbids the killing of the human .

They distorted the image of Muslims everywhere .

We also hate them they are killing Muslims and others must all stand against them